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Arachons unfinished movie

This is my unfinished movie, or really more of a test of how the flow was in the movie; it was done in the late August 2005. It contains frags from my time in ALIS and uNtried spanning from 2003 to 2005.

Length: 4 minutes and 18 seconds.
Size: 124.3 MB
Clans appearing:
aD, Mirage, *BiO*, rAtatosk, dHb, eSr, waco, FragP, tm, oO, roistot, TKB.

There is no intro, no outro and no credits; there is not much editing either, so if you want to watch this... it is only to watch some old school frags :)
In the end there is a big gap untill two clips which does not have any audio either.
I put this up, since I am probably not going to finish my ET fragmovie ever :(

Mirror 1 has been added. This is a more recent test that I did last summer, before CDC3, so that we could watch it at Ronners place on his 42'' plasma :)
It is a 1000 fps to 25 fps version in 720p version including ingame sounds. It contains some of the same frags as in the primary mirror, but it also contains some other frags.

Length: 6 minutes and 31 seconds.
Size: 238.7 MB

Thanks to Gaso for the hosting btw:)
too bad you are not finishing it ara. would be nice imo
Ara.. who?
The one and only, don't play with fire...
no jugar con que?
No juegues con fuego, capullo.
eres un buro imo... un buro mal :(
(estudio español durante 1/2 ano >:))
CAN i HAS Arachon@CS?D:
lol wtf... how do you know about that?
hahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Ara... I'm ur father!:D
You once posted that clip, old man.
Hmm... can't remember that :)
can i has the killpopups pliX?
good shit man
really sweet Arameight :)
The smaller clip was actually better, had more of an oldschool feel to it...
its only my settings or gamesound doesnt actually include hitsounds? and i didnt like config :)
The one with the gamesounds in it does not have hitsounds. This is because some of the clips did not have it in the demo, so I decided to not use hitsounds at all.
bad idea imo ;) in fms I like the most hitsounds :)
Not really, since I hate hitsounds :)
can i has the pk3 to get that nice killpopups?:<
What, you mean the font?
The movie felt completly different compared to the other movies, but it was cool somehow. Was it just the speed or what...
just finish it you lazy bitch
TosspoT gets killed in it XDDDD
Needs more Ds imo
damn that motionblur is sexy, makes me think of Medal Of Honor: Airbourne, the only game I played for it's blur ^^

Teach me!!!
You f00 just go look on gasos extrely old tutorials / journals and learn to use google and just test and then you get that blur
been there, done that, this > that tbh
wheres naxid?! :<
noise :D
more unfinished movies pls :<
nice :)
always this unfinished bullshit, nice excuse
sucks hard

waste of space and time:< suckt badly
nothing to say :D
need dikketrip movie aight oldskool
ask DradkTrp he still has some dikketrip movies :D
good clip
never seen so many kneeshots
Funny, cause I don't see many... maybe in 1 clip. Most of the shots were in the stomach and upwards region.
I agree, that I wasn't the big headshot hero back then, since there wasn't any hitsounds, when hitsounds was introduced the headshot rate went slowly up.
nice to see some of these clans again
enjoyed it, but only because of the content.. quality, editing etc kinda sucked
The movie felt completly different compared to the other movies, but it was cool somehow.
10 kb... wtf?
i dunno why
starts with 5 kb, goes up to 60, drops to 10 again and so on...
i m from austria with 16 mbit connection :P
must be something with the routing, since it is a very good finnish ftp.
I just tested, and I get 2.5 MB/sec from it (from Denmark).
ye dunno what s wrong, never had probs so far, but i ve tried both mirrors
i rly would like to dl and give you some feedback and critics
The mars volta <3
why is the music like 64kbps, made my ears bleed ;c
i died ... twice... T_T

looks fine, sad thing u are too lazy to finish it :(((
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