Video available for download only

4Kings - 7 of a Kind

dranzer, nkm, rglaf, rufio, fenda, pokemans, winghaven

Produced: rglaf productions
Directed: Carsten "rglaf" Ekholt and Peter "nkm" Newcombe

Length: 12min 37sec
Size: 429MB
Resolution: 1280x720
Codec: Matroxa Audio/Video Container
Release Date: 5th June 2008

Robert Miles - Children
The Legion of Doom - Lolitas Medicine
Pendulum - Blood Sugar
Prodigy - Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix)
Kanye West - Flashing Lights

Programs used:
Sony Vegas 8.0
Magic Bullet

Thanks to:

Special thanks to:
nkm, gotos, 4Kings
qw is awesome
yeah, but etqw isn't
qw - here i come :)
your not included but winghaven is? whats wrong in this picture
Is that directed at me? If so i quit quite a while before the production of this movie began, and winghaven was playing as the movie was being made, and he still does play afaik..
i thought when you left et:qw died also:>
why did you left
Lost interest in the game :(
stop advertising for your website that cant even afford to host the file, just put a direct link.
filesfront mirror :((
naxid we need u!
Feel free to create mirrors :=)
preferred the rebirth (I think it was called) movie, although this was nice viewing. quality was not amazing, but not going too ott on the effects was good - seen too much of that recently.

hopefully more to follow though, as there are not a huge amount of etqw movies out there, and its nice to have a little variety.
why the hell do u use 720p when the quality is and the compression is shit? any 800*600 movie would have looked the same on my fullscreen...

basically the movie was not bad but i expected something professional...

frags were ok...
music mix was rly bad although i love dnb

overall average
only liked the triple obligator and triple nades from winghaven against epsylon... i was almost temped to click away the movie which is a shame since i'm a quake wars lover AND a movie lover.. 6.5/10 for me
max a 4 mov! sound killed my boxes... :(
enjoyed the movie, but as an outsider (i don't play qw) i thought the frags weren't that amazing or something.. i never thought "wow how the fuck did he do that" or something.. which is the feeling i usually get when i watch a movie of a top team from a game i don't play
might be because some aspects of the game are similar to ET
winghaven: out of the ETQWay 4
was nice movie, but dont use the frags from the lowskilled/medskilled teams :p
looking for some shift+delete videos? dl this, i recommendz!
bestest movie of QW, who voted it with low votes its just a hater of the game
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