Filesize 329.00 MiB Length 13:10

SAEVUS - Unfinished

New version available =>
I found this movie saved on a DVD, it's unfinished that's why there's no intro (black screen the first 36 sec.) and you will see some short colored screens sometimes,
I could not finish it because I lost everythings in a HDD crash, hopefully I had rendered and saved this version.
REMEMBER that it was done in 2005 and Smireboule Cametrace 3D was not released at this time.
I decided to release it because I spend a lot of time working on it, and I think it's worth watching it.
I hope you guys enjoy it all the same even at this stage !

It's a Enemy Territory frags movie about the well known Enemy Territory clan "Saevus" featuring their first line-up.
Everything is synchronized with the music (frags, cams, some moves...) to give a good flow to the movie.
Certains members have less parts than others because they never record demos.

Finland atlas
Austria darky
Estonia DeadMeat
Sweden feruS
Finland Feuersturm
Austria potter
Finland sic
Finland Xes

PS1: I think that most of links/adress in this movie are broken because it was 8 years ago...
PS2: If you wanna see my first fragmovie Lamattitude
stream will come later this day.
nice. D: did you make the trailer too? I spoke to feuer a few years ago but he mentioned a saevus related trailer that he never expected to see again, or maybe he was talking about this movie. bet he'll be pretty surprised when he sees this now. :)
Quoteor maybe he was talking about this movie


Quotehe'll be pretty surprised when he sees this now. :)

imo also others saevus players...
Thanks !
most of these players you listed are long gone from this community by now. :) great work with the movie anyhow. was a really nice watch!
Quotemost of these players you listed are long gone from this community by now

I wanted to mean If they are coming here a day they are going to be surprised.
We all made our life, I'am still playing (less than before of course, I'am 2 times daddy since few years) but not ET because I hate all these servers with double jumps and this kind of shit...
I was a closed alpha tester since june and now a closed beta tester of "DirtyBomb / Extraction" and tbh without telling you too much because of NDA, I don't like it and you guys don't expect too much from this game it's far to be a RTCW/WET like...
I do prefer playing RTCW against bots, I have more fun :D

Glad to hear that some people enjoyed this movie !!!
well people are still playing RtCW a lot, not public at all really but check out #rtcw.wars during the days sometime. :) plenty of people there!

personally I have low expectations for any new games related to idsoftware and splashdamage, in terms of the engine even coming close to idtech3 and the game mechanics and physics that allow the style of movement and aiming, strafing etc. once upon a time I hoped for something like RtCW2 or something like that but after all the failed games I've kinda lost hope. :D so maybe I'll end up being impressed by DB considering the low expectations I have!
Quotewell people are still playing RtCW a lot, not public at all really but check out #rtcw.wars during the days sometime. :) plenty of people there!

Thanks for this !
This was uploaded before right? It looks familiar.
yes you watched a leaked test clip of the last part of this movie.
moviemaker and hdd crash? so unexpected.
Well done!
Amazing! People should check out the RTCW apical movies if they want to see more from some of the Saevus players.
Going to check it out when I'm at home! But I've Lamattitude and that was epic so looking forward to it already :D
this video reactivates great memories ;D

well done
In Flames 5/5
thank you so much for that :) great memories :)
You're welcome potter,
Few days ago I was wondering what's that DVD without any mark on it, and when I saw "saevus.mp4" I was like " omg oO "
I was so nostalgic about RTCW/ET and making movies that I could not keep that test clip to me !
Sorry to FeruS (if he can see this msg a day) who asked me few years ago if I really had nothing left about this movie, I did not remember that I had saved this test clip on this DVD...
feuersturm bestest
For those of ya who watched this clip on youtube
I've reuploaded it in HD and extended thanks to the download.
thx c-drik!

e: apparently, YouTube won't let me set this to original quality with YouTube editor. Fuck. But it's still better than the clip before.
You have no idea how happy Potter is with this reupload.
The creator of Eyeball O'Malley, my hero
Golden era of ET.
yea those guys did good job, our Platinum era was so much better tho.
Is it weird that, despite everything, I enjoy this movie more than all the newschool shit?
not really. :d if this was the era that inspired you while you were still a noob then all of this will always be golden compared to all the movies focused on 06/07/08/09+ competition, since you actually were a part of it.

one thing I still can't get my head around is in old forums, from like 2003, they viewed people who played in good 2002 tournaments as "oldschool" already. HOW DOES IT WORK THIS WAY.
I suppose it is so that when one's a noob, he'll look up to those who are/were on top at that time and refer to them as oldschool. Most of the times it's of course because they've already played for quite a while to become pro. :D In 2003 when ET was young, oldschoolers were those who had played RTCW before and probably succeeded in it as well. I don't think people had much idea back then that some of us would still be playing more or less both of those games after 10 years. Personally I've found it funny when people refer to 2006-2008 or so as oldschool times. But yea, that's from my point of view and if one's just started ET in like 2007 for example, that's a totally different thing.
I guess I do understand somehow. but what you wrote is exactly my point, people who were trying to improve in 2003 RtCW would look up to those who were on the top in 2002 - but calling them oldschool though they'd only competed in like ~2 competitive RtCW seasons. I look back now and no shit, those guys were damn oldschool. :D but at the time it just seems stupid. surely they had Quakers to look at and call true oldschool

