Codec H264 (720p) Filesize 110.00 MiB Length 254
Video available for download only

Raptor - Indirect Fire

Made by Raptor


Machinae Supremacy - Death From Above

Nothing more to add.

oh wait
liked it, nice frags, popups ... Music was a little bit weird :D
screen looks decent. Downloading.
kinda liked it but way too short
It was pretty nice. Some points:

+ nice quality
+ nice frags
+ I liked the popups
+ You used the DOF tool huh? Looked nice but a lil less blur.

- Weird music ( guitar was nice but the bleeping was just wtf x/)
- White sky at radar?
- Forgot crosshair at some points
- Could use more sync and/or cams.
liked it =)

i lold about the beep thingy in the song but its nice :::DDDD and the popups looked really cool!

nice frags!

too bad the whole movie was too short and it was too blurry :(
loved the song!
machinae ftw!
-for confusing me and making me think it was unheard DFA

-too much blur on some parts and it seemed pixelated (the blur itself)
-too much contrast on supply and grush
-a lot of aliasing

+the rest
was that song nintendocore genre ? :d

+ frags
-/+ blur
+ colours
+/- quali (blur fucked it up somehow)
-no outro

i thought the music was awesome..

but then i found out it was actually "guano apes -open your eyes" which was still running in wmp and got really disappointed when i heard the actual music.
Very naice!

Especially liked the use of blurring.
nice frags but that song has got to be the worst song i have ever heard, it doesnt go well with the movie at all.
Dunno why people are whining about the blur, isnt it like that on purpose? :D

Nice frags and really nice music.
cool minivideo, good config with nice colors, nice usage of depth-sharpness (dunno the english word, think it was made with some tool introduced here some time ago)

the song was just cool and a nice idea but on the edge to get boring when the movie came to an end, so good timing here :>

frags were good and vs. good opponents, but some of them were like... nice action, but in the end he died and therefore didn't have a 'happy end' :'<

7.5/10, very well done.
Too short. :((((((
why do people release short craps recently instead of working on a 10+-min movie with nice edit...
Watching 5mins of fragging >watching flying cameras
Watching 10+ mins of fragging > watching 5 mins of fragging
No! This is MY Internet, YOU go away!
everything depends... on everything

anyway 10mins > 2mins of movie, doesnt matter if it has cameras or not
Only real fragmovie is is mAx chapter 3 tbh!
and squaliiiii the movie

u can combine those and there is my fragmovie!
even malczik has better frags :<
id much rather watch 2 mins of a good movie than 10 mins of your movie :))
you just said otherwise
image: celebrity-pictures-watson-wand-in-pocket

i meant i want to see 10 mins of this crap than 2mins of your socalled artwork, eventhough level of this movie is even below thoro-pictures
when did i call my movies artwork? never. anyways, they dont need to be a work of art to be better than yours
who said they are?
oh a 15yr old estonian cheater

ye now i get it, take all you need i have family you know
its so obvious you're polish it's not even funny
welcome to the fabolous world of DECENT EDITED MOVIES.
dof was nice
nice popup font
nice music
nice colors&sky at radar
also known as depth of field -.- BLURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR TOO MUCH BLUR -.--stfu nerds.. it was nice
whats the resolution?
Haha intro "that really isnt..... quite.. hhohow u play this game" :D

Nice vid and the music was cool.
nice dof, colors coulda been more diffrent, maybe fitting with the song... about the song, it was annoying how the nintendo beeps had too high pitch sometimes and didnt go with the guitar / drums :P
It's not Nintendo but a C64 soundchip they're using. :P

great music, nice idea with the depth of field!
Simply amazing ! That's how the real fragmovie should look like. Just perferct.
loved the blur
also known as depth of field -.- BLURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR TOO MUCH BLUR -.--stfu nerds.. it was nice
WHAT THE FUCK WITH MUSIC IN FRAGMOVIES IN 2008 ????????????????????????????????
Stfu frog???
didnt like the dof. nice to see that someone is trying to do something with it, but this was just unnecessary. i liked when it was used in those external player view shots, but it sucked in 1st person view. other than that i think it was ok. popups are something else, but they look nice.

image has been out a long time and still no one managed to make a truly great movie with all the new features. kinda sad.
coz mad has been lazy recently :<

anyway that dof doesnt have to be good tbh, sometimes if you want a cam to follow the player, and you record it lets say not 1000% perfectly (+ without using a followplayer mode, coz this sux) will mostly give the opposite from nice, for example the player will get blurred, and its not really what you`d want
yeah i suggested that he adds a feature like focuson <playerid>, but it apparently cant be done
i think a good idea would be to implement a followplayer option, but with some wiggler @ angles/position added, so that its more natural (i have followplayer cams, they simply show no cammaking skills), but you`d need someone to implement that and its not that nice`y

btw except dof there is only color correction adjusting, but its mostly useless since you`d have to change 12 (4x3) values for each map(record) and it`d take far more time to render than using the same curves adjustment @ vegas or so :<
I'm glad you keep doing movies.

About the movie, well:

+ Some frags
+ Music (kinda weird, but somehow i liked)
+ fast (no useless stuff like outro or intro)
+ @44s (kinda nice look..smooth )
- Frags (kinda disappointing for a player like him.. frags vs some randoms or too short frags :\ expected to see better material)
- in eye dof (it gave a diferent style.. but personally i dont think that dof should be used in eye)

But i liked the movie. Positive.

7.5/10 imo.
randoms? :DDDDDDDDD
yes i mean @1.19 ; 1.59 and some other shit frags against someone that isnt shottting him or backbrape
music is funky
I liked
really nice liked it all, quality, popus, music & all the rest
ownage song!
Totally crap. Worst ET-movie I have ever seen.
godlike song
fucking shitsong 1-1-1-1 np
I really like it. great quality, nice frags and nice song =D
the music somehow reminds me of the sound of old lucas arts games like maniac mansion and Indiana Jones =>
nice song reminds me of the overcloacked remixes
and nice movie
whats the dof everybody is talking about :D ?
lol I was wondering about dof too :>/
depht of field, the blur in the background
Some sorta loved the quality a lot.
that music imo fit in very nice,
Very nice frags

over all liked it a lot!
nice sync @ 1.45
liked the dof
and music was awesome
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