Codec x264 Filesize 704.00 MiB Length 2327
Video available for download only

Pulp Fixion

A Return To Castle Wolfenstein movie

Pulp Fixion - by #stfu? productions

Starring Finland Team Fixed / Editing by Finland Nizou

Frags by:

Length: 23:27
Frames per second: 40
Resolution: 1280x720

x264 version:
Video: 4000kbps x264
Audio: 192kbps LameMP3
Size: 704MB
Ratio: 30MB/min

XviD version:
Video: 6500kbps XviD
Audio: 128kbps LameMP3
Size: 1.08GB
Ratio: 47MB/min

Programs used:
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Smireboule Camtrace 3D
Sony Vegas
x264 MeGUI

Music used:
Rammstein - Bestrafe Mich
Charlie Clouser - Losing
Dick Dale And His Del-Tones - Misirlou
Deathlike Silence - Face Your Death
Static-X - All In Wait
Moses Hazy - Shadow of Kim
High Contrast - Days Go By
DJ Orkidea - Beautiful (ambient mix)

Primary: x264
Mirror 1: XviD
dling and then rage in irc
Dling. hopefully this is good
:d nice. dling
too long :[
nice, the midair panzer on ice was awesome. the bloopers were entertaining and the frags were good. maybe a bit 2 long :)
if youre an ET newb, dont watch! its too long for you!
I'm not an ET newb, but I swear if it has a 5 minute credit sequence or something ridiculous then I'll come straight back here and whine about it being too long.

Few movies can be longer than 10 minutes and not have me checking the playback bar to see how much more I have to watch, so if it does pull it off, then I won't be whining!

intro is like 2mins, same goes for outro ;=)
Finaly something new , 10/10 , just because its rtcw
dont normally say this, but im at work.


omg i agree 23:27 minutes would mean i could watch this, pack up, and then leave :(

:P will dload when i get home.
you lucky bastard.

Im here for another 2 hours :(
pulp fickschön?
dl'ing OFC
stream or gtfo
omg nizou omg


[e] awesome work 10/10, nice music,flow and was watching whole movie not even wondering how much time left = entertaining

p.s nice gun (especially mp40) position <3
p.s.s High Contrast <3
Downloading, just because of Sirkka.

EDiT: Oh god, going down twice :(
shit! who is he fighting?? Satan?

23 and a half minutes and only 4 months since your last movie? :o
afaik its been in production for well over a year.
nope, took about 4 months. :p
well I remember talk before cpc2. ;)
Been unemployed for this summer so I've had time to make it. Something positive in it at least. :)

For merl: It was supposed to be made by Sipperi, but he's such a lazy bastard. So I took over the job after I was finished with senti's movie.
eeeeeeexactly :D:D

makes sense :)

being unemployed does help though I guess ;] since Ive had a job its been all down hill!
at least you didn't waste your talents on a hacker this time:D
what in the fuck is this ?

kidding :d brilliant movie nizou! I should have asked you to make mine!
2 long :lll
1102.3mb :O
sry but i think that one is too boring
Watching, reserved...

QuoteQuality 9.2

Are you guys serious? The audio quality is fucking terrible.
people on crossfire rarely vote appropriately. the rating is just (people who liked the movie)/(people who didnt like the movie)
Nice Movie, though these kind of movies with such a duration are getting boring after some minutes...

Good job though! :-)
mod used for camtrace?
is this animation bug only in mov mod or also in "vanilla" rtcw (fusing dynamites)
Which bug?
The one with part of the hand texture missing in first person? It's in the game, think it's even the same thing in ET since the textures seem to be made for 90 fov.
Why does one version have 128kbps audio and the other have 192kbps audio? :S
I don't think it really matters when the source audio is as terrible as it seems to be anyway... :\
I dunno what your audio equipment is but I guess there are quite some ppl like me who have standard onboard sound or a crap soundcard... so it's not like there would be a huge noticeable difference between a 'good' or a 'not so good' audioquality /source audio. and to be fair, the soundquality wasn't _terrible_ imo ..

music doesn't matter that much as it ain't the main thing you're concentrating at... just my 2 cent
Dunno really, just a habit. Since I compress them both separately.

For Meez: all the source songs are 192kbps or higher, not terrible according to my ratings, but you seem to be whining about everything nowadays so dunno if you require cd quality or what..
Well it sounded like something was wrong... I guess you went mp3 -> mp3, and thus it's a transcode... but it sounded worse :\

Also it was kind of loud... I checked AC3Filter while watching and it was constantly clipping which is probably one of the reasons it sounded pretty bad :( You should adjust volume so that the audio never clips
To be honest, I had to check the bitrate of that Static-X song to be sure since I agree it sounded a bit shit on some points. For the volume, I've always used the default setting in Vegas so dunno, maybe I should decrease it a bit in the future.
Yeah I hope I'm not being overly harsh, it did manage to hold my interest till the credits which is impressive for a 20 minute movie.

