Video available for download only

leito & timoun - obviously obvious

So here is my second ET movie :)

Directed and edited by Cya
Starring Belgium leito & Belgium timoun
length : 13:37
codec : x264
size: 487 Mo
frame : 50fps
Resolution : 1024 x 576

Music :
Spitfire - Prodigy
Dj Furax- Imagenation
Overseer - Velocity Shift
Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Daft Punk - Make Love

Demos : 102
Actions in the movie : 107
Screenshots : here

Program used :

Wolfenstein Enemy territory
Chaplja's Movie Maker Hack
Sony Vegas 7.0

Xvid version (for people who dont have a so good computer) available here :
where to get hq?
"hq" is in the mirror list , link in the description are just for xvid version
for some reason I like ur movies
make smaller movies, would take a week to dl that big file
Cool 10/10 :)

Movie with good frags is better than movie with super mega effects and lowskilled frags (imo!)
too many useless frags IMO
it is ok but there is too much useless frags (they arent very very good.. )
You have some kind of deviation about knives ! But the movie is quite good. Good job Cya.
good movie thought to much knife kills
gave aheadech
obvious idd.
Need better mirrors lol. Upload it to RS/MU or something.
RS 100MB max
Split it :x
new MU mirror just for you :D
good movie, liked it :) atleast leito's knife kill ! ;D
vihjailex jotain ?
eeeeee, mitenni ? :D
se puukottaa mut tossa :P
give good link to download don't want to wait 6 hours for a movie thx
gg cya. 38,6 kb/sec.. Give me faster hq links plz :(
own3d is a rly nice mirror , you just need to be regiestered and you have access to almost every movies that come out ...

you rly should register there but anyway , i'll upload it to MU too and if someone can upload it too a nice ftp too , it would be really appreciated
got 200 kb/sek download speed, with my shitty connection :P
length : 13:37

I see what you did there
lol enfin votre movies
<3 leito
omg omg omg i got kill at first Q(^-^Q)

anyway a very nice movie :)
enfin pinaise depuis le temps que j'attends :x
More magie @ 180° 3HS
ur first movie was better tbh ;(
cheat IMHO !

gg btw
cheat? ;D::D haha not. High sens + low- enemy...
how are their enemies related to the fact they are aimbotting in this movie?
paskasti se ampu silti
star is herre
2MB/S @ mirror2
because you dl'ed between 3AM and 9AM , but after , only people from free isp get 2Mb/s , the others get a beautiful 35Ko/s :D
- Usless frags ( one kill only and -50hp )
- supports only...

anyway wd and gl :)
We haven't your skill archy :p
i lolled @ this, how the fuck can you call this kind of bodyaim 'aimbotting'.
abort, in french we get many tards, thats all
I lolled too abort xd
I've seen myself!
so its a good movie ;D
somehow it feels like mp3+demo

your first movie was way better
didn't really like to watch it, although there were a couple of nice frags. Maybe its because i watched it at steam quality or because i play cod4 nowadays.
But i missed some hitsounds for sure.
can't believe you put that knife kill on me in it :p

les frags de vos "previous ET clans" je dirais speudo clan wannabe " insta-Gods - Team-ND " sont ou? j'en vois pas trop. avant de se qualifier de med+ high faut déjà jouer du med+ / high , low skillers.
juste comme ça :
t'as pas été sur ET depuis un bon bout de temps , donc a moins de les avoir joué tu peux pas trop juger de leur skill
ah aussi , il se sont jamais dit med+/high .
rqmbo quand on cherche du med+ c'est rarement du med+. De plus now je joue du high(et oui), je te propose une rencontre entre ta team et la mienne et "we will see". En ce moment, vu que ton niveau n'a pas dépassé le med je te prierais de ne pas montrer ta jalousie en publique, c'est génant d'etre populaire et envié de tous :)
Encore une chose moi j'ai pas que du bs dans ma movie et je préfère mettre des frags contre des gars moins fort, mais de face (exception faite des knifes et de timoun :p)
le lvl d'ET est tombé bien bas si toi tu cherche du high , puis la j'ai pas trop trouvé de team donc pour le 6v6 on attendra un peu et on verra. j'ai retrouvé mon niveau a 90% avec tout les "1o1 now high" que j'ai pu faire hier et les "3o3 et now" aussi donc si tu veut quand j'ai une team j'te re-contacte et on fixe 1semaine a l'avance une war pour te préparer mentallement , bibuy
n'empêche que tu m'as bien fait rire , faut l'admettre :<
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