Codec MP4 Length 10:49

oceloteWorld - The ocelote fragmovie.

After several months of relentless work, here is finally the ocelote fragmovie "OceloteWorld"!
Produced by Energy Pictures ( ), directed and edited by Marc 'Xeginonx' Lurthy and supervised by Kevin 'Akavins' Surinach.
Thanks to ocelote who had relied us for this project, and hope every fans will enjoy watching it. Don't forget to subscribe, comment and rate the video if you liked it, or not, to improve ourselves for the next projects.
nice kills.. but I didn't like the editing
music from strenx movie , shit game , shit movie
so this shit is to be considered as a fragmovie?
jesus christ, were those gamer-glasses?
ye, there's not a single event where you can find him without those
He probably gets paid for wearing them
no shit sherlock
Those are not "gamer-glasses". Those are glasses for people whose eyes gets tired of watching computer screen for too long.
this guy was on LoL s2 championship

and the quality of editing is like worth a player with 700elo :D

shit movie
Editing in the intro was nice!
Editing in in-game situations was decent.
Movie didn't really have the flow.
Music was average for me.
Kills not top notch, ofc because the kills are from high ELO matches/scrims/tournaments.
Is it only me or is LoL's announcer lame as hell
"At the beginning he was just a team member for me.
Now he is one of my best friends."

wow this is bad. fragmovies just doesn't work in this genre. It's like making a highlight video of people playing chess.
this ocelot such a fagg
horrible player, horrible movie.
funny how ppl say hes bad, 2k+, playing in one of the top 12 teams of the world.
probably mademore money out this game then you have made untill this point of your life, getting an average of 15000 people watching him everytime he plays, yes must be a bad player.
Making money on wanabies watching streams doesn't make him good.
Compared to all the other top players? Yes, he is bad. Him, Reginald, HotShotGG and Wickd being the four worst and most over-hyped "pros", their mechanics are mediocre at best, their decision making is awful at any given time. All they have going for them are their fans and popularity within the scene, for whatever reason. Ocelote for example gets shit on by most average 2k elo players with ease, he has 2 maybe 3 champions he actually plays decently with (decently being not stubbornly feeding because he has no idea how to utilize any of his skills) but other than that, he's useless and worthless to any team. I can name at least 10 better suited players to replace those 4 at any given time. Same goes for Wickd, anything but irelia? He feeds and becomes obsolete to the team. HotShot used to be a great nidalee back when she was still somewhat viable, nerfs made her and him both useless. His Cho? Useless. All he'd ever do all game is afk farm for 50 minutes to become unkillable, which still wouldn't work out for CLG because he'd just get caught repeatedly and throw the game. Reginald? Karthus only and even that merely because of the Karthus passive, he doesn't have to do anything but flash into a crowd, die, hope his E and ult does enough for his team to clean up.
You made my day
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