Codec x264 Filesize 234.00 MiB Length 525

fiskEn & fryzer The Movie



nice movie 10/10!
pretty disapointed


-overall frags
Cool stuff!
shit quality only frags are good
Bad quality
Was expecting much better frags. Dislike unfortunately :/
instead of giving you cons and pluses I'll just give you some tips:

next time search a syncable song, mp3 + demo is pretty boring.. Also keep an eye on hitsound syncing, wasnt perfect all the time (e.g. 4:00), also slow down the hitsounds when the footage is slown down (e.g. 0:40). Lower the contrast.. braundorf and radar were also too dark imo. add some more cams, I only saw the one on delivery which wasnt really good, too fast and the frag itself was hardly visible.. the outro was really boring, 30 seconds only "Thanks for watching" text :(

all in all it was "ok", I hope you take these points into concern and improve with your last movie.. oh and thanks for the shoutout :)

e: and most important, take your time to make a movie, looking at samael you should know that releasing a new movie every week isnt smart..

e2: yet again voting your own movie 10s, ego much? :S
i took alot of time in it, since i had holidays anyway i wont make a new movie atm, its pretty useless to create it for a dead game + epic community.

ill just create c4d or ae clips for myself, i like that to do.
I don't create movies for a game or the community, I do it cause I can express my creativity in it..
well i cant do that in this kind of movies, i do that in the music i make.
reden wir grade über dich? xoxoxoxoxoxo
good movie imho, clean and pure ownage. gj :)
Didn't like it. 4/10
not so that bad, keep on improving! good job
dicks disliked at youtube, I liked !
frags were quite good, but I really didn't like the movie.. can give feedback but from reading your comments here it doesn't sound like you'll use any criticism, pretty sad really.

- the movieconfigs were bad
- it feels like you recorded at a really low fps rate
- colours aren't even close to eye-candy
- popups @ times new roman? :D
- not much creativity
- muzzleflash was more horrible than usual

are you planning on making more movies?
comic sans would be better!
No i wont make a new project, i can better spend time on some gaymingz
enjoyed it :) makes me wonder why ET is dead, its such a nice game tbh :( Oh well, back to waiting for gw2
not brink 2???
really shut the fuck up
hmm, didnt go for me - some of the frags werent so bad but I somehow expected more from the sprees. I dont think it was a great project overall - quite short, effects arent adding much and feel / synch / music wasnt my choice.
Was OK

too dark, colors etc (you should check if your screen isnt fucked or sthm haha)
no sync
strange intro music (rachet and clank?)
great frags mates :)
nice :) der var sku knald 'å frags :D <3
nice frags, enjoyed it, too bad quality is kinda bad.
cancer eyes color correction
liked it :)

Simple good movie with nice frags , well done

image: 417408_335876539798093_255207247865023_1018304_261944402_n
enjoyed :) is Kaspah (in the shoutout) the guy who used to call himself "pussie" ?
cool, is he still alive. i used to play with him in a clan called atmc
I havnt talked to him for years :( sadly he was such an awesome guy!
gj but way to short :(
As quite many people point out here the quality is far from the best, we just felt like getting our movie out since we've been wanting that for a long time now :) I've started to work on moviemaking myself but i wont be able to release any good movie anytime soon but hopefully there'll come a nSens the movie at some point.. This wasnt meant to be movie of the year but more like a finish to all the time we've spent playing this game which in my opinion is still the best game by far ;)
took me 3 days to do a good movie so it shouldn't take very long D8!
hehe :p well sadly noone as pro as you were available to make our movie, so we kinda took what we could get :)
sure but it was kinda the same for me, i had a couple of moviemakers who obviously folded etcetc but in the end i managed to do something myself and probably even better they would've done D: fraps + vegas + motivation = movie!
Haha :P Im never gonna use fraps tho, Im working on some moviemaking myself and ag0n the master is pretty much teaching me what i have to know ;)
fraps rocks :( though if you're doing 100% art movies i'm guessing the quality is half the movie :l
Yeah exactly ;)
made me watch it again , again ,again and again

i turnd down the tv so i can listen to the pistol hs :D
enjoyed first 2 mins wasnt that bad
for the rest is just some syncro missing to make the movie more nice like in the first 2 mins
Get a proper mirror for downloading.

e: Ok, there's no need for download.
awful quality, unwatchable I would say :E my eyesssssss
obvious wallhack, fryzer busted.
nice frags, shit movie tho :D
nice frags, shit movie tho :D
sensa cant handle critic and fucks up information?!
pretty sad dude, maybe you wanna delete the movie too? grow up
just stfu lol
you seem upset :) tissue?
lol voting 1 1 1 1 @ mazamovie, someone is jelly.
nice frag
The ownage was very strong in this one.

pretty nice movie, cf just mad, sad nerds
haha you are familiar with this situation, right? ;P
Nice movie :)
nice content
Think its good gj! :)
was pretty cool movie, they both seem to have great pistol aims :) liked the intro
last 2 songs' names please?
SHILO - Foreshadowing
OVERWERK - buzzin
gave quad 1's for description alone
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