But the audio volume is somewhere you can improve, in vegas where the volume control is, there should be a red square and a number when the audio clips, if I recall correctly

If that's happening it means that it's too loud :<
its something that is mostly overlooked in fragmovies, as much as songs are a big deal within a movie, they aren't the main focus.
I disagree, music contributes to the overall pace and feel of the movie, if i can hear clipping/artifacts it ruins it to some extent and isn't as immersive.
I didn't say they weren't, if anything I think they are more important than the look of the movie (the content of course most important!) but in general peoples main focus of the movie is the look / frags then synching and music quality comes, in general, last.

I haven't seen the movie yet, so not saying thats the case here ;)

coming only 850kb/sec :<
Great movie!
Uber movie!
I enjoyd to watch it, nice content =p
+ clean look
+ camming
+ frags
+ nice composing at times
+ some sync

- mediocre music, which doesnt leave an impression

nice movie, but just doesnt have that special something
My thoughts too, music comes usually down to personal preference.

It might have benefitted from few mins less of running time, making it tighter.

Overall very good job.
Well yea, it's always personal opinions. Personally I've liked and listened to all these songs quite a lot lately, maybe except for Rick Astley. :p
I agree that music depends on personal preference, yet music in movies is very different from what you listen to normally. Looking at reactions on Max' 3rd movie, you see that many people said they didn't like the music much it felt good with the pace of the movie and in conclusion gave them good remarks on the music side and I fully agree with that. I enjoy movies with a consistent choice of music a _LOT_ more than those with generic songs of different genres randomly put together. That's one of the reasons I think Snoop's and T6nis' 2in1 was one of the last fairly good movies, just because the music proved a certain consistency, contrary to those that have been released since. And that is although I have seen the frags roughly a million times because I was ought to make that movie in the first place. So, even I only speak for myself, some people put the choice of music on a level with the frags as the choice of songs adds enormously to the pace and atmosphere to the movie. And in fact, creating a movie with stunning atmosphere would be the only thing that keeps me interested in moviemaking and makes me attempt to start to make of a movie every now and then.
Technically decent but didn't hit my taste at all. The music was a bit boring and there was only a few sync except those spam frags.

Maybe I'm too newschool to understand a 23min movie that has no intensity.

+some frags
+/- music
+ZedZeno #MOSFETs.public


You can't possibly say there was no sync, sure I didn't sync every smg frag or so but rather larger parts or concepts which is the whole basis of this movie. I have actually thought about placing every clip carefully to make them fit the music, not just did mp3 + demos. I rather keep the content at timescale 1 than mess around with velocity just to be able to sync every possible frag for some random beat. Did it for a couple of clips, though.
Yes yes you synced but you could've synced more smg frags. I mean it's not difficult to sync (almost) only the spam frags :Z Or then I didn't watch the movie carefully enough!
how can you sync smg-frags apart from hitsounds? it's not quake, it's fucking rtcw
you sync the deaths.
I thought the syncing was very nice, just as most things in this movie. Well done! :)
LoL? like 95% of the frags are synced tbh :D?
Or not. Like I said to Nizou, pretty much only the spam frags were synced. So you can't say 95% of all the frags were. :O(
well they do have lots of spam kills ;)
there was sync :l
Hey, jonzi is a big plus too!

antti wantti on kyllä ihan ygöne
2much fintrash it hurtz mah eyez ;<
My favorite RTCW movie :)

Very nice job, 10/10!
finally a new nizou production! <3
finally got home and watched.

I thought this would be better than it was - but I was lost just in the intro alone, it was a nice idea but the execution wasnt amazing. some of the cams/credits frags perhaps could have been draw2d 0 for a nicer feel but overall I liked those parts. The frags were dissapointing due to the amount of mix and/or public frags used - removing all of those would have given you a nicer finish to the movie and would have made the movie a much more reasonable length, also had some lag issues on some of the frags, I wasnt sure if it was my PC or the player half the time. :( most standoutish frag was rokkeri's sten kill against sna, which was nice - but other than that it was average and nothing new for me.


