Codec dunno Filesize 512.00 MiB Length 630

Ebliss Trickjump 2

A TJ Movie by United States of Americagungh0

The rather short sequel to the first.
My god these are boring... Same jump over and over...
its a tj movi right
horrible quality with no color correction, no creativity or editing at all, jumps were ok from my pov, probably cause Im a shit jumper tho.. all in all just bad, only the name who posted it is good :p
10/10/10/10 von dir oder ich fick deine familie

e: horrible quality wut
olol der typ votet sein eigenes movie 10/10/10/10, was ein weirdo.. fick da lieber meine familie..
e: und ja, vergleich die quali mal mit Defrag 2011 ;p
stimmt schon aber kein grund hier so zu haten :p
ich hate ja nich, aber das vid is halt echt nich gut :/
warum hast nich bisschen was von dir einfließen lassen (Sperma), damit das vid awesomeababa wird? :S
war leider nicht in die produktion involviert
great jumps, sick editing, amazing cams!
tj movie looks so boring for me :s
Seemed rather 'laggy', what's up with that?
Yay gamma movie...

2/10 for not using hb
didnt like it.. boring movie imo.. like almost every other gammajump movies.
Jumps that have been recorded hundreds of times before and some of them were really easy ones, pretty boring to watch. CFG was too bright for some maps and that "editing" was disturbing on some jumps. Didnt like the music and quality wasnt that good either. Next time record something new that people haven't seen before.
I like it, really
I always like these movies, nice & laid back.
As Griim said before before, I love the laidback style, and some nice jumps (though I don't tj, so I can't really tell). Some cams, perhaps in an intro/outro, would have -in my opinion- spiced things up.
Amazing movie, not.
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