Video available for download only

Super Size - The movie

Movie of clan Super Size #1 mix team of Hungary Hungary !!!!
I made this movie in Summer of 2007.

Length: 10:00
size: 331 MB
Frame rate: 25fps
Codec: x264
Resolution: 1280*720

Edited by adze
Starring: Kazlee, Scoob, dxtr, fear, logitech, adze

Primary: Hungarian mirror.
Mirror 2: Megaupload
Mirror 3:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HF :>
dling 60kb/s :|
e1: <10kb/s :(
e2: download completed :)
ok movie 6/10[/u]
36 kb/sec mirror Canada nothx
mirror sucks ass
5.1 KB/sek
im downloading for 9 hours now!!!
40kb/sec -.-

random pic

image: spass_0184
17kb/s put another mirror plz!
15kb/s, another mirror plz!

not that anyone is going to download it from that mirror you offered anyway
astonishing 30~KB/s
i downloaded with 70 kb/s :XD
so, watchable, nice frags and music for me ;-) [thx for folder with soundtrack <3 :D]
polish connection fucker :(
not polski telekomski :->
joke stealer :< don't fuck with my internetz, doh! :(
thx for feedback :) np for the soundtracks :>
~5kb/s thx..
10 kb/s , cmon adze :<
ETA 5 hours
4 kb/s, are you kidding me?!?!?!
5.3 KB/S here image: confused
yeah SuperSizeMe was the first name of this team :>
I think i know that picture saying Super size: Dont you think?

:DD get a better mirror :< 5 kb/s s0x
XD sorry needed some picture :D
what about new mirror
give me an ftp :D
megaupload is ok? check mirrors :))
mh own3d exists for 3 years now, someone could have inform you about the fact that we offer you some space for the movie. anyway, too late, i did it on my own ;)

own3D Download + HQ / LQ Flash Stream!
1,3kb/s, i only need 77h :)

no thank u
super size?

you made a movie of my penis?
40 kb/s no thx
~500 KB/s :D:D, ISP main routing is through Hungary.
could you upload to megaupload or soemthing like that so i can put it on "my" ftp?
Sure, I'm up-ing it on megaupload. It's gonna take quite a while though, ~21KB/s - 4:30h estimated :D:D (usually my upload is up to 120KB/s at torrents :<).
megaupload? Canada nothx

btw I hope you have decent download speed to MU, cause I get like 15-35KB/s max. :D:D
10 kb/s nothx
12:00 hours left...yeehaa :)
2.8 kb :D

25 h left :D
i was like "whatever" and left it dling, it's 95% atm, 20kb/s the whole way :p
will edit when i watch
edit: motionblur hurt my eyes, so i didn't watch it to the end, so i won't rate it
i started downloading when i went to bed. 60% atm, 6-10kb/s
see u in 14 hours.
plz 10 h's of download :<
i wont download it until good mirror
4 kb/sec "HF :>"

edit: 2 hours later, and 8 more hours to go lulz

edit: 4 hours later, only 2 hours to go... this stuff better be good -_-
hot mirror
yep, new mirror or gtfo...
I loled downloaded this movie,around houre and on 10% it sed download error:/

bloody hell...
someone remove this
lol 250 kb/s only, get something faster

EDIT: Got the one from
Thanks mate :)
Mh ;) What shall I say ? :)
Gimme some moments
i guess 3minutes for intro which is only flying cameras is a bit too much
Pretty nice movie, but I didn't like some little things.

The music is to overrated and to much used in other movies, allthougt the first song (intro) was pretty cool. I didn't like it that u didn't show the frags in first place, I thougt my pc was lagging, because always when the frag should come I saw another one. But thats my opinion.

Also I saw that some frag were used multiple times. Maybe it was a nice idea also to translate the last part, like Milk & Bull did at their movie, so everyone knows what they say.

Anyways I liked the rest of the movie, and I'm looking forward to your next one.

:DD: agree
Anything with Rage Against the Machine is great :)
except this movie :-)
cheers haha
need translation at the outro ^^
The guy who's talking called Hungary frza
He talks this:
from 8:48 til 9:16 Hungary frza
I was fucking the girl and she did poops, i pushed once and i heard pff and pushed twice and heard again pff. I said what's up baby, and she said sorry i need to poop.
Is she really poops the air?
from 9:16 til 9:24 Hungary szeki
If ur not fuckin her ass , ur fuckin her pussy this sound also cames sorry
from 9:24 til 9:44 Hungary frza
But not that sound, she shit to my mouth, can u understand ? She pooped!
yeah theres a sound like that, but not that sound when ur balls are vibrating .... i siad how many hertz @ ur pussy my baby

smth like this sorry for my english :))
rly nice one
Never understood why do u blame those songs which have been used already
we've heard these songs so many times that those started to sound shit
its one of those movies that are so terrible that they make a good comedy
very constructive :DD:
i cant see the point of writing a constructive comment. if the editor wanted to make a watchable vid there are tons of tutorials available, not to mention some of the discussions here on crossfire and on
what about the new .gifs?!
How do you think that i wanted to make a watchable movie ? And why the fuck are you so arrogant? Bcus ur making good movies and working on it all the time? Sorry that i don't test shits and writing tutorials 24/7 as u do... and i don't want to waste 90% of my time to make a movie which u like. I don't like the music in your movie so go to read blogs and stuff what style of music ppl like.. Sounds stupid?
I made this movie in 1month. If u don't like it rate 1/10 and there you go. btw You could see the rates before u downloaded and then do not download my next movies
good night
yep. as i said above. your intention must've been to make such a terrible movie that people would laugh and close it after 30 seconds after the intro, not to watch it multiple times. i'm not arrogant, just stating the facts. i'm not working on movies all the time. there are no need for tests if you use the same settings as someone who has done some tests. no one asked you for a tutorial. i only wrote one tutorial and that took about 1h to do. i'm not wasting 90% of my time on movies, people would like. considered that most of the viewers didnt understand lyrics from twk movie soundtrack, it was still liked by the majority.

