Codec H264 Filesize 367.00 MiB Length 711
Video available for download only

Fragging The Sequel

oldskool style lulz

Length : 7:11
Size: 367mb
Codec: H264

quit whining , its an old project :)
lol infos maybe xD
<comment space reserved>
Someone really needs to read some tutorials on the basics.
yeah do that plx max
this is an old clip :)

my latest stuff is better , tho , not much improvements for quality
Length : 7:11
Size: 367mb

kinde joke i guess?
quality > filesize

the quality isn't good here though
i prefer having a "medium ++" quality with a decent filesize instead of highquality with a uberhighfuckedup filesize.

40+- mb/min = ok imo

But i got fast download :p
680 kb/s, thats not the problem.

but here its around 51 mb/min :), not rly perfect.
If the quality would be really uber uber, it would be okay imo though...
30 mb/s is ok.
would be around 150 mb if i didnt oversize :p
Creativity 2/10, naming adobe after effects as a used program, is clearly i creative thing.
Editing 2/10 if recording ingame stuff and putting random musik under it is called editing these days, you did clearly a great job here.
Content 4/10 , frags(mostly) vs mixed, liked the 4 man panzer on supply tbh.
Quality 3/10, because of the fucked up resolution
Overall 5/10 , why? because of the freestyler song, i simply love it.

after your testclips i atleast expected some good quality.
this was made before the test clips :)

also , i had a 4 man panzer on bremen from a non default spot but lost demo :x
a joke i hope.? jesus the quality sux, the music is overused and this shit dont belong in moviesection.
Epic fail, sir!
Give me my minutes back!
367 megs for 7 mins is pritty much...

well please stop making movies with ur ingameconfig...
the movie is pure shit...
the only not dumb thing was the frags. although against mixes n stuff but k
fepic ail
not that much..
1920x1080? why? looks horrible on non-widescreen :E

voted 10 for fragging mant
the config is crap, i hate the resolution, frags are not that good, sync sucks and the music is totally shit

sry ^^
Member For: 10 months and 25 days

oldskool style lulz
k , what has me being new on cf to do with the style of the movie ?

Retard :)
stay off the weed dude

read the comments lol :)
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