Video available for download only

The Cheatreport

Mercilessly honest and 101% authentical, Daniel P. Schenk's second moviereports about the abysses of the human mind. While “A Gamer's Day” ... Alle » was an environmental study covering the gaming scene in general, “The Cheat Report” shows us the shady side of eSports: For one year, Schenk's team around Alexander Roth dived into the depths of the notorious cheater community. And what they found out maybe had better not seen the light of day ...

In five chapters the movie makers tell the truth about cheaters. From their long standing history – which already began in stone age – to the growing contemporary cheating cult, its origin, and well-planned counter measures, Schenk and Roth uncover numerous scary facts.Whether it's interviews with psychiatrists, scientists, traumatized victims, professional gamers or cheaters themselves, or strange ritual meetings and spectacular arrests: A crystal clear picture of cheaters as broken, but extremely dangerous individuals emerges. As much as one may be tempted to pity them, it becomes obvious that uncompromising action must be taken to stop them and their devilish drive.

The cheater community is no longer anonymous – “The Cheat Report” reveals!

Runtime: 50 min
Language: German
did he finally release this for free or what ? O_o
has it english subtitles?
any subtitles for this?
Language: German

nice, maybe everyone should add a second soundtrack to fragmovies aswell, with german songs and dubbed shoutcast.
make that dubbed songs and dubbed shoutcasts all by 1 person :P
errrr... wasnt this only up for sale?

... and why the fuck contacts: #HighBot?
OMGoat serious business movie but we need english subtitles pl0x!
This is just amazingly funny :D Even thought it shouldn't be able to download from internet
it rocks :-D

Well done Daniel P. Schenk!
as far as i know, this one isnt meant to be free.
internet = serious buisness

nice movie :DD the best scene is with voO "do you met a cheater once time?"...what is a cheater?.... cheaters are guys that will rape you hard... never met one " hahaha xD
:D:D:D:DDDDDD his pc :D:D:D::D
"....verkümmerte geschlechtsmerkmale..." - zu schön xD
mh, einerseits hart aber wahr, andererseits etwas zu drastisch dargestellt; wenn das nötig ist um cheater zu verbannen, bitte :)

need subtitles ...
Schöne sache!
neu für mich aber ganz lustig
ja ganz gut der film, a gaymers day fand ich aber um längen besser!
krasse scheiße
your creativity and professionality is just awesome

big respect to you
well done
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