Codec cbatolook Filesize 410.00 MiB Length 1610
Video available for download only


This movie contains frags from the old "Wombat Goes Combat" RtCW Team, and is a sequel to "Mortal Wombat" which was released in 2003. The material is mostly from 2004 but I never got around to publishing the vid until now.
But I figured there might be a few people, who are interested.

The idea was to make a video that shows the possibilities the superb game has to offer and is also fun to watch. For that I wanted to give it a faster pace than the average RtCW Video out there. And of course it also has a "Too drunk to play" part, which some of you might remember from Mortal Wombat.

People who played RtCW will also notice a few changes to the basic in form of pictures and text.

Well, judge for yourself if you like it.
And don't forget to "DRINK MORE BEER!!"

Length: 16 Minutes
Size: 410 MB
Resolution: 640 x 480

Music used:

Boy Sets Fire - After the Eulogy
Killswitch Engage - End of Heartache
Godsmack - I Stand Alone
Anti - Flag - Drink Drank Punk
Dropkick Murphys - Barroom Heroes
nice movie

where is the downloadlink? only stream ?
only noticed that today, I asked at own3d and they'll add a download link sometime.

Also added it to filefront: http://files.filefront.com/wgcbeersportsavi/;9716457;/fileinfo.html
thank you

10/10 i like the fun part :)
thank you then ;)
:) pritty nice
good frags, but why the HUD?
idea was to give it more of an "ingame feel"
wanna bet u just didnt know how to remove the hud ;)
cg_draw2d 0 I think?

It's a year ago, tho. So I'm not 100% sure.
no... then you don't see the text :/
oh well that would be a very solvable problem.

Anyway, I didn't really bother with the commands to much cause as i said I actually wanted the hud to be there.

Many fragmovies look a little too "tidy" for me, which makes them feel slower imo. And with the hud and all the data you need to play (minus the positions) you have a screen that looks almost like you are playing.
it just looks fked up m8 ;/
no it's not, he breaks the habit and made a great movie, and sorry to say this but you always comment banners, fragmovie, 3d models but you never did anything yourself (or it was bullshit) so plz stop talking like you actually know something and go write a poem/songtext

Jesus get real man
breaks the habit? fuck off! I didn't say this movie was bad / ugly / fked up, I actually enjoyed it, and I do like the quality, only the HUD is a negative.

You know, if other ppl criticise something, noone of you cares, but if I criticise something, you all of the sudden do care. Maybe just get a brain and go do something useful instead of giving fucked up useless replies to me ;/
no YOU do something useful, you always criticize, thinking u are the best ("wanna bet u just didnt know how to remove the hud ;)")
everybody can give his opinion but you seem to suffer to a superiority complex. but plz continue to be the best 'artist' on crossfire
:D thanks for naming me that, cuz I never said it :D
Just coz I know a few things of art doesn't mean I imply saying that I'm better in every criticising comment I make concerning graphical issues. This is just what you like to think, but maybe you should gtfo and eat a cheeseburger to make your weener go poopoo and feel the rhythm of the soul bro!
sorry to say that but actually you do not seem to know much about "art" at all.

The key to understanding art is trying to understand the artists intent, while always assuming that everything was done deliberately.

You don't look at a painting and say "he should have used more green". But instead you have to think about why he didn't.
When did I say I don't do this?
Mate, I appreciate every form of art, as long as the artist tried his best on it, and preferably achieved his initial goal. I myself am NOT a good artist, I admit that, but I do know how to judge art. Sometimes it IS correct to say wether he should have added that little bit green or not, since it's relevant to the actual outcome the artist tried to achieve.

If it's really true what you say, and you tried to give the movie more of an ingame feeling, then I need to accept that and shut my mouth. Still, even when this is the case, I feel that the movie would have looked better without that HUD, since that is the style I appreciate more. Now that's the beautiful thing about "art", everybody interpretates it in a different way. Don't be so offensive, just accept my opinion, though you don't have to agrewe with it :)

Art is irrelevant to this fragmovie tbh btw, since the only negative critique I gave was the HUD, everything else I do like, but probably you guys can't read ;)
Actually my mother is an artist and owns a gallery so I do know some artist. Believe me, you don't walk up to someone who spend many countless hours on a project and offer your 5 minute observation as advice.

That said I was never too happy with this work which is why I never finished (still sooo many mistakes) and didn't release it for a long time. But the hud would have stayed in any case ;)
so ur saying that I shouldn't do that? then also say that to the countless other ppl here on crossfire criticising a movie ;)
nah, they didn't play the "art" card :]
neither did I, till you guys started replying to me about my "art" n stuff :)
1)you act like you are the best artist here.
2)If you can't defend yourself properly then say some nonsense?
3)what bKs. said.

you really live in your own small world ._.
argueing with you is rly rly rly useless since you keep repeating yourself and everytime add another useless irrelevant insult.
that goes for you as well :)
actually even for "mortal wombat" a few people criticised the hud, including fei.
But i defended it back then and I doubt I ever will change my opinion.

Thanks for the feedback anyway :)
woot woot rtcw
Cant find the dll link , dont want to watch stream ! :(
check the new primary link :)
Ah nvm i alrdy downloaded it from file front , but thanks ;)
can provide ftp if needed.
i'm interested in the original one
ok, I guess I'll upload that to filefront tomorrow.
<3 wombats and nice movie!
Need a dl link, streams are boring. :<
you can dl from own3d.at, if you register with fullspeed
He knows how to contact me, own3d mirror allways available if someone asks me.
and i did :)
thanks a lot again and I made that link primary now.
so your spamming days are over? :)
very cool movie I really enjoyed it, just like I enjoyed the Mortal Wombat back in the day :)

God I miss those good old RTCW days *tear*
yeah me too, which is the main reason why i finally released this movie :'(
wgc! good old days, downloading as we speak.

Edit oh god, tear drops come sliding down, especially at the last minute, I even get to star in the final scene, I still remember that game :D:D.

Absolutely brings back some good memories, wish those days would last forever.

Great movie, fine frags, and the feeling the movie gave me was great, 4 x 10, well done becks!
glad you liked it.

And I too wished those days weren't over. Havent really touched wolf in two years now :(

Well, llet's just hope for RtCW 2!
I loved Mortal Wombat, still have it :)
need ftp mirror, filefront dl stoped 3 times already -.-
try the primary link to own3d.at
yeah, that one works! ^^
greatest movie i ve ever seen!!!
da hast du aber was verpasst
Awsome :D
Hey dude this is really good vid i want to get rtcw now :D
RtCW owns, nice movie.
nice movie only shit music
music is the on thing in fragmovies where you can't please everyone, sorry.

Just mute the vid put one your own music and hope it fits :)
you have a wombat in your profile pic :P
so that's where he went. thx :)
Awesome movie !
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