Video available for download only


Type: Trickjumping
Lenght: 4:42
Size: 126 MB
Resolution: 1280x720
Video: x264
jumps by fredd, movie by fredd.

26mb/min, 50 fps, no motionblur. You might think the quality must be shit, but it's nice imo.
Best viewed in window and not in fullscreen, it might be a bit oversharpened in fullscreen.

Counterstrike - Maniac

Big thanks to Lazio for hosting it,
special thanks to revolt, arTer, r3ne

Another x264 version of this movie is coming tomorrow, that should be playable to people with not so good computers.
More mirrors would be nice :)
Will comment once i seen it :)
nice quality fredd liked most of the jumps
and lol @ et_ice :D
screenshot looks nice,gonna dl it
Doesn't run on my computer, most x264 movies do. I suppose it's only good sign, tells about the quality (that it's good).

I managed to see 2 jumps from the start, too bad both are known for years =(
I guess it's the way I encoded it to get 26mb/min for 50fps without motionblur :e
I'll render another version this night, with regular 3pass bitrate like most movies :p
Yeah Freddy, I never have problems with x264 movies either :<
but you have a 1.6 celeron laptop man 8D
You already killed it :DD
My laptop > your movies :<
btw really, known for years? All of these jumps I have discovered myself / my friend discovered them but I guess can't really find totally new shit anymore :)
loL you copycat
Nice quality, old jumps. Some looked pretty simple tbh, but nice movie overall. Music was well picked
Well, it lags, even on my pc. :F
Few nice jumps/bugs, except the et_ice cp-bug <3
ggod movie ! but ugly music :o
that ET_ICE bug was new to me.. thought u can get up there alone too.. it was nice movie overall i think.. gj =)
Kinda boring movie.. Knew all jumps already and they were kinda izi.. The only 1 i didn't know was the et_ice bug which was pretty much the only thing I liked about this vid.. :x
I can do that et_ice jump alone :DDDDDD
ik weet het :D
nice :D
old tricks :/

i expect ur next movie would look like this
looks like b_fixedphysicsfps 333 :(
can't really see the b_fixedphysicsfps cvar in demos so yeah.. Just looks kinda like it, i'm probably wrong.
btw, why did you put that fragpart in it???
Funny to those who know reef :d
I guess you watched the stream so you didnt see the chat
Yea downloads wont work 4 me :x
Funny to those who know reEf. it's my movie, so whats your problem with the fragclip, did it really annoy you so much?
old and pretty simple jumps... but will save
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