Codec x264 Filesize 354.00 MiB Length 941
Video available for download only

Nothing but the lotto

Starring: mst
Editing: hristo

logo: LOGO


Lenght: 9:41 min
Size : 354 MB
Codec: x264
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Source Frame Rate: 25-200 fps
Resolution: 1280x720


Drowning pool - Enemy
Rise Against - Give It All


Primary: HQ
Mirror 2: HQ
Mirror 3: stream @ own3d.at
I'm 1st, downloading!

EDIT: didn't like it at all :<
I'm 2nd, downloading!
I'm 3rd, downloading!

EDIT: I like it !
I'm 3rd, not going to download!

EdiT: fu rck :D
I'm off to sleep and oh....fuck you to!
:D <3

good night
the end credits account for like 1/3 of the movie and are about as enjoyable to watch as most of the first 2/3'rds

Well that is a bit harsh, but the movie is over edited with simple effects, and I don't enjoy being shown multiple clips of previously shown scenes just to fill up time.

Music was nice though and synced somewhat. The opening scene syncing was far too long and drawn out.

frags were fairly decent (lotto is a fitting title) but weren't against the greatest of opponents.

Not a bad effort really but notches just above the "yet another ET frag movie".
Nice puttin yourself on reviews all the time x[,
It's not my fault that I'm the first person to do a reply that's longer than 1 line, I'll gladly add anyone elses good comments :P

(16:55:47) (@fusen) is it wrong to add a review that is your own comment?
(16:55:48) (@fusen) ;X
(17:04:32) (@TosspoT) yes
(17:04:38) (@TosspoT) but ive forgiven u already
I blame tosspot.
It was way to blurry for me, and also the music wasnt rly my taste. Further a couple of nice frags, allthough some seems 2 be lotto:)
Also sharpen is in this movie way overused. And multiple clips of one simple frag isnt rly nice either.
After all i did enjoyed it a little, but it doesnt stand out towards 2 other fragmovies.
Fix the blur, and add some hitsounds would make it much better.
Quality was fine, content was also ok.
As fusen said, outro was way too long.
this movie would of been so much bettter without the cams stopping before you cut to the next clip. It just ruined all the cams, and they were even pretty good.
cams sucked imo
This fragmovie is not a normal fragmovie. This fragmovie is with none other than mst. Mst, viC and their clanmates in suffering is in my eyes the only fairplaying polish clan there is out there. Suffering definitely got the potential to be one of europes finest clans, but they just need to work some things out since they just came back from a small break.

I Kannt Spall wishes you the best of luck in the future.
What can I say... I like it only because of mst's frags.

Intro was way too long, same as outro. I liked that idea with "NOTHING" and different action for each letter but rest of the title looks like you didn't know what to do so you just used same effect.

Outro was a tottaly mess, 2:40 min and you put there nothing but letters ?

Config, colours and quality was okay, but sometimes I had feeling that you recorded some actions in two different ways.

I didn't liked camtraces, I mean only a few, like that one at goldrush (it was showing nothing, you were just trying to fill free time somehow).

Like I said all in all I like it because of my mate frag's and I understand that this is you'r first movie but youre not so bad in editing, you just need some new fresh idea's. :>


Creativity: 6
Editing: 7
Content: 10 (:>)
Quality: 9
quality 9??? :ooo rolf?!
It's mst movie, that's why :d
lol @ 3:32 , the roc doesn't have hitboxes
it was my first match with wh turned on
This looks fucking horrible :| I most likely got an eye cancer now.

+/- some frags

- looked like 20fps
- pitiful motionblur
- SHARPEN (I'm gonna sue you for that.)
- overused music
- too big crosshair.
- SHIT and crappy cams (always fade the camera before it stops)

3.5/10 :<
wtf at the hand on the rightside of the screen when he's holding a rifle, rofl. How the hell is he holding his gun then ? :O
that's why some nabs use cg_guny -24429534 in riflemovies :/
not bad for your first fragmovie (?) hristo

it has all: nice frags, nice music, good sync, and simple editing which still does its .

the only things i have to complain about are, that for example the cfg didnt look that special, standard colors you can get with saturation boost (?). also in some clips the motion blur was missing and in some there was too much of it.

but still i must say that i enjoyed this one :)

nice frags
A bit sync
Quality wasn't very good
A 2 min outro?
nice hack at 3:33

cams > all

looks like a movie from 2005 ;)
I don't know why but this movie has one of the most annoying editing I have seen.
I still wonder what you have done with the motion blur during the movie?!?! Most the time it looks like you recorded the Frags with 20 -24 FPS max. That makes the Quality rating overall really bad. Its hard to watch the movie by that! Especially because your editing is exaggerated - for my point of view.

Further i think the opponents could be stronger teams, but this is not a gist, like other things are.
The music is ok, even though its overused.

The Outro is too long. It is nearly one third of the whole movie. Collect more Frags next time, that you can fill up the movie Scenes, not add an outro with overlength.

All in once i think you can do it better. But its an indigenous start i think. Go on ... improve your level.
Hristo just didn't use all demo's (like 6 man kills against retro4u). I think he didn't have an idea for the outro part, however it's still enjoyable. :>
nice movie
nice frags, but quality wasn't good. the movie title doesn't makes sense to me, but care. enjoyed it
was your movie title inspired by "n0thing but headshots" by any chance?
nope, I saw that cs movie accidently a few days ago
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