you were the one wasting time. it took you 1 month to produce such crap, when it would take you 1 month and 1 hour to check a few tutorials and learn about how to get good quality, that you should resize with constrained proportions, that you shouldnt use songs that were used 10 times before, that you shouldnt use cheap effects as "sync", how to sync footage with music, how to sync ingame sound with footage. etc... none of these things are subjective, but rather a standard to what a movie should be.

when i started downloading there were no ratings, and i only downloaded this movie because the pic seems somewhat promising.
How long the TWK movie took?
That 1 month (which u call waste of my time) wasn't at all, it was really great to watch old demos and stuff and i laughed whole the time... Maybe I don't want to learn how to use After Effects (or whatever) cause I heard it's quite hard and that's why the Sony Vegas Effects are enough for me.
You are a moviemaker and u want to make good movies I'm a player and I want to be a good player.
if u want to be good player it doesnt mean u cant be a good moviemaker. Look at me, I am player, more-less good one (not one of the best but not some low+ tard), and I guess my last two movies were way more enjoyable than this one. I am using only vegas, dont have time for learning some AE tricks. I have just read some tutorials, learned some shits about making motion blur, good resize and have a good settings for video codec. It would take u only one day of reading very usefull stuff. next time learn something more than how to start and finish capturing screens from ET.
gl hf in next project
Anyways I won't read tutorials, i like it :>
and thanks!
hehe like me <3
thats the attitude! :-)
i hate flaming fellow moviemakers and i never like criticizing other peoples work that they worked hard on, but that post was retarded and so were your points, and superboyy is correct, you should of read about resizing, motionblur, etc before making a movie.
well atleast do it next time, when you'll continue creating movies.
Perfect for me mate :>
or atleast say it in description so others wont use their downloading time for downloading crap
Too harsh. The movie is really watchable.
why use frags vs low+ opponents for a fragmovie?
to me it looks like you guys wanted to make a movie, played some games vs nubs so you could get some frags to make a movie out of it...quite boring.
and as if this wasnt enough, you use a song from one of the best fragmovies ever...
apart from all this, nice work xDD
Why did we use frags againts low+ opponents ?
It's a mix clan and we weren't better than med together and always had fun.
These frags made in 1year (must of us lost (almost all demos) like me.
"you use a song from one of the best fragmovies ever"
So what mate ? What ? What ?
Can't I like a music cos it's in another fragmovie yet ?
anyways thanks
EDIT: yeah maybe the outro is boring but if you could understand what the ppl say it would be much enjoyable..
If he says that these are "the best moments" then maybe people should accept that this is the best they could do, and that not only high skilled players want to make frag movies.

The movie maker must be blind if he didn't notice that the aspect ratio is f*cked up though, so I didn't bother watching more than the two intros. =)
i dont like it .-. 4/10
looked kinda shit, cant say for sure since i only watched the first 3 mins.
2kb/s. gj
even speed on megaupload sucks today : / 330 kb/s

''even'' because ive read all above comments so im expecting the worst : /
SHIT MOVIE, LOOK THAT MOTION BLUR HURTS MY EYEZZ!! AND FRAGS ARE LIKE SHIT AND THAT SYNC... MAN YOU SUCK. im best movie maker, there isnt anything to complain in my movies.

btw i really liked your project , are you working on smth new?
ye, a movie for tornis & animal
looking forward to it
nice one adze <3
That's just terrible..
I don't understand the harsh critism. There are tons of movies, which are definitely worse than this one. The move won't come in my mind, while thinking about the best ET movies ever, but it's really watchable. Too many wannabes here.

P.S.: The music is horrible.
lol man dont show the same panzer (3man where he kills sorwel @ gr bridge stairs) like 4 times, same for the sd ones
didnt get the first 2-3 mins of the wnb intro where you just cut some frags without any point.
thought u had some potential before :<
3times* (one of them in the intro)
still 2x too much, count the 2x`s also for other panzers that has been shown and you get something that isnt really pleasant to watch
maybe for you, keep up then, we`ll see what will it turn out
sucked, was so boring couldnt watch more than 2mins
overused music !!
why does this movie get so much attention
:e could someone translate that HUNtalk at the end ? :] i wanna laugh/cry too !
The guy who's talking called frza
He talks this:
from 8:48 til 9:16 frza
I was fucking the girl and she did poops, i pushed once and i heard pff and pushed twice and heard again pff. I said what's up baby, and she said sorry i need to poop.
Is she really poops the air?
from 9:16 til 9:24 szeki
If ur not fuckin her ass , ur fuckin her pussy this sound also cames sorry
from 9:24 til 9:44 frza
But not that sound, she shit to my mouth, can u understand ? She pooped!
yeah theres a sound like that, but not that sound when ur balls are vibrating .... i siad how many hertz @ ur pussy my baby

smth like this sorry for my english :))
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