+/- musics


overall I give it a 8.25/10 as I didnt get bored by it, but I never really got into it (one song picked up the pace nicely though, on the rokkeri kill mentioned above.)
No public frags there and you must know how hard it's been at times to get scrims versus proper teams instead of mixes. :<
still I know how long fixed have been around, and the mixes problem has mainly only been within the last year. there have been big stints of activity from competition to competition and I know fixed were playing a lot. even if you didnt have the extra frags I still reckon if you just removed the mix ones alone it would have been better.

no public? ;) venom one looked pub due to opponents ;]
Nah, it was some polish mix.
well I liked it anyway - its easier to highlight the bad sides of things than the better side.

It was watchable, and for that length I didnt turn it off or check how long was left, success imo. :)
"also had some lag issues on some of the frags, I wasnt sure if it was my PC or the player half the time."

noooooope soz it was just my connection :DDDDD

and yes the mixed problems were last years shit and we played like 5 times a week last year :=) - every frag was from a 6on6 or 3on3
fuckup part and lotto frags were great
cool movie overall!

loved the midair pf by siPi <3
awesome =D
10 out of 10
Long time since I didn't watch RTCW movies. Remembering Eurocup X, RaZiel's movies & co.
Since it's you Nizou, I"m gonna dl it :).
Eurocup X* =)
Eurocup X* =)
Eurocup X* =)
Putes nègres.
Niahaa! <3
nice l'auto-reply. ducon
ty for xvid version, dont care about size :D
if mystic was included i would have download that 1 gige
Sirkka > mystic @ rtcw
you sure your finish?
He might actually be right :p
and it's finnish* btw.
same question for you
no offence to you, mystic or anyone. but mystic afaik wasn't anything superior in RtCW.

Sirkka along with Jauhis and keios were/ are the best fins around in rtcw. (my opinion.)
mystic is great in any game, please...
Yep, but superior only in ET
agreed roggeri =)

Veracious was/is pretty good too :P
hes superior in every game!
He's superior in everything
boring shit :<
download tomorrow. <3 fixed so looking forward to this.
nice airrocket sipperi ^^

...and bully getting stabbed 3 times, men lol :D

had to smile at the 'special greetz to vio' :P
dling, 1h left -..-
Hopefully its not like sentis adventures - Random Spam was just awesome.
good movie :-)
oh the nostalgia,... was really fun watching :)
and im glad that there are only so few scenes vs sdi despite the amount of matches we played ^^ - simply hate seeing myself getting killed :D
Yes another cod4 movie!! <3 , downloading it

EDIT: i was being sarcastic lol, btw nice movie but to long -.-
muzzleflash is too bright to see the frags on my monitor :E
Finally a movie that can be actually called movie instead of 6 minutes pwnage pack.
Omg! Nice movie.
Aren't you that Panzerpro from back then?
no soz im still pro... LOLOLOLOL

ye ye he is (jawa). xd
Yeah, "pro". ^^
Need that "Hallo" clip of yours. Found it rather amusing when I first saw it.
Real Name: Jarkko
Age: 18 ( 24 June 1990 )
Location: Finland
Gender: Male
Function: Member
Registered: 9 May 2005
Member For: 3 years, 3 months and 3 days

hihi ^^
Nice movie =)
Musics: 7/10
Editing: 9.5/10
Config used: 8/10
Frags: 7/10

Overall: 8.5/10

Nizou, you are definately an amazing movie maker.

nice movie man
at the end i almost cry

if u got more demos pls make another one ;)

nice movie, well done fixed & nizou :o)
nice movie :)
sirkka!!!! :D

downloading it coz of heimlik 8)

im expecting something good here :)

edit: very nice movie + editting + frags + config +/- sync

only its funny that u can see the lag of some players even in their demos :P

anyway gj nizou
its NOT funny fu :D
That's what you get when you force us to play on your shitty .nl servers! :-D
looking forward to this
about 2 years ago all the enjoyment i had watching fragmovies disappeared, ever since i find them all boring.
at least half of this movie was boring to me. Its not editors fault or that content wasnt good, its just that i dont enjoy this kind fo stuff like i used to.
however, beginning of the movie, some great cameras and transitions and syncing made other half great to watch and left me very surprised (in a good way) how well all of that was done.

i'd like it more if there were fewer "standard" frags, but still, very good job, nizou!
nice movie
+ config
+ quality
+ some musics
+ venom part

- gun position
- muzzleflash
- some musics and frags
Terrible terrible music, the rest was brilliant! :D
didnt like the lag when it just freezes.... music not so gd, the kills was great
awesome :), tho i missed ingame sounds, and to bad there are a load of frags from the same spot/movie. still awsome
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