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Sui - Generis

After releasing The Slovenian Show several weeks ago, shyR from illusion-pictures returns with yet another fragmovie, this time featuring the Belgian player Sui.

For the full movie, Sui has found Boštjan 'shyR' Omahen as his moviemaker. ShyR started working on this movie one month ago, right after he finished his last project 'The Slovenian Show'. For the full movie, the music was chosen carefully so that it's not overused, the effects and frags have been synced on the music and the frags are very nice. It is a mix of unscopes, double kills, multiple takedowns, wallbangs etc. There is something of everything in it, so that everybody can enjoy this movie.
something is wrong with 10 vote :X
very nice :)
good work
<3 dignitas\sui
maybe its just me, but doesent cod movies get rly boring after like 2 mins? :x
VAA?? näääe !!
fucking nice, though sniper kills are a bit boring to watch :>
Call Of Duty 4 gg
game still better than et
like i care what you more like...
Everything is better than ET.

//Movie was good, nice frags, etc.
especially CoD4
- quality
- editing
- motion blur

+/- frags
dling expecting to be good after slovenian show
where is the online stream ? :(
yesterday was there an online stream

here is an online stream, can also find 1 at and , enjoy!
very nice! :D wel wa geluk soms e :D maar echt nice.. wrm geen knifekills? :<

Ik speel voor de moment ook cod4 maar op de PS3 ^^ da gaat er wel anders aan toe
We went through on msn and its at you enjoy game which is even more random than cod4. I dont see what you personally see in cod2. I played it pretty long time but I just dont get it.
i thought as a q3 player you would realize how bad cod4 is, it should be pretty obvious

im not going to waste time explaining why cod4 doesn't work in competition
Im most likely stupid coudl you explain me.
Why 'doesn't it work' in competition?
highskilled after everyone went cod4 ?:/
no beforehand, i started jan 2007
well the whole cod2 scene , may think that cod4 is crap. but alot of ex-cod2 players like it. is just personal taste if you like it or not :/
no, they like it because they are earning the $$$$$

some people are willing to play crap games just for the big mgc's and the money, eg: quakewars, some aren't
why arent people playing quakewars as massive as cod4?
because it was less popular than cod4

cod4 isnt popular because mgc's took it, its popular because of the 3592682 peons playing it at a lowskilled level

compared to other games that were released in 2008, cod4 is technically 'awesome'.... but its also depressing that its the best game of 2008
Cod2 also had big online scene like cod4 i seriously dont see what you see so good in cod2 and how cod4 sucks
its rather simple for me
i like cod2 and i dont like cod4
Thats just personal opinion but if you enjoy one of the slowest game okay its cool.
cod2 isn't neccesarily slow. It depends how you play it.

also i bet you've only played cod2 pubs like everyone who says its slow. yes, pubs are really boring and slow. in a match, you have slightly over 1 minute for a round and small maps. playing aggressively with a smg when you're actually good pays off most of the time.
yeeeup only pubs just fyi i played cod2 almost year pretty active and played also in finnish lans it cod2 is slower than cod4 doesnt matter how you play
it doesnt matter if its slower than cod4, because the gameplay is better and requires more skill. everything doesn't depend on speed!
One shot random headshots thgrough map yes very good cod2 is way more random but blah this endless
i'd like to see you win a round with "random headshots"
random headshots happen once every 5-10 kills, less than cod4 or ET. i'd say you get less random lotto kills in cod2 than you get in most games, if you get owned in cod2 when first playing it unlike in cod4, the enemies don't have lotto, you're just not very good
just aim little bit higher upperbody and have low ping np or wiggle little bit etc etc in end of the day cod2 is more random then cod4. Why I dont see old cod2 players saying how cod2 was much better then cod4?
been there done that just man get 555fps and 40 ping or smaller :)
And in cod4 you aint earning big money, only chance if cod4 changes mr9 and round times to 1.30 and gets cgs. And I cant even reply properly
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