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Master of Air II - Ready for take off

Here we go :) this is the second MoA Movie!

Master Of Air II

Ready for take off!

A Trickjump Movie
Thain & Tsuboon

Montage and special effects By [WSMind]

Cam Scripts By Xavatar

"Hey Guys you're ready for take off? Anyway We are!"

This movie is based on jump invention, nice editing and 3D work, cams
and huge take offs

We invented a lot of jumps especially for the movie, and selected the best
ones for your pleasure

Every jumps comtain a Take off because we really love this kind of
jump and we find them
more beautiful than others.

We did Every Jumps by ourselves with Default Server Config.
We take Oath these jumps were done honestly, without cheating,
gravity, editing maps, 333fps or Jumping BOT of any kind.

The only Cheats Used are : /god ( it's of no use but we are used to
turn it on ) /nofatigue

You'll notice that doing the jumps is not the hard thing, you just need to
train and even
if you ain't gifted for this at all you'll succeed them in the end. The
really hard stuff is to
invent the jumps. Usualy, in trickjump movies you see jumps invented by a lot
of different
peoples, and performed by one or two. But In MoA II, all the jumps were
invented and performed by Thain or Tsuboon (exept the second one in Fuel -
Dump done by Xavatar, and supplydepot one that is Xeoxis's invention but our jumping).

We used pmove_fixed 1 some whiner says "those trickjumps are bullshit because
you can't do them in official matchs because you use pmove_fixed and nofatigue cheat"
those guys don't undersatand what tricjump is because anyway theses jumps ain't
possible to do in a match at first try, without pmove_fixed, without
nofatigue, with being shooted while jumping... it's just crazy to think
trickjump is done to from a point A to a point B.

Trickjumping is first an art and it's how we understand it

If you already saw some of thoose jumps, it doesn't mean we didn't invented them by ourselves
It's just because the movie took a year: all jumps finished before 05/09/2006 movie released 07/09/2007

Thanks You for Watching this movie

We're expecting some feedback then please post a comment after seeing the
movie ;)

Thain & Tsuboon signing off for Jump Sake!

Thanks to Keytaro to have posted this movie here :)
downloading later.. should b good =)
mmh good movie
dling.. looking forward to it!
need mirrors
dont liked it... sry :(
first song sucks hard
"slowmotion" or the ppls looks pretty bad
jump are okey but nothing that i could say "wow"(i know i even could jump like this)
is this new or old movie?
worthy to download?
Depends.. If you're a trickjumper you might be a little less satisfied then when you're not a trickjumper.. But that's just the content.. The editing is awesome so i'd say you should download..
im not trickjumper and i pretty much care about the editing part in movies, so im downloading then..
Best TJ movie ever.
Nice job
awesome movie
it took like 17 minutes to load the page of fliefront..
"Please wait, your content is loading"
"It's just because the movie took a year: all jumps finished before 05/09/2006 movie released 07/09/2007" Sure, too bad arca showed atleast 1 jump to you past 1 month. :O) BUSTED
"...those guys don't undersatand what tricjump is because anyway theses jumps ain't..." @ description. nice job :)
I didn't write the text, he just copied/pasted it to me
This is just like the first one. Kick ass intro, but when the movie starts, quality drops like hell. Configs were way too dark, couldn't see anything in most of the maps. Music couldn't have been worse selection for slowmotion movie like this. Fast music + slowmotion = not good. The movie is WAY too slow, i was so bored almost the whole movie time, hoping it would speed up on some part, but it didn't. Also you don't need to use camtrace for every single jump, it kinda looses the creativity. Need more different view modes! There were about 5 good jumps tho, gotta give thumbs up for that. Overall it's not a keeper movie.

Also i gotta give you really big drop on rating for the movie name creativity. Masters of the Air reminds me of Walking in the Air, and Ready for Takeoff reminds me of Prepare for Liftoff.
configs werent dark, your monitor just sucks, i guess. was fine for me.
I dont see the problem of having a bad name makes the movie bad.. But I mostly agree at the rest of what you said.. I guess that people who don't trickjump have more fun watching this.
i dont think so :) i think its maybe a bit less fun for those who dont keep trickjumping as serious business,
my opinion would be pretty much same but the choppy players made it hard to watch with the ugly quality. and all the time rolling spinning and never-ending cameras.
Downloads 1 (This week: 1)

that's a bug

look tomorrow
the way you always used slowmotion made me think you tweaked g_speed or whatever and dont want to show it ( i belive that you didn't, just mentioning ) and it was really really boring to watch it in slowmotion
also lagging guys dont look good in a movie, i know why he's lagging tho. i have it also on my own listen-server, just make a dedicated one or use a warserver
also first person view owns all
It must have been the creator that either got a shit pc or that doesn't know how to make a movie.
nono i recognize that lag, its because of a listen-server bug, 100% :)
k, but it looks very faked how the guys jump, like ~7 @ oasis.

g_speed imho.
ye prolly thats why it was in slowmo
Does demos realy gets screwed up by server settings? O_O
nono the lag isnt cause of g_speed its because of some other bug with listen server
and yes the demos get screwed somehow, the players will lag for some reason. if you really dont belive it then I can give you some of my bugged demos :p
et guys lag the same like in this movie, everything else is smooth :p
It's a feature, not a bug. :)

ET doesn't interpolate between server frames in demos recorded on listen servers afaik, so player positions are only updated with 20 FPS in replays. It's possible to increase sv_fps to get smooth movement even with a listen server, but that could possibly alter the physics as well.

Dedicated server always wins.
oh. thanks for explaining. :p
The jump at 7:00 is played backwards. Almost the same jump (but played normally) can be seen at 8:15.
exepecting smth nice ...

nice intro, nice jumps, everything else was shit.

choppy players wtf? O_O
booooooooooooooring :(
Why am I downloading this as an .efw file? - need naxid!
awesome jumps shit music :<
nice !!!
+ Jumps

+/- Scripted cameras (I hate them, but not all of them are pointless)
- Slow
Annoying cameras and slowmotion, only a few nice jump :[
Nice jumps but some quality issues.

- demos from listen server
- moiré patterns everywhere (recorded at 640*480 with no AA?)
It was really horrible :<
Irrelevant and useless intro. I mean snowboarding, wtf? Did they steal that from somewhere or is it a part of a some other project?
I think its part of the project, like last time. MoA1 intro was much better tho :o
awfull, my eyes are crying, i believe i m gonna puke. some of the worst recording/editing ever made in ET.

as moa1 is my favorite tjmovie i still luv u, but honestly u put those exact trickjumps with a war config and no editing and just more than 10fps, and u ll have a much better movie.

the jumps are cool like always.

not sure i said "and" enough, editing to be sure none are missing
xavatar come back in ET or ETQW maybe ;o) ?
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