Codec x264 Filesize 874.00 MiB Length 730

Hazard Cinema community Montage

I wanna give a massive thanks to Tom and ZiiC at HazardCinema for giving me this amazing opportunity. And Thexraged, JIZLhere, FloboFilms - It's been a pleasure working with you gentlemen.

This is what i've been busy with the recent months. You might already have seen it on HazardCinema's channel. But I haven't uploaded in like a month so please show me that you're still active by 'liking' this video.

Feint - New Beginnings (VIP)
Feint - Lift
Feint - That Makes One

Thanks a lot.

- Jake

Indloon - Amazing movie :)
Nice sync.

horrible game, couldnt enjoy
unwatcheable, slow, fast, slow, fast..
abit like playing against you ;)
haha :D
actually,I am not warper anymore!
howso, did you move to another country or just new internetz? and aren't u low now?!: PPPP
new internet provider :)
and no, believe it or not, my skilled is not low. its so easier to aim now!
Wtf is wrong with fragmovies these days?! Can't barely see anything in this editting city. I want to see cool frags not bambilion slowmotions and then get flashed by blinding effects... It's good that moviemakers can do those magics with Vegas and stuff but it's damn useless when they don't know anything about making good fragmovie...
Editting is top-notch but man... other things just suck...
no,editing is not top-notch. if it was, it wouldnt be overedited :p
And isn't it? :D
it is overedited -> editing is not top notch
his editing skills might be nice though
well,you’ve got a point I guess :)

Edit: now I see, I just read your sentence incorrectly before, my bad :P
gay quick scoping :(
nice editing
bad quality with decent frags and decent editing, unfortunately every CS/Cod movie looks the same these days :(
xbox 360 fragmovie geez
Community montage->PC,Xbox360 and PS3
that game just looks bad
Nice mate :)
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