Length 02:19

Can You Row This? Skepty | NoDown ● 2.0 ● 1440p

Can You Row This? Skepty | NoDown ● 2.0 ● 1440p
by Th0sy
Jumper : Skepty
Map: NoDown
Skepty doing his thing again. Good job!
Now get some AP records
nice skill gratz :)
nice jumps! I liked the gfx too, I'd only say it lacks anti-aliasing and a smooth frame rate (was very choppy). what fps do you record at? and do you use image-et?
Hi and thx if i remember : 100 and yes was my first time with image-et
Nice jumps tho the video quality just proves again that simply raising the resolution doesn't make things better :|
just a side question ... did he jump nogaz or not?
still epic row
good job skepty :D
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