Video available for download only

The LiNtu

Second movie by VoDKa of skilled Ukraine player LiNtu.

Frags by LiNtu
Editing by VoDKa


Resolution: 1280 x 720 (HD)
Duration: 8m 45s
File size: 250mb
Video Codec: x264
Audio Codec: FAAC ( 128 kb/s )

Music used:

Disturbed - The Deify
Powerman 5000 - Drop the bombshell
Per aspera Ad Astra

Programs used:

Sony Vegas 7.0
Virtualdub Mod
ETPro 3.2.6
Smireboule Camtrace 3D
Ultraviolet Media Manager
Ultraviolet Movie Maker
Ultraviolet Movie Mod
Adobe After Effects 7.0
Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
Sony Sound Forge 8.0
rofl @ vote
im also bursting out of tears !
need link now! 3>

[edit] Watched it, so:

frags were good
no effects
no sync
good quali
last song is shit , 2nd is overused
anyway waste of frags , epic fail.

4,5/10 (4 for frags , 0,5 for movie)
yeap , inetonly was the best shittiest i ever watched in my life

nice faking a wannabe russian team / channel xDDDDDDDDDDD
ur so russian that ppl cant even imagine.
even dont know russian language
now tell same but in russian plz
dumaj tscho ti hotschish dumat

durak jebanoj
but what is "tscho" o_0
plz, ebalom xlop, spasiba
afftar peshi ischo
btw shit movie , only 3on3 backrape frags

yeah, maybe coz i'm 3-3 player ? :D
oh noes, i played NC quali 4 team-ua =( and it's 6-6 . But megaboy pulZa ofc knows that i'm not from Ukraine, he knows all.
and btw u were pretty nice when u was whining about my haxes :D
soz 4 my engrish
yup one of ur friends told me everything :) where u got the bimbot who else is using it :) just the random hacker stuff ,

but listen


u failed u can only be strong in irc 3on3 matches and some random cups but when its a bit bigger u gonna assfuck urself little noname .)

1.5 years i was playing at low- pub. coz i had 32Kbit/sek , 1 MB/sek in my city was smth about 100$/month at that time.
about 0.5 year i was playing with 150-400 ping without even ts/vent coz of 128 kbits/sek. only last 12-15 months i'm playing with normal connection. and u telling me noname ?
ask L1nG/vessar how funny was to play with me in that years, when half of round i was lagging.
dunno whos very clever thought that i'm using haxes :D but u better ask again about aimbot to m6stax(and dont say u hanevt asked him such a questions)
and the last question : u was pro at ur 1st NC game ?
actually yes i played pretty well against latvia @ goldrush
yeah, i saw ur skill @ mod vs ducks
the only in what ur pro its whine
Quote1.5 years i was playing at low- pub. coz i had 32Kbit/sek , 1 MB/sek in my city was smth about 100$/month at that time.
about 0.5 year i was playing with 150-400 ping without even ts/vent coz of 128 kbits/sek. only last 12-15 months i'm playing with normal connection. and u telling me noname ?

8[ 1/1/1/1/1
cZar_pulZa: pashol nahui
cZar_pulZa: durak jebanik
cZar_pulZa: tscho gawarish sa dris a ?
cZar_pulZa: ja ni russak ?
cZar_pulZa: a huj tibe ne nada ?
cZar_pulZa: padumaj sledishij ras
cZar_pulZa: esle ti budish pisat apat

n1 russian skill
founded about 8 mistakes :D

pulZy v jopy
Nice "Engrisj" skill.
Found about 9 mistakes.
give him some space wtf, he cant say "soz for engrish" in every single repost :D
founded XDDD
Some rly BAD frags... and the hitsounds are terrible synched.. worst thing ever :\ next time dont use hitsounds if u dont know how to synch :|
no good movie without my leet fragmovieskillz ! xD
pulZa , since you live in Germany, can you please participate at team Germany? You are enough skilled for them, right?

National teams (including russian) are not international club of skilled playeres.

Problem even not in your zero russian language skills, but its just as simply as you need to live in this country to deserve rights to be in national team.

Nevermind where you go, but please take with yourself other "russian" players, like zerender, humM3L, murda, etc.


LiNtu, you chosed wrong movie maker. You are good player, but just shit video. Music Disturbed - just emptyness of any music taste, wrong aspect ratio, no synchronization of action with soundtrack, etc.
nice frags!! not so good synced :(

And pulZa fo please...
pojdet, no no-sync sux
after watching and hearing out-of-sync sounds for just under a minute, i pressed the lovely [x]

so at least i know now that it isnt worth the download!
hmm, dont know why you found that no synced, i was syncing as possible
Have you watched the movie with sound? If yes and you didn't find any problems, please tell which video player you used.
yeap, maybe you guys used another player, I hear synced hitsounds with video

I've used mplayer with ffdshow decoder.
Hm, quality was great, it was nice to watch, but music and hitsounds ruined it. Maybe also a little bit more editing could have been better. The most annoying thing was no-sync.
hitsounds were out of sync big time that ruined the whole movie
Try install things in playback folder, I hope you'll have synced hitsounds.
i have unsynced hitsound too, like the others, i am using bsplayer for this movie because i have some problem with it in mplayer, bad video, only bsplayer plays it normally.
prosto fail (c)
i personaly didint like frags :( and sounds was out off sync :/
The 2nd song is Powerman 5000 - Bombshell
dont use hitsounds if u cant get them working
nice hitsound sync....XD
not ofc
ok. but omg hitsounds = shit. next time try to sync
At least Al got owned.
LinTu :p...
i like it, nice
Euhm... isn't he the 1on1 -ladder king? :D

+ something

-laggy video
-dissapointing frags
-very bad music choise, in my opinion ofc
winner of CB 1v1 ubercup
ugly shit
nice MOVIE :P nice frags, lol i saw 4live_ there XDDD

AND n1 JOB VoDka :P
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