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TAG Movie: The 2007 Victory

image: taggy

History of TAG
In preparation of cdc3, k1ck.et thought it would be funny to just play some random mixes with some even more random people init. After beating Hummel at CDC3 and taking home endless amounts of money the k1ck.et team started to think about their future.

image: 260px-Paris1944
k1ck.et returning from CDC after having defeated the Hummel

After hearing how much 100€ is in croatian seashells Rimi decided to start his own MGC and #cortana was born. Dream thought playing ETQW would be very lulz. After Dr3am and Rimi killed k1ck.et the remaining players wanted to play some mixes with the nice people they got to know at CDC.

image: 1moses_red_sea_2
DoneX killing ET. In the background on the left you can see Dr3am and the rest of the Warn!ng ETQW squad

After getting bored of raping med teams, we wanted to play some real teams. Even if we had won from them in the past they declined to play with us as we were 'just a mix'. Keeping in mind the endless hours we wasted on perfecting our covert ops strategies and tactics we were left with but one choice: TAG was born.

Even though TAG was having fun playing against teams we thought it would be fun to signup for OC after the closing date meaning we were a backup team. In the benefit of TAG some teams died and TAG could get a spot in the premier league of OC, and of course the joy was everywhere when we heard about this news.

Now that we joined OC we also needed to play the officials but for TAG that wasn’t a problem being the most active clan in Enemy Territory. And even so I could be way more nostalgic with great stories of TAG like how TAG was a mix with only 2 stable players to evolve without picking players to a 5 man stable line-up with an added bonus of having a community that almost entirely consist out of normal players, but to make it short we joined, we played, we won flawