Codec MP4 Length 06:50

ipod the movie

I am proud to present "ipod the movie".
This movie contains frag highlights of United States of America ipod from matches between 2012 - 2017. I started this project at the beginning of february, so I am pretty happy to release it.

Movie Information:
Content: United States of America ipod
Editing: Germany mental
Length: 6min 50sec
Frame Rate: 60fps
Resolution: 1280x720

Parov Stelar - The Mojo Radio Gang
Skillet - Back From The Dead
Think Up Anger - Mutiny

Make sure to download the video, to enjoy the full quality. If you have any questions feel free to contact me here.
some nice frags but rock music is so 2004
rock music is et life bro :D
yea rock et 2004
youtube quality is so shit nowadays
it's all about the encode prior to upload, if you don't follow their rules it will turn to shit guaranteed.
I've followed their guidelines exactly and still ended up with very poor quality on a couple clips. Plus, it seems like they go back and encode them again after some amount of time.
shiiieeet, probably something they will pitch youtube red ("pro content") in the future. Have you tried vimeo?
nice owning ipod m8 cu lan

must be fake frag



piece of crab

Beside that, I can imagine watching it further one or two times. Only real downside are the settings used to encode this YT version.
Well, .avi (26 GB) -> MP4 (500MB), bitrate 10.000, dont think i could get a better 720p Version, YouTube just makes it look very poor tbh :p
Youtube isn't quite the fan of compression, it might sound a bit too general, but you can literally say, the higher the file size, the better the quality on youtube
Yep, that's why I am reuploading it, didn't expect this kind of a quality on youtube :P

E: didn't change alot, next video will be on 1080p D:
Also I would recommend you to stop using adaptive frames
Cool! the quality could be better, also why it is 50 frames per second? xD it should be 60...
Doesnt really matter as YouTube and others support 50fps aswell :)
Psahtek hbibi
Would watch if:
1) not shitty music
2) when u lot gonna learn that YT will make it look like it's done with a 3310
I will reupload it on youtube and stuff on a higher quality, somehow "HandBrake" doesn't like youtube :P

But thanks for the feedback! I personally like the musics, but it's all about personal preferance
Just use vimeo or dailymotion
no idea if the shitty limit is still there, but should be enough for one fm
If you look up, I uploaded it on Vimeo, streamable and also on file-upload :)
Blame the site not the playah
nicee menn moe ;3
could have been a good movie if you were starring a good player :s
E: 2 times yokoo in shoutouts

One of them was meant for you :p
Good movie m8! Just missing frags from 2005ish
shit movie... didnt get mentioned tho :(

i wont buy u a bigmac at lan
hahaha great movie ipodm8. Allthough I expected some better frags (no hate) The edititing made it really good.
Great work aswell Mental.
izi $200 earned :s
nice frags ipod
thx for the shoutout
Uploaded it to, make sure to download it for a good quality!
why do people use rtcw medpacks in et fragmovies and can u use them while playing?
only on an unpure server or a server with that pk3
nice frags ipod mate
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