sqzz docs run

sqzz docs run on frostbite
UK vs. Latvia / Nationscup
Movie created by SwitzerlandMTM
Music: Lacara - Ordinary World

Lenght: 0:44
Size: 26mb
haha super cool song
ownage :D

iamlegnedzskiller (3 weeks ago)

LoL sqzz is best dog runer i Know...........n1 sqzz
its already on cf i guess. old for me
seen it at least 100 times
old, but still good :D

and funny song :>
I'm sure i got highest fragger that round. Fuck sqzz, i was the hero.
I am sure we won the game, you both suck!
but griim was lagging :<
but, but, in the butt!
old, mine was better at supply
docs run at supply? hm?
need somebody to DRIVE THAT TRUCK so he's a hero!
sqzz strafes like Lazio
it always seemed like sqzz lagged half way through his strafe which meant he was able to jump further.

whenever I specced him he'd jump and then while in the air it'd go a bit wacky and he'd move forward a tiny bit more than you'd expect :X

wonder if he can do the same type of jumping when he's not on his home pc/inet connection
gg Pancho
Seriously... what the fuck. How come my 6 months old wmv testclip ends up in the movie section of Crossfire? :--D
Because u...and then I mean u....killed a fish!
fishkiller gtfo my xfires
Big lol @ all youtube flagcaps.
Love to see those comments at youtube, shows how good the ETpubbers know the scene :D
XRAPLESYRUPX (2 months ago) Show Hide
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He could do it way faster, but in ranked matches like Nationscup and ET leauge matches tjing to get the docs,or finish the mission with the docs or anything like that is means for disquallification.
Nice clip...but UK lost 4:0 anyways xD
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