Codec XviD Filesize 498.00 MiB Length 1130

Mettle Leftovers

Salami cutting editing with leftover frags on some heavy electro music done in 4 days.

Music tracks used are at the end of the vid as always.

Here is the 12 second trailer:

I was about to format my harddisk but I didn't want to delete my leftover avi's so I quickly recorded some more and did this (in four days).

Special thanks to dave who was able to fund this production with his webcam business and thanks to all the other randoms in my buddylist.

Feel free to upload the video on another ftp if u want, as I am only putting it on megaupload and youtube.

Download soundtrack here:

www.Own3d.bullshit link added
nice as always
could u upload it also on own3d? blockmany is blocking it.. and watching movies via proxy site... the quality is like greece finances :/

e: no download?
Cool movie, good frags even if they are leftovers, but this motionblur gives me a heache!

Got owned there twice :(

Nice movie, dommage que tu na pas pris le fov de delivery à la fin de la vidéo pour tout.
+ frags
+ music
+ better than kamz' stuff even though it consists of leftovers
Une jolie movie. :)
Beginning made me want so much to play a round of ET again. Had forgotten about all those small sounds. That three headshot rifle kill on goldrush was best though. The headshot part in general was quite nice, send some shivers down my back. :)

Oh, and nice music.
6:10, famous frag on chmpp :D
nice music
mais pour Justice - Waters of Nazareth jprefere la version qui est dans gta 4
I really enjoyed it, nice frags and good music :)
+Awesome music
-Not enough hitsounds IMO
Nice, very enjoyable movie, beats easile the latest movies.

also brings some nice memorys when seeing what kind of old teams getting fragged etc etc :P
1:58 really nice camera
Thanks :)
I guess you have noticed that it the same style of cameras I used for Metlle II. I just couldn't fit that frag properly.
Yeah, wished for more of them.
Really nice fragmovie as usual, but you really should reduce a beat the sound of the music / hitboxes. Otherwise, it's a really enjoyable movie, music fit perfectly with it and the frags are really good! Hope to see more incomming :p
Hitsounds :<, besides that awesomeness!
other host plz


Realy nice movie. 9/9/9/8
good one, although filtered popups and better motionblur are missing :/
not so impressive frags, a bit of sync but not impressed, annoying music, overall: nothing special
nice movie, rip ET ;_;
as always nice music, an overall entertaining movie with a vast variety of great frags, especially since these were leftovers.
gj !
awesome... u spammer
Well... That was class, really enjoyed it from start to finish wish there were more movies like this. Everything seemed to be really clear for me (had to watch the YouTube link in 480p) frags were really great, soundtrack was brilliant and I just proper loved this movie!! Really want to play ET after watching that. DAM YOU!!!! :D
at least you made some kill in zeroE :))) ...well done Daby!
this is how a fragmovie should be done!

and what immoo said!
good as always :]
all i can say is that you never waste my time, even when it comes to 4 days projects :D el DabSterro!
and what anim said

nice movie like always, but one question, how do you see that far in radar at 0:58? some cmd?
I have these settings as so:

seta r_ext_NV_fog_dist "1"
seta r_ambientScale "1"
seta cg_atmosphericeffects "0"
seta r_wolffog "1"
seta r_zfar "12500"

But I don't know exactly which ones are compulsory and I can't try tweaking them 'cause the pc on which I have ET installed died. :P
selfbusted at 7:40
Thanks for all the positive comments I wasn't expecting them tbh.
good job dabster, liked everything about it
Solid movie, as expected!
No offense Dabster, ur a nice guy and mate and all but this sucks :D

BUT i know that u didn't put much effort into it so it's ok, frags are decent though, considering they are "leftovers". I am surprised that you are getting so many positive comments though, even you are as well like u just said :d Think it doesn't take a lot to impress this community nowadays, just need to show some frags and put some music that appeals to the neutrals on here (i.e. no hiphop, no vocals etc), basically minimal effort.. which is a shame.
agreed :U

we mad rly bad
The thing is: its fast paced, sync is plain and effectiv and it's entertaining, so they enjoyed. I am actually happy how this turned out, because I could have also done something rly bad in four days, which would not be any of the adjectives above. But like me, they like the F-Ugly series and don't mind at all watching them and wouldn't mind watching more I guess, so they comment in function.
I don't have frags as good as snoop's but we still get to see pretty old clans and names, and remember how good ET was back in the days.

I know you know that I know what you wanted to say with that comment, but I think the others get it as well I guess, it's not made to show my editing skills or watever. I guess the only difference between this and usual frags+mp3 is that the rating is a bit generous, but that was the same with Souvernir by Ganon I guess.

(But I don't think it's easy as you say to do something appealing, otherwise everyone would do it and nothing would be able to stick out)
How could it be difficult though? Find fast paced frags and add some fast paced music with preferably no vocals..

I know it wasn't made to show your editing skills, hence I know you didn't take that much time on it because your Mettle movies are decent, especially the first. Also liked ohzor4's movie. But that wasn't my point at all, but you know what my point was I guess with the rest of what you said..

There's no flame or criticism directed to you, nor to the community I guess, everybody has a different taste. But it's like in Hollywood, if low budget films started getting better ratings than the top notch films with millions spent on special effects (same principle just minus the money aspect, and more emphasis on time spent), it would become senseless and tedious. I think that's why there aren't many moviemakers around anymore doing good movies, because they get so little credit for so much work.
Ye true, but people still appreciate when there is well-done hardwork-projects and moviemakers know that, it's just not that attractiv to work for free in a game with not so much audience also I guess. :<
Mr Kresti rating: 6.5
Mettle Leftover rating: 8.0

Lol even leftover movie better than yours??
Im one of the "normal" viewers of fragmovies, and i gotta say, Mettle II is _THE_ movie for me. Best movie in a looong time. And for me the most important thing in the movies is the frags + the atmosphere.

I was really waiting for This is ET after it came, and it's a nice movie, but the atmosphere is ruined right when the music starts. I mean wtf, how many of us wanna hear rap music in a fragmovie? You and seareal, GG.

You should learn something from dabsters movies, especially Mettle II, it's a fucking masterpiece and so much above your gangstarap filled shitclips :)
+ frags
+ music
+ better than kamz' stuff even though it consists of leftovers
i love you d&b st3r :D
Haha j'aime bien re-regarder ces movies et me prendre des claques à chaque fois! :D J'aimerais bien en avoir des comme ça aussi.
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