e: funnily enough, the people they were calling oldschool may have in fact been good in some older games and that may be the reason they labelled them as oldies so disregard my stupid point. :D I know for example FeTTe and some teammates of his competed at a good level in Q2 in very old days so maybe there are others I have no idea about. :)
I never really had that in RTCW or ET. The competition in the early years of ET and RTCW always felt a bit "immature" to me at that point. Everyone was still sort of finding their way in the game and a lot of players weren't that interested in the competition yet. Watching a game wasn't that simple as it is now either. I know some of my friends were into it, but I just played whenever they asked me to. So I guess everyone was still noob? I don't know.

Maybe it was because I had played a lot of Doom2, UT, Quake and Team Fortress when I was (even) younger. Only later did I see guys improve and play so good that they inspired me to also try and improve my game. I tried a lot of configs but mostly because I wasn't satisfied with my own performance, not because I was in awe of someone else his performance.

Long story short, I just see mistakes and sloppy aiming in these videos :D
well being so young in the game they did have terrible movement and sloppy aiming in general. when I look at RtCW players who I personally found impressive (civ, Darkie, darv, FeTTe etc) in like 2002-2003 top matches, man some of them really had a great aim already and eg. FeTTe's movement in 2003 was already better than the majority of players today. :D

check out this scene from the 2004 EC X in RtCW. I see players today in RtCW who've played the map Village 5000 times over and still can't get this run to tavern as perfectly as fette could 10 years ago. :D and watching players like civ during his old matches showed some real aiming ability so early in the wolf era. not as good as guys like maus, phyzic, nuggan, perfo later on but these guys I mentioned and many more were definitely not noobish. :D
As I said, I played with a lot with some FPS veterans. Some of them were pretty damn good in this game from the get-go. I was pretty good aswell, but very young and worse compared to some of my older friends. Aiming and online gameplay weren't new to most of us, I mean Doom II dates back to like 1995 orso. So that early in the game the gap was smaller between those top tournament players and great public players or people who just played random wars. Simply because if you had "talent" or "experience" in another game, you had won half the battle. I'm not disputing that these guys didn't have raw talent, but I always felt that nobody had progressed enough to really make a gap. The real gap for me, and some of my friends, was when I was confronted with people who had played in this competitive gaming scene for years. The experience and wealth of knowledge some players had by then was what impressed me the most. It was a lot more intense and in depth compared to previous games I've played, so experience in other games was pretty useless here.

I'm not calling anyone a noob lol, I'm just saying that everyone was noob when rtcw got released. There were already people with sick aim because they played other FPS games before this one, but having sick aim and great movement doesn't mean you can't be noob (aka new) at a game. Perhaps I was most impressed by people who learned to read the game over time. I've always had a good aim, but I would never be able to play like Night (or Drc/Hatred). This all might make me sound like a dick with an attitude. All I'm just trying to convey that when we see a game from the old times and see less stable aim and more bad plays, we are quick to think "Well this was what passed for perfect back then!". While actually a lot of players mainly saw raw talent, potential and room for improvement. I think the greatest players are those who actually improved and made good on that promise of potential. Fette is definatly one of them!

edit : wall of text man, sorry :D
edit2: btw, I feel like RTCW was by far the better "aiming" game. Rate of fire and movement in ET are just too slow.
good movie need better quality for this and more editing well done!
Thank you for uploading this C-dk.
I know very well that you have put a lot of time and effort into it
no prob zeni
I know it was boring to watch all demos :D
LAMATTITUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! nice to see you c-drik you fulfilled your word :)
nice to see you around cdrik ! J'ai aimé tes transitions angles de caméra qu'on ne voit pas très souvent. Genre la cam sur la dyna sur fueldump ou on voit l'axis butter les allied. Bref ça avait l'air bien parti !
hola jeje ça fait longtemps !
ça me fait plaisir de revoir d'anciennes têtes, tu joue toujours avec Tsu ? à quoi ?
On est avec Tsu et Kaze sur Extraction mais chut on peut rien en dire (nda tout ça), on attend shewie et mika qui ont pas encore eut leur accès à la béta. Je te conseil vivement de t'y inscrire si tu as aimés RtCW et Wolf: ET ! Sinon on passe le temps sur WoW aussi.. Mais ça c'est moins glorieux lol.
Thanks to all for your comments !
only if et was still as popular
those oldschoolers :')
download button aint working on Free lol
better than 80% of productions released in past 3 years
Blocked in Germany, thanks to GEMA. Too bad it's only 360p.
Good times. I remember Saevus being the only team to actually win a match against us, even if it was only in a pracc, in one of the seasons..It's a hell of a long time ago though, with us playing as mythology..

Love you guys Potter, Darky (faker!) and Deadmeat :)
i was so sad when u stopped playing as mth(dignitas)... you pussys were to afraid of losing an official xD

fucking amazing

thank you for posting this

makes me miss this game so much

some amazing editing and syncing, that part at 10:35, just chills
Thanks Yossarian !
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