Video available for download only


This are 2 Fragmovies of the u5 players Alea and Axe.
Some ppl asked for them so here you go.

Thx @ for mirrors

Second mirror = Axe
Third mirror = Alea
gonna dl!
upload somehwere else and worth of downloading ;)
upload it yourself and gimme the link :P
ale35 is epic
hah wtf, I'm beeing fragged in Aleas movie, together with humM3L and blaze as euromix, that was like 2005 or smth D:
axe movied sucked balls, alea one was decent but brief
axe movie was made in couple hours (:
the frags weren't
maybe they were, who knows :P
all frags came from 6 or 7 baddie demos in 1 month 8D
it was supposed to be his "extra" frags and all his other ones were going to be used in the u5 movie
normal link plox
gimme one :P
msg me @ irc, #webartdesign
new link there :)
Yeah the axe video was demos from 1 month of play.

Alea was working on a full Axe movie with the demos susposed to be in the u5 movie that conflict never finished, alea is on holiday so yeah.

Love that mobile on battery against parodia :), old but nice.

usa pwns all
You should upload Nomad's clip, it's great.
lmao i can't believe these FUCKING TERRIBLE movies that i made got posted.

axe movie was all of his shitty frags from 3v3's and scrims

my movie was 3 year old frags that i just compiled for fun
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