Codec XviD Filesize 145.00 MiB Length 41
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I'm So Sick

World Of Warcraft Movie

"Welcome to my fifth music video! This time L70ETC has a guest singer - a blood elf female. My goal was to create a cool "band playing" video with a little drop of Rock'n'Roll credibility - hopefully I succeeded :) My first plan was to make a video with the traditional line-up of L70ETC but then I heard this song and realized that it was a challenge - the orc has already been used some times so let's do something new! Avoid the YouTube stream if possible. It makes people sick with it's low quality. Don't be a paladin (unless you are Shepiwot) and download this movie like real men and women do! This musicmachinima is also a step further in the cross-game machinima genre. The charachters are from WoW, but the video also uses background graphics from Unreal Tournament 2004 and Half-Life 2. I do have plans to make an other video (sometime in tge future) with L70ETC using the orc as singer, most likely to a Ministry or a Turmion Kätilöt (it's a Finnish band) song. There are also guest stars in the video - Big Daddy & Little Sister from Bioshock make their way in to the world (of Warcraft). If you look closely, you can also see some model changes by Snoman, Dopefish, Lev and me. Those interested can read a more in-depth "Making Of" about this machinima from my blog."
Awesome. Ridiculously creative and droolworthy editing.
finaly somebody posted a wow movie
Game: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Ever posted a movie? World Of Warcraft doesn't exist in the movie section database.

Member For: 10 days < That explains it. :P
It must be really hard for them to add another selection. =)

(I was going to add this awesome movie, but in the end I just made a journal about it that nobody read.^^)
All | ET | RTCW | CoD | Quake | Other
Member For: 2 years, 11 months and 5 days < That doesnt explain it. :P
You've clearly never posted a movie here. Don't try to make me look like a dumbass if you don't know what you're on about. Check the category of this movie, you'll see it says other.
wth indeed :o
must have mixed category with game
» You do not have sufficient access rights to that forum.

quote pls (:
Ah, forgot it was admin forum.

Quote by Original Postit cant be that hard to add some more categories for movies.
nAxid for example is posting a lot of cs movies, which are really worth to watch, but mostly he recives flame for putting them in the et section.

my reply

Quote by -Max-Blame Toss. Last minute decision at launch for CF3 made it go tits up. :P

I agree though, it's getting really annoying. I've mentioned it before to taLa, dunno if he plans to fix it.
badass tosspot!
i also want access to that admin forum :(
World Of Warcraft Movie


Fast download speed:

WoW is a waste of talent in many ways :[
ure only saying that cuz mulsu plays wow! :XD
realy nice movie !!

rly enjoyable
DELETE IT its WOW wahhh bann!!!!
hehe funny :)
WoW is getting old now though
Really nice :/

BUT: i liked it (except the music : )

nice bloom'ish colors
old i liked it specially that music..!
awesome movie, perfect editing & syncing. would have been even better with some decent chars (wow's chars are so fuckd up :[ )
Hmh... Don't know much about WoW which probably affects my appreciation for this clip, but to me it looked like a loosely edited music video. :)

Nice use of DOF, though. And colours. Now on second thought, compared to your average gaming movie, this one is pretty cool. I was unconsciously comparing it with commercial music videos.

And the geek-factor is over the scale.
but to me it looked like a loosely edited music video.
That + the music is the reason why i didnt like it.

If we put aside how difficult some effects (mostly fake dof) were to make, and how cool particular stuff looks, theres no point in watching this clip. Music is shit (imo), and video doesnt have any kind of action in it to make it worth watching.

GJ but whats the point...
What's the point in making ET movies come to think of it?
my comment is based on opinion that this is the kind of trash music video that makes me switch to next tv channel. I'm not saying that it doesnt require lot of skill to make something like that (i dont know how that dof effect was done, of how he did fire in which that singer was walking), its just not worth watching cause:
a) i dont like the song
b) its not interesting music clip, something that makes ppl watch it even if they dont like the song (and there are a music vids i watched only because of what they show, not because of the music - example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGUFfa2iDHg edit: hmm its a bad example actually, it good because its synced well...)

now back to your question: imo theres no point in making et _fragmovies_, but there is a point in making et movies. Compared to q3, et frags are boring. For an et frag to be skilled it has to be vs high skiller (ec or something). Q3 frags can be skilled even if they're done vs low or med skilers (insane rail flicks, combos, rocket frags...).
I'm supprised there was only one movie about a match (as far as i know, "vindication"), it wasnt a realy good and very exciting match, but it shows how much potential et has - et, after all, is not game about aim, but about teamplay and tactics.
There are lots of awsome and exciting matches that with shoutcasts can be interesting to et players, gamers in general AND normal tv audience (if movie is done well enough). So there is point in making ET movies.
A pleasure to watch :D
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