Codec x264, AAC Filesize 403.00 MiB Length 06:05

UseMe Movie 2: Orgyanal Dickhumping

It's finally done! Hope it was worth the wait, and meets the trailer expectations! :D

More info, including download link in the video description, enjoy!
5/5 would watch again.
5/5 would watch again. Nice you've found more new jumps in this dead game!
enjoyed watching! rly nice
5/5 because raivo
Very nice , enjoyed! cheers:)
best orgyanal dickhumpers out there, 5/5
i got a boner

Thx you're keeping et alive :D
Lold @ last scene. :D From now on one of my fav tj movie!
+1 for the adlernest jump!
enjoyed :)
5/5 would watch again.
somebody loves this game
enjoyed this movie
nice stuff :)
i haven't played in ages but is b_fixedphysicsfps 333 accepted now? i guess it is almost impossible to do new interesting jumps without it these days
Seriously, how many years have you been whining about the same shit to each trickjump movie? First of all there's no b_ anything as demos were recorded in etjump, not etpro. In etjump all the physics & gravity shit is hardcoded to default. So, just like always, pmove_fixed 1 was used in this movie, and that's the only setting that has anything to do with gravity or physics.

You should try to learn strafing sometime, as you obviously can't do it properly since you think there's something like 333 fps in this shit lol.
it's pretty obvious this isn't normal physics (which you confirmed with pmove_fixed 1) my point is you can't do most of these jumps with CB config but if that's what you were going for there's nothing wrong with it, sorry for offending you
Though pmove_Fixed 1 is normal physics, the etpro limited ones are not.
Pmove is supposed to "fix" physics, but as is evident to anyone with game knowledge and why it was disabled in the first place is that it breaks the physics. the point of pmove was to give 333 fps physics to everyone, no matter your com_maxfps, simply to standardize physics so no one has an advantage (back in the days). ETPro physics fixed that with forcing b_fixedphysicsfps to 125 so everyone has equal physics, but not equal broken physics, thus pmove is not used any more, so don't give me this shit like you're some movement master and I don't know what I'm talking about. You seem to think you're hot shit or something, but trickjumping with 333 fps is easy and that's what you're doing, sorry if you didn't realize this
You're a fucking idiot. You don't know shit about what pmove does. It gives the advantage of 125 fps, for the people who can't get stable 125 fps. THAT is what pmove_fixed 1 does. It has nothing to do with 333 fps. It's pmove_msec 3 that gives the advantage of 333 fps, and that is a serverside command, not client side. Etpro's "fixed" physics decreased the power of the normal 125 fps for everyone. Even a total idiot can spot this with simply testing the commands, which you obviously have never tried.

Go play lnatrickjump and play the strafepads. With b_fixedphysics 1 you can reach like 19. With it 0 and stable 125 fps, or pmove_fixed 1 (which are the same thing) you can reach 23. With 333 fps or pmove_msec 3 you can reach 39 (the end).

And no, I'm not trickjumping with 333 fps, as I can't get even stable 76. That is why i Use pmove_fixed 1.
sorry, no. pmove_fixed 1 is broken phyics and this movie isn't based on physics people actually use, which is blatantly obvious to anyone that's isn't actually shit at the game. if you're saying you can replicate these jumps on ETpro with clanbase config, then you're a liar. this is my whole point. you can't do these jumps on ETpro, but people look at the movie and think it's some mysterious trickjumping skill, when in reality it's just different (easier) physics than people play on.
Of course you can't do those with b_fixedphysics. I've never said anything that even hints that way. Why the fuck would you use etpro to do these anyway? Obviously it's not possible.
Physics wise they would be possible, but not stamina wise.
no, pmove_fixed is forced to 0 on ETPro and it uses different physics.
Ah right, you are correct about that, didn't remember. But anyway, the physics modification cvars don't affect ETJump mod, therefore these jumps are made with just pmove_fixed 1.
ETPro doesn't use different physics nor is pmove_fixed forced to 0 on it. Competitive ETPro servers have cvars such as b_fixedphysics hence they indeed have different physics. Just because competitive ET uses b_fixedphysics & forces pmove_fixed to 0 does not mean they are the default physics. All those jumps are done with default physics and would be possible stamina-wise too on every mod as long as you manage to get 4/4 medic. If you think competitive ETPro is the way to go, don't expect anything close to this entertaining.
I don't like misleading people that don't know this shit.
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