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this is my frag-movie from ET.
All povs from my games in C4 clan (officials, cups, pracc).

These Frags are quite old and C4 is not playing ET right now, but I made that clip and offer it to you all as a small gift from us ;)

Music, and special effects are not magnificent here, but take a look at the frags.
What can I say, just "Good Old School"; you can find here great clans like: Infensus, Ocrana, Insane, Sixth Sense, Iron Cross, Poison, Team Helix, Broken, Gunslingers, Epsy, Bio... and many more.

Now we play Battlefield 2 as Frag eXecutors - this movie is for us like a small reminder of our friendship and well spent time together.

Good Game Guys

FYI this movie is 9+ years old.
download link ? cant watch it in germany
Click on ''other'' next to ''youtube'' at the top.
Crikey, this is an old one! Remember really enjoying this one when it was first released. Still love the song at the end too, fantastic!
One of the best fragmovies of all time imo.

just should have showed more frags where mico gets stomped instead of plan-b members :D
rave Nonix approves the music choice :D

I dont want to sound too sentimental, but this movie hit me very hard. All those names just reminded me of the good all times when I just went home from school opened teamspeak or ventrilo and waited for a good et match. Dont take me wrong I had real social life aswell, friends and girlfriends, going to gym etc. Also somehow I could just enjoy sitting front of the computer and ignore everything around me for few hours. It wasnt just a game it was a real hobby a sport, a mental challenge. Sometime acted childish I know, probably I liked to piss some people off or just searching for some attention who knows, its the fucking internet right? I met some people during these years and they became kind of friends, even if we dont speak lately. All this memories will last forever. Thats why fragmovies were and are important. I also liked to make movies, some people liked them some said they werentt that good, but I always wanted to put something on the table. Something what will be there after this game is gone. Now I just work, doing my daily things and I miss something that is good like et. I dont miss et I miss those times when et was exciting for me. I think lots of you feel the same. Saving et? Are you kidding me, its not gonna happen, its not possible. Sad but true.
Well, according to your movies, tbh i dont know any man that actually disliked your movies. Wing OOT1 is masterpiece. rest are also great, but the oot1 has some unique style and "feeling".At least for me, maybe because of memories, cause when I saw Wing OOT1 (i was a kid back then) I was soooooo impressed that I actually remember this moment till today!. But again, memories:)

It is great that we had pleasure to play ET, i actually started in 2005, so i've missed the greatest years but in my opinion noone of nowdays games have such a feeling ingame as ET (fps genre ofc). Games from 199*-2003 had "this something" - this something that todays games doesnt have. I still remember when I finished the COD1 being a kiddie, or playing RTCW SP with all those monsters at night with my cousin, that was great. Now I dont remember finishing the last BF which I played 2months ago. Sad but true

Saving ET? No, Here in Poland (maybe in other countries also) we have a adage that goes like: "It is better to get off the stage unbeaten".
+1 those were the days
I remember when this came out, absolutely loved it
musique de jeunes
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