Video available for download only


>A movie by Pathy
Some mixed frags performed in 2007
Movie info:
Length: 10:40
Codec: x264
Size: 315 MB
Resolution: 1280x720 HD
Framerate: 30 FPS
Frags by:
Norway Pathy
Norway Flyndre
Norway Zodiac
Norway Squtji
Bosnia Hercegovina Dzenan
Norway Azz
Primary: (thanks to naxid ;))
Mirror 2: FTP mirror (thanks to krsONE :))
Mirror 3: Megaupload
Wow, nice one. ;D
Best movie released this year imo!
lol if zodiac is in it, its a big failure! xD <3
skojja :P , dl'ing!
Very nice
no tnx
Only mirror avi..
And I get 400kb/s from there :P
400kb/s? my connect is able to download 4000kb/s . But i have problem with country slots, always in use :)
My connection get max 500kb/s..
i get 690kb/s nP =)
i get 50kbs NP
More mirrors are coming up, be patient >D
I certainly enjoyed it. The frags weren't quite the best and music was certainly overused, but you managed to bring something new to these tracks we've heard a thousand times before, though changing songs randomly during the intro disturbed me. Config was decent, a bit too bright in supply, and editing was good in general, but really nice for a first movie. Sound syncing was just what I like and you used cams really nicely, with some original ideas.

Oh, and this "Zaigon-style" aspect ratio sucks ass. Had to change it manually while watching. :(
due to the last line I dont know if I should even download it.
Well, you don't see it as good as in Zaigon imo.
But your choice if you want to download or not. ;p
At least as bad as in Zaigon, and extremely ugly during scripted cams (objects change shape depending on roll angle).


Looks a lot better in 4:3

yeah, it was, changed to 4:3 right away.
I focking don't get it... :S How can the aspect ratio disturb you ? You watch the damn movie to see the frags not, if there are midgets running around or grown men.

FFS, it's like a fucking " He says so, I have to say that also "

Thanks, I got to say it out loud now.
... who says so? Don't make a fool of yourself.

I just find it damn ugly, capiche? It's not that difficult to record with 1280x720 if you want to make it widescreen.
When you fuck up the aspect ratio example record 1280x1024 and then -> 1280x720 picture starts look fat and that aint good looking in fragmovie.
You're just saying it because "he" says so!
Shhhh dont tell secret to everybody
Lord of the Rings: Zaigon

(aka dwarf warriors)
gogo naxid we need you!
Cool movie! I loved the ectasy for the eyes, especially in the beginning, even I didn`t understand the intro. More movies with that style needed!
A new and faster mirror has now been added
I have to say this is a GREAT movie, not rly fragwise, but the syncing was BRILLIANT, I love your style <3.
Very nice job Pathy.

Really enjoyed it except the intro as i said before ;>
dling :)
sry but that was waste of time
more slowmod PLZ
Lol, more slowmo?
That ain't close to slowmo, ehh..
so, music and synchro was good, quality decent but a little too bright for me. Some frags i wouldnt use, especcially against nontagged oponent, it looks not that impressive for me (looks like pub frags). And maybe in higher motionspeed it was too blury. 6/10 for me
Nice movie.
Add to my collection, set to 30GB HDD.
Bosnia Hercegovina Dzenan :)
i like this :DDD nice job, especially editing wise.
Add XviD mirror pls
a rly great movie from the editing

if it would be vs clans only it would be one of my top 10 !
mmh not bad
can someone put it on cos my dl rate is slow only like 233kb/sec :p
I will ask naxid the hero
someone offer a stream so i can laugh at zodiac >:D

e: downloaded. terrible frags, pretty decent editing.
You need a fragmovie of me to do that? :XD
I'll prolly get 5000 reply's with: "better than yours", but I'll say it anyways. The production rly looks kinda lame, cuz of the lame effects. I like productions like the one from cow got milked, that looks rly professional. You use things like swirl, and all kinda other crazy effects, which doesn't rly make it look better. The quality is ok, frags are ok, but the editing kills it tbh.
better than yours

image: sq-wink_point_rock_dj_vid-cap
So why does everyone except you think the editing is good? 8<
definitely better than yours :P
one of the best movie Ive seen... nicely edited.
really nice move pathy:)
well... editing was VERYVERY nice, music is overused and frags werent that impressive

btw nice using song from my movie the used - im afake :<
totally overcammed movie

only cams cams cams
aspect ratio is not nice

but all in all a decent movie

hey pathy great movie :D
stolen + overused music
not bad, quite good editing/creativity sometimes
-frags (against low skill and mix...)
+-music (good music but some overused music)
+editing (good job)
+quality (nice)

8/10 i enjoyed


Good continuation :o)
its quite ok ;)
to mutch cam stuff in it but good work
HaXXER Frags!?? MUST SEE!!
Haxxer frags?
Explain.. :p
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