Length 07:39

Artstar 1.0

I waited like a week to post this because I thought it'd be possible to fix HD embedding but it turns out it's no longer possible!

Watch in 720p

Made by & Featuring United Kingdom Artstar

these were my frags from January to June 2012 and I wanted to have this finished before summer, I added some more frags that I recently made due to the late finish :) I made this to showcase frags but if you care for quality watch @ 720p (I did try to see what youtube quality I could achieve!)

thanks :)

ps. Artstar 1.0 was meant to be my pre-2012 content, unfinished version of that here!

shoutout: United States of America ipod!
awesome frags, good job dzem
Good job...nice movie
cant watch it in germany :/
can u upload it on or sth?
most ET movies are stopping working on own3d (including my first movie) I don't know if there's a point in putting it there. :[

e. don't know what it's due to but here's an example:
thx and rly nice movie+frags!
thx :] proxy fixed it?
get proxmate and click on the "watch in 720p" atleast that worked for me!
Great frags.
I liked it! Well done
Nice frags and GREAT SONGS!!:D
really nice, enjoyed watching!!

more of this!!! keep it up!

sad ross got fragged so often :(
killed him only 2x :d but thanks! will be at least a few months til I got enough content (and im not in any clan now so no pracs :3)
i saw ross name like way more often tbh :D might be me still being bit tired

make movies for other people! if u like to do so and got the time etc :D
I am already working on a project. :P it's quite a big one and I've only made like 2mins or less with blank spots.
well then there u go!

waiting for this!
damn in this movie you looks like a pro wearing atoon's tag

while ur just an uk fag ;p
fr fag + atoon pro l0lz
your so skilled, amazing guy.
nice frags
cu on next banlist, nah very nice frags, lovely
nice frags, well done
nice movie noob! ahaaaaaaaaauw

it seems u made the popups yourself, cause the aegruS tag is wrong :>

anyway i enjoyed watching some new fresh shit
ae - or aegruS. ? I used what was ingame. :D
Enjoyed it lad! GJ :)
4:23 song from FIFA 2003 <3, nice frags btw :)
Well, nice frags and great songs :D.
Nice,well done!

Few things, The intro was so fast :D
did anyone see bremen as bad as me? It looked like there is some smoke.. - no clear view..
+ Colours were sometimes a bit weird, Supply was too yellow bremen too "pinky"/"purple"...

But really,really nice frags :)
I used a few different configs on bremen because I still haven't decided which I like (if any). which is the one you dislike? (what time)
adlernest cca 0:12 + 0:52 + 2:06 + 2:21 + 2:59- too
bremen since 2:07 + 2:48

just a few i've seen until now..

It looks like there is a fog or something.. Its not clear,maybe just for me :/
nope it's definitely there, magic bullet settings on dark configs :d thanks!
everything to help you! :D
so you liked the bremen config @ 1:41? this was the one I most preferred I guess
yes,perfect one
great work
rlly naiz frags!

gotta love those 180 turns :D
n1 movie m8 :)
there are two possibilities:
1) Saloneuavus (or w/e) and sQzZzz are fucking horrible players and hence they get fragged on every other scene of the movie
2) Sulanauves and SQzZzx play ET 15 hours a day and hence it's impossible not to get movie-worthy material of em

anyway the movie was nice fragwise but too long for a project with such bad quality
music was ok
the little editing that you had on that supply scene vs Adolfmany was okay but the scene took 3 minutes which is a bit too long

anyway I liked it
shit quality , 1 man frags , only 3 head shots , frags vs randoms and low !

wp Jem <3 rly nice frags :)
this is how a decent movie should look like
new fav movie
nice movie !
annoyin hs hitsound :p
dat pliers gib at 2:57
Download link please!


E: Song names?
knifed fumble 5/5
sick frags mate, enjoyed!

The best part of the movie was when you knifed fumble though.
razz knifed

Wanna it on my HD!
really nice vid, good skilled fraggs and that music is aswume
OMFG!! Artstar you rocks :)

Awesome Fragmovie :)
awesome :D
"" - i see what you did there. Great stuff.
sick headshots
very entertaining :)
Nice frags, great music.
Last one was nice :D
awesome artstar!
Where the fuck do u hit headshots ffs
nice frags
nice, got bored 4 minutes in but that's because I have the attentionspan of someone with adhd, some really cool and unique looking frags
10 point go to Artstar :)) nice work
sick frags !!!
5/5 fav movie!!
so i can say it was joy watching this, music was like i dont give a f*** i'm boss and those sick aim and turns... doesnt even need some pro edit etc. this is just it. and tnx for dat end^^
nice frags and nice relaxing music, all I want from a "mp3+demo movie :)
A bit too many basic 3hs 1man frags but despite that, without a doubt best movie for a long time. Nice job!
so good, you still amaze me!
and you jerk it out!
Already seen it hehe, good job Jemm8
Fucking best player ever <333333333333
fucking sick movie mate
U dirty hacker!
top notch!
nice frags man awesome editing, enjoyable to watch
Not bad, good job. Some frags felt a bit redundant but there were a lot of good ones as well to even it out.
Nice frags, I miss ET. :)
I do care about this movie, looks ausom

image: Have+all+my+fucks+never+given+to+anyone+else+and+_87061f53c98b56370060a9651ce43fb1
gj star nice frags m8
Liked it,well done.
Nice movie mate :-), you have gold medal :-).
looks like senti's movie
no it doesn't!
Nice, enjoyed it.
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fumbles review
it was a good movie, good quality. it inspired me to play some public. Artstar>all.