Codec avi Filesize 500.00 MiB Length 224
Video available for download only

Mr.Kresti #2

Hey, i had some demos left and wanted to share those frags :).
I suck at moviemaking and dont know anything about it but i tried to make a minimovie for 2 mins
dont rate about quality and shit :D

hope you still can enjoy it

*would need some1 to get own3d.tv mirror up would be great*

shoutout to all ma friends :)
why didnt u wait for moviemaker :s
dont wanna wait that long :$
Needs stream :(
I gave you a 3 for creativity as I liked the playmodels, but apart of this and the frags, rest was utter shit :(
totally agree :D, as i said dont know anything about moviemaking and dont wanna invest time for it :(
get a moviemaker, I bet there are lots of guys who want such great frags!
haha ty but, i dont wanna wait that long till its finished since i always had troubles with moviemakers except Estonia Cannonize :P so i rather make it by myself :D ( wanted to show those frags only tho ) :P
ok, so sind wir also!
the music reminds me of a greek song
it is a greek song :)
same song i ass fucked ur mom too
Auf was für kack servern hängsten rum?:D Irgendsone animejapsen kacke, widerlich :D
widerlich*, und animejapsenkacke is toll! :>
wtf is this? :D
You wouldn't have to spend more than
- exec quaky.cfg
- record fraps
- render xvid
- done
to make a watchable mediocre quality clip, this is pure diarrhea.
why using quaky.cfg if just doing /exec etconfig.cfg would do almost the same? :S
this shit ain't even funny.

gratz, merry xmas
liked it tbh ;D
good music, awesome skins and nice frags
i actually liked it ( except the xmas skins :d)
I guess I should of offered my services the other night but I was too shitfaced to tell. I could've made you a shitclip but I guess this will do too. :D

Merry fackin xmas motherfackah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFtb3EtjEic
Dave why are you an anime-girl ? :S
you2 motherfackah <3
Next time you give me your Demos and i make a minimovie ...
zuivere aim
Nice movie my friend nice owning !!!


dark as Africa, homo skins, amazing tracking/frags
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