Video available for download only

Owl by ovo

here's a video I made out of sheer boredom. it contains fun frags from various modes and as always is content oriented + absolutely awesome. glhf

gueststars: fluff, hala, njeesus

shouts to everyone who play pm!=)!==)!=)!


Editorial note:

Fast paced CPM fragmovie containing top notch frags. Editing and other stuff has been left to background while doing this movie. Absolutely worth of watching if you want to see CPM gameplay as it's best.
Players getting egd: Varma, dundy... etc..
i no will dwonalding nono :>!
nice vid!
was a bit confused at the start lol
<will download and comment later>
record at a higher framerate so you can use slowmotion
stream or gtfo
ovo is a friend of ahxnxa, must be good
made me wanna play cpma again
nice movie, really makes me wanna play again :D too bad i quit playing at april last year. currently picking it up with CA again xd

Everyone who replied to this comment shall die of aids
tell me about it
thx for the info man :)
come play some pickup, niggah
was that supposed to be DotA? If not then Imma confuse
obvious troll is obvious
have no sound rofl :<
ovolicous cu on kiskot
nice nice :p
terminator-skilled killz
nice frags
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