Codec x264 mp4 Filesize 83.00 MiB Length 211

You can't touch us k ?

We've been playing since 1 year/1 year and half etpro already and we got to the decision to celebrate this with a little fragmovie and why not making us a little bit more known here.This movie is about 2 young romanian players,Romaniablizz and RomaniamAstery.

We know we still got many things to learn but i think we are on the good way.Oh, and don't forget to watch in HD !

This project was made by Czech Republic/Ukrainemac1k. This is his third movie and I want to thank him this way.
Music used : Blue Stahli- Accelerant
frags were okay, some even quite good

but the movie itself is even worse than I expected of mac1k, shame on you, quit moviemaking
it was a short one actually. 1 day and half including rendering to mp4
thats how long i need to finish a 5min movie lolz
but yours are even worse
i only have one
sorry but i atleast use camtrace lol.
solid work 5/10
I know no one will probably read this but I'm an upcoming et player and I have many movies that I put a lot of work into, head over to my profile and help me achieve my dream!
Ma ce mari v ati facut :) bv blizzutzule :_D
:DDD la urmatorul vom folosi fraguri ceva mai bune :DD
that was not so good
Nice copy title of "The Untouchables - adze & BoRi movie"
Nice copy title of "Can't be Touched" movie
oh... :DD

havent seen this. lulz
intro was boring, the slow motions were unnecessary, no real creativity, editing or effects, frags and quality were ok, no outro :/

all in all you should take more time to create a movie instead of rushing the project.
gg u fragged FinlandmiLuu
Finland Miluu =/= Romania miLuu
not bad guys, rly !

+ u got ruisz & me at b4, niiice
hehe thanks:)
i was so shacking then :DDD
i dodged another nade before, whcih took DJOs out of the game :DDD
oh and the dyna got set off 1 sec before time or even less :D
The concept is pretty nice but it needs a lot of work. Let me concentrate on the cons first:

-QUALITY! What were you thinking? This movie needs both a decent config and some kickass colors and you haven't even TRIED to achieve any of them!

-Don't you EVER leave the blank, black space throughout the movie unless it's necessary/justified by the concept.

-The editing itself is decent, but you can't just abandon cams and effects for the sake of your own time. Either you decide to make a good movie or you don't do it at all, as simple as that.

-The intro... Let me just leave it without a comment.

As for the pros:

-Let me get back to the editing. It felt boring because of no cams and colors whatsoever, but it's visible that you get the idea of syncing, you know when to slow down/speed up the footage. Just don't use that much of slowmotion and the next one should be alright. And take your time, no need to rush anything.

Right now, 3/10. GL in future!
Thanks, will follow your words:) and next time put more time and effort into it!
quad 1's for the title
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