Codec x264 Filesize 552.00 MiB Length 1722
Video available for download only

Assault Legendary

An Unreal Tournament movie

Assault Legendary

A long awaited and promised movie has finally become a reality.
2 years have passed since the beginning of this project.
After losing all of the progress in a complete harddisc failure,
I decided to restart on this project and do it even better then what previously had been made and then lost.

Presenting the UTAssault.net community and a total of 16 players of its players.
This movie contains some of the finest moments by these 16 players of their last +/- 2 years in UT1 assault gaming.
Containing a wide variety of footage, from mid air rockets, mid air flacks, hammer saves, insane combo's
to the sickest ever seen sniping footage.

Most of which are, close saves, runs getting objectives or team covering!
Ofcourse an assault only movie is not complete without the humour, funny moments and just plain assault traits!
Also expect to see some laming, camping, spamming, noob killing, some "i cant hit anything" moments and last but not least, sneaking footage!

With that being said, the movie is at a resolution of 1280x720 at 40fps in both mp4 as well as good old xvid quality.
Something to suit all needs for playback as well as being viewable online in good quality streaming.
Even non UT1 players and non assault players will be able to enjoy this movie.
Yet to fully understand all footage, some knowledge of assault is required. (most clips have objective flags included though)

A big and massive thanks goes out to ALL the players that send in their demos, even if you didn't made the final cut.
It took me 1.5 years to even get all the demos that I needed for the movie together duo to most of the people in assault community being lazy bums and not renaming their demos!
A lot of effort went into this movie, mostly in the sense of having 8 UT's in total for movie making (god what a buggie game!) (of which in the end only 1 kept working..) and complete starting over after 6 months of hard work!

Massive thanks to W1z4, subz`, bamse and auri for helping me out in one way or another with the quality settings!!
Also a massive thanks to my big brother Basement for helping me get rid of footage bugs and adjusting the sound settings!
Third massive thanks to the servers who are hosting my movie and the respected music artists.

Enjoy the movie!
~ orchild
Not that much editing but some pretty sick frags.
Hmmh.. dling! =)
lol UT lol
WTF is this SHIT ?!1
quite bad tbh

Low framerate and ugly game, some actions seem to not be understandable unless you play the game, also they seem to aim quite horrible at some points. Editing is barely existing
Of course it may not be understandable if you've never played it. Doesn't take a Sherlock to figure that out. :P
Well not really, I don't play cod, cs, q3, yet i understand whats happening and can see if there are awesome frags, people have great reflexes or in general do something good.

Here on the other hand there seem to be lots of runs where people get some objective on some roof on some map (like 3:30) where I dont see them doing anything specially skilled...
what a shitgame
sadly the editing was nonexisting...

BUT WTF @ FRAGS?o0 Some of these frags are sick...

i've found it today, dunno if it works
UT rocks...or not

So sick of the first song in every fucking movie. This could be nice if there were weapon on the hud visible so I could get even a slight idea which weapon is the player using.
Well i thought that was awesome.. More aiming in this movie than all the ET movies combined.

Well done
Super boring.
I have enjoyed :)
reminds me of etqw
i liked it really good movie with nice frags and quality :>
Too bad it's assault :<
random mix and/or public - frags seemed nice but lost in the ages of gaming.. ;)
finally someone posted some Unreal Tournament movie!

downloading, thank you <3
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