Video available for download only

More Luck Tw1zZt

Duration: 1.22
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Filesize: 37,9MB
Framerate: 30fps
Vegas .avi Codec: huffyuv 2.1
megui Codec: x264, HQ-SLOW
Music: dope - slipping away

ET 2.60b
Virtual Dub
Sony Vegas 5.0Avisynth
meGUI modern media encoder

Frags: Tw1zZt
Editing: Teun
Looked like something from 2004 -_-
actualy i like thouse (Shewie ones & co) from 2004 more than these new ones , gets teh feeling
well yea.

all that matters is if you really like it or not. i just hate those people only looking at the settings and that stuff and then they say: "oh, your cfg sux so the movie is shit aswell", thats just nonsense. i think its just about if you like a movie or not.
by looking like something from 2004 i meant unsmooth cams + cam>pantool transitions + weird editing, not the cfg.
sry fredd if you misunderstood this, but that reply wasnt meant to be to connected to your comment ^^

i just made a connection to dunz' comment with that feeling stuff and so on.

edit: i liked interlude very much btw. it has a very nice atmosphere and i think atmosphere is the most important thing in a movie, no matter if its a fragmovie or a real movie.
rl > internet :<
but your config sucks :[
well... the intro just sucks too much and the camming failed. only frag i liked was the frostbite pf. sry but i didnt like that :<
dont like it
-use antialiasing when recording plz
-get a moviecfg
-correct colors
-dont use that zoom effects plz :D it just points out that u dont use aa
- frags were ok :>
-music was overused

still lookin forward to the final project
not rly interested
Failed :< (imo)
amazing 10/10
ya i iz serious :O
low low low
Based on the comments already posted, I'll give this a miss..
age 14 =)
nice movie image: up
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