Codec h264 (30fps) Filesize 700.00 MiB Length 05:30


Estonian legendary ET player "Night" fragmovie.
Some random frag highlights 2007-2008.

strongly recommended to download high quality version 1920x810 !


Nice frags !
The frags vs rocket were the only decent frags in the whole movie. Was expecting a lot more of his clutch ownage than this mostly dead time camping/backrape content.

edit: I noticed a lot of the frags were from the lans in 07/08 which is nice but I remember some better moments when he/they were under the blight banner (clutch moments with 4 or more frags).
I understand your disappointment but yeah this is not best frags collection ever made, these are just some frags sprees what i got captured 2 years ago and now finally got some time to put together and share. Better than nothing!?
yeah man of course, better than nothing! just got a massive nerd boner before watching, then by the end, was more flaccid than a newly de-sexed hound.
damn, blight gaming was 07/08? that whole ordeal feels like max a year ago xD

nice movie, like your editing style gza also in your own movies. No overediting, pleasant to watch and a good taste in frags :D (some were backrapey but atleast no crappy 3 man filler shit that should be in your frapsmontage)

good job :)
nah I'm pretty sure blight was 2010 ish short before cic7 where the team decided to join dignitas instead
u still alive? sup?
old love :D
im fragged there insta 10/10
Enjoyed it, though part of me was reliving nightmares watching Night nade people. I'm not ashamed to admit that I used a crosshair similar to that one for a very long time. Nice quality and config, everything looked pretty crisp.
Loved the editing, great job! :)
The quality and editing were amazing.

I think that font on pop-ups was shit to be fair, also shame you couldn't achieve only Night's frags to be shown there...

But brilliant :o
very nice
nice movie, something different for a change.
although most of the frags are from 2012 ish, that was when bsturz and blight was active
still not 2008/07
he had some frags with limbo who are definately in 2012:P
He played in limbo that was 2011.
true, but I think we can all agree upon that night's best frags were with when they won the rtcw eurocup and in early 2005 when they completely rekt tlr!
No such thing as TLR in 2005.
no shit, no night in before late 2005 either :D Thanks for destroying my troll attempt though
he was in idle since like 2002. :D
from what I remember he played for u96d when picked up their lineup + holz from the old lineup, wasn't that the first time he got into it? :p
Nait left idle in 04 to join u96d (in the middle of EC, somehow was allowed to do that). he played for idle first in rtcw too.
wait, did he play in in rtcw during the same time muwi and gza played or in another lineup? never saw him with them on wtv o_O
yeah he played with muhvi and gza, but what are we even talking about anymore xD these details mean nothing. the point is he was in idle way before fall 05. :P
he did? wtf, this is kinda messing around with my brain atm :D but yeah, if you say so I have no reason to think he wasn't anymore
it was actually the beginning of 2012 we played some praccs vs these guys.
but you werent arround back than, were you? judging on gtv games only?
trying to make a bad point?
if u got no clue then pls stfu, we played against them alot around 2k12 with that lu, so testi and i should know it at best...
We need more of this. Night should have a shit ton of other good moves ! (omg gza omg)
Tu as le bonjour de TiW CoyOte :p
!!!!!! Coyote qu'est-ce qu'il devient ;D

Ah les Touristes intermittents de Wolf nostalgie :D
Bah écoute il ne joue plus sur ET mais HearthStone et de temps en temps sur BF4.
Et il n'est plus TiW
great job. good movie.
good video, nice editing and frags, but just reminded me of some potential videos :p i mean too bad there isn't an Anderson movie, his medic work and aim were brilliant. Also a nice dignitas/mamut/blight movie would be so nice, but that never happened :'(:'(
I think there is mamut or movie on youtube! Gonna try to find it but not 100% sure
Can't undertand why there is not an Anderson movie indeed. Was one of the best player overall ET ever had, along with night.
hannes once started making one, but I guess it'll never be finished :-D
GJ! Good movie!
reminds me how fucking awesome this game was :)

gj bro
Come back... Im sick of seeing players on ettv that have such a lowsens that they cant even doi 180....
highsens all the way ';)
sweet one!
Hea töö
Night -> insta 5 stars
one of the better movies of et ive seen
really enjoyed it.
editing was great, especially the transitions and all the different ideas you implemented and the music is fitting nicely.
ofc frags could have been more epic, but they are not bad either.
good work!
nice quality and great editing but the best frags were already used in other fragmovies for exampls in "the riflenoobs by kamz" and some other but i cant remember the titles

and ye i didnt know that i already played in 2007/2008 :D when i started with etpro 2010 with bsturz and that frag was from 2011 xD
naablet mowie.
Expected a more blowing end with the music as 2 rapes :d
The ending was like: "What the... I wanna, I wanna moooooooooooaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr". Probably it's the first ET movie in Full HD res (I don't count small clips). Quality overall is astonishing (especially the sharpness. Never seen such clean image before) but you put a bit too high bitrate. 10000-12000 kbps should be fine in theory (I don't know because never made movie in 1080p. Probably no one cares nowadays about it). About audio the only thing bugging me are quiet hitsounds. It's really hard to hear something. I really like yours transitions between scenes. Frags, well... some of them were good, some of them - bad, but still against top notch teams in their respective times. Nice to see another movie in video section. :)
enjoyed :)
Good to finaly see a skilled movie without backshoots all the time / people reviving each others getting shoot.
This movie shows that good positioning and spamming are the keys to hold a stage and Night is rly good at it. gza and Night are fitting well :)
Good work. Cams got better as the movie went on. Image quality is great, and no one really cares about file size anymore. Some nice transition ideas thrown in too. Other transitions between cams and in-eye were a bit too abrupt and didn't work as well though.
good stuff
Now I can die as happy and lucky man :')
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