Video available for download only


Urban Terror Fragmovie

Length: 6m0s
Size: 143 Megs
Resolution: 1024x576
Codec: x264

team war horses gallop to a deadly beat:
x1, megatronic, shootah, klarity, tarquin, bronson, lupin, fetusmaster, aF, rev, domino

My primary intentions were to show off the best frags in Urban Terror while publicizing this excellent, free stand-alone game. I tried to be modest in the area of effects while attempting to display most properly the fragskills involved and while maximizing as best I could the rewatch value.

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shitgame wnb cs
its better than cs.
1/10 ???
stream or gtfo
That's some excellent stuff there.
Yea thats a great movie, it makes me feel like i have to try this game :) (i tried once but 1,5years ago?)

go on with moviemaking!
Using this unknown and rare site called google, I took advantage of it's magical powers and used it. The results were phenomenal.

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Using google requires great skill and knowledge, however I am willing to give lessons at a reasonable price.
Did I just divide 1 by zero or what?
nice movie :) worth of downloading
took me a while to find those "download buttons on the side" in the first mirror o_0
Ive searched for 5 min so far.

edit: ye fuck this, not going to download.

Ok j/k good video, liked the (second to RTCW, IMHO)

9'd for the last frag :DD
cool movie. i might even try this game.
Unexpected nice editing, but crappy music :<
I like it, somehow, but I'm not sober atm.
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