Video available for download only


- After a long waiting we are proud to announce Duality2
- Performed by Russia pulza and Germany royal
- This movie is done by France yoyo

image: dualitytest(2)
dling, hope its not shit

+ frags
- aspect ratio
- cams
+ frags
+ config
+ quality

+/- editing
+/- syncing
+/- motion blur

- aspect ratio
- music
- french shoutcasts
- braundorf config
- intro / outro
dling, hope its not shit
we need a link ?
pulza ownage 10/10
+ frags
+ config
+ quality

+/- editing
+/- syncing
+/- motion blur

- aspect ratio
- music
- french shoutcasts
- braundorf config
- intro / outro
bad resolution, bad songs, some good/great frags
400 hz prod :/
that music is horrbile
dling :XD
nice frags, nice music, nice config and quality, dunno i liked it, not much editing tho. oh and the letterbox was shit
stream or gtfo
it was quite ok

+ frags
+/- qualy
- editing
stop stealing my comments
sorry dude :<
i didnt ment to reply you np :( i was going to ment to tapsa, above you, see :>
okidokily...feel better now :D
+ frags
+/- editing
+/- quality
- sync
- popups
- french shoutcasts
- ratio (wtf are these huge black borders?)
- 25 fps
editing frags and qualy was ok.
Worst outro ever seen.
Kill french shoutcasters plz.
some frags were really good while other aspects of the movie sucked hard (only quality was watchable, too dark tho + no "balls" :E)

image: pedobear_pipe
ASPECT RATIO!?!?!? It CAN'T be that hard!
According to Jeremy Clarksson from Top Gear; "How hard can it be?"

But you're right, I don't even know how it is possible to fuck it up like this.
downloading =D
dont download. bad frags inside :\
pulza hasn't done any good frag in his life ye, you're right
there is a roYal guy too.. both sucks, decent frags vs low enemies.. sux :<
And the oscar goes to....


+ frags
rest is fine.
some rly nice frags..
i dont liek the music that much.. but quality was nice. editing could be a bit better :P
overall a nice movie !
hahaha funny jokes.

Nice fragmovie!
duality"1" was great hope 2 will be too

pulza : D
eventho most of the frags were great, the movie became boring after the first minute, because there hardly was any sync'in and because the cfg/motionblur made the movie look very slow.
noone can beat Germany Hack4Weed!!!
will be looking forward to your project!
no plz no :<

too much pressure
will be looking forward to your project!
wie alle glauben die könnten den guten alten hack toppen :D
Hack ist und bleibt einfach der beste!!!!!
--synching/editing (became tedious quickly :*[)
frags were great ofc.
the first song was total shit
the quality was ok but with that reso u fucked it up again
no editing synching atall
music 5/10
frags 9/10
sync 1/10
quality 7.5/10
editing 7/10
editing 7??
Rly nice movie...

Nice frags and music (not the first one)
couldn't recognize any good frags, sorry to disappoint anyone reading this comment
you didnt dissapoint me. download my trailer with as many different ip's as you can. ill get points!
Nice frags, rest is average.
nice frags
rest sux

sry but its one of the shittest movie:/
pretty sweet vid! :)
no hack4weed, no win
movie was boring somehow like phate said..
I didnt enjoy watching this :[
even pulza's frags deserve a better movie (his frags were pretty good tbh, ofc royal's were too)

i join the crowd and say:

good frags

shit movie
Very nice movie, gg yoyo :)

Overall 6.66

nice movie I enjoyed
Nice movie :) GJ Greets
duality 1 >> duality 2
pulza 10/10
stop whine against french gay :p
really good frags, rest is nothing special
those frags deserved better movie, and not french shoutcast, it sounds gay, especially when they are saying "gg". But i loved first song
frags are ok, but rest is shit, especially music!
nice frags and the config was good except for some dark corners that weren't visible (braun + bremen). I also liked the musics and the synching in the beginning was cool
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