Length 08:28

Modus Operandi: Redemption

From the director of Australia Modus Operandi's Vindication and Truc1dio comes Redemption.

Much like the award nominated Vindication, Redemption details the events of a Grand Final match point round using split screens and team voice recordings to take you right into the game. This time however director Andrew "Demanufacturer" Townsend has produced the movie in 720p HD and included a futuristic soundtrack from acclaimed indie artist Protector 101.

Hit up the YouTube link and enjoy!

Note: This movie has only been released on YouTube. If there are enough requests for a high quality downloadable version with recommendations for a host that will last 5+ years with download statistics, it will be uploaded. Thanks for watching!
mo <3 so awesome that you actually had the vent recording! was wonderful to watch, couldn't have been done any better, except for maybe adding in the stopwatch timer somewhere. :) nice content and well worth the watch.

btw. if you still have the ettv demos on disk, upload them and it could be possible for GTV staff to add them here: :)
I have been getting a few matches added (season 7 final and season 8 final so far I think). Might have this one but not sure.
Nice one, could you also make one of impact vs masculine mans on goldrush in the EC with the povs of masculine mans and the comms of impact?
Nice :)
Excellent !!!
Absolutely amazing :)
Awesome, I miss that feeling! :)
fantastic video, what was the time btw x)?
they said smthing like 6:11
thats why we gonna miss this game :)
I miss this kind of team spirit / teamwork.
Still prefer these kind of videos over the endless frag montages.. Great work deman, again! :P
that was the point of ET :) too bad this spirit is gone :(

liked it! :)
Weren't you in mo* ? Or did you not play at the time
I was coaching the game from spec. I'm the one using all the naughty language at the start.
nice work dude
just disappointed there's no 'go heath go! GO HEATH GO!' cool vid tho
A true cinematic masterpiece dman! Bravo!! ;-)
nice one:)
Protector 101, nice! I actually hosted a Synthwave/Dreamwave/80's revival station online for a while.
Never expected to hear that kind of music in an ET movie, good shit.
Thanks for all the feedback guys! Appreciated!
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