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A small clip made by Sweden Sway of -dTd- back in 2003, from a particular exciting moment in the semifinal of QuakeCon 2002. The clip is showing the final seconds of United States of America clan Kapitol vs. Sweden iNfensus. I do not really wish to give out more info besides that the rar file is 33 MB and the movie file is 42 MB, so have fun watching it :)
That's some cool ownage.
Old though (d'oh)
nice <3 wtv
that's why wtv was so much better than ettv. When everyone sees the same actions, it's far more exciting.

I love this one
Both have pluses and minuses. But I agree.
explain wtv, seems the same to me - except that chatbox thingy
wtv had just 1 cameraman who specced the players, so everyone who connected to wtv saw the same things/actions. In ETTV you can spectate everyone you one and fly around or whatever.
what if the camaraman is a total newby or stares at a wall or goes afk:D
why would you let a total noob be cameraman
It actually happened quite often that the camera man was still away when the next round started.
i still have this =D good clip
someone add the another clip made by Sway (?) from Qcon 2k3, where infensus is playing vs doctors on ice. doctors are almost done with the docs but civ shoots the doc carrier at the transmitter steps.
it is @ youtube if i remember correctly
Infensus - Doctors is the best rtcw frag ever imo
hrm, disagree

Didnt really have any importance as infensus still lost that round and the whole game and fragwise it isnt that great neather, he just camped like that happens often at the ice transmitter.

Savva's 5man-nade or d4v1ds 6-man kill with one clip are my favorites
5 man nade was great :D
whens your rtcw frag vid being released?
when its done^^
prolly summer
at least you are still making it :)
Epic fail by Shogun.
poor shogun
now he's six feet under i think.
man o man, still one of the best clips :) still cant believe they actually made the defuse ;p
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