Codec Xvid Filesize 370.00 MiB Length 1424
Video available for download only

Ati_ - The Movie (Old)

Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 (Where scripted cameras were special!), so don't expect uber quality shit :>. The movie contains med+ clans (low-) and uber music (THIRD SONG IS WIN). Anyway I only uploaded it on own3d.at for stream, because it is not worth to download :O. Have fun!

image: ati_-_the_movie_2

Is this the new movie?
Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 Recently I was looking into my old movie folder and found this masterpiece! My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes. It was made somewhere in 2005/2006 v
Tell that to Klass! If he's still alive =(
nice ati :p

but why isnt the enemy shooting back? :D and why do they use autoreload? :p
Because it were med+ (low-) teams :p Except for Estonian National team! but he putted that in the outro =D (which is freakin long O_O)
k :p anyway, nice frags ;)

everyone always say "now, there is no highskill anymore, in the past was real highskill, ...", but when I watch this, and this is supposed to be med+ in the old days :P
No no, your getting me wrong =D With med+ I mean ...dsapldkaspld .. Ik bedoel dat is niet de med+ van toen, ik zei dat alleen door al die med+ recruiting posts. Dit was toen ook echt low =D mwah, med :>
oohh, now I get it ;) I got also a movie vs lowskill (read: low/med) => http://www.own3d.at/watch/1368

I'll watch it when I'm home <3
so this is newly made movie?
Can i have a download link please ?

10 Nov 2008

1.) *added: New version of the offline conversion tool (registered users only)
2.) *added: Download button (HQ stream download) (registered users only)
are we downloading the source now or the converted mp4 file?
HQ stream download
Source is not possbile for a "two-men" project ... maybe if you donate ? :D
won't that decrease the quality? and i'm too poor to donate:D
We never thought of a download button, because on youtube you are also not able to download videos and NO ONE of it's user misses it. However, i don't think it decreases the quality if we do not offer the source file, today, videodownloading for collecting it on your hdd is replaced by videoportals. And that is our offer to you :)
i don't really mind that you guys don't offer the downloads:>, most of the times its not worth the download and stream is the best way to watch those:D
"My old fragmovie made by Klass from Electronic Eyes."
Oh the memories ...
Bring back Radeon too :(
not that good
very old ^_^ lol i think this is the realy first rifle movie that i saw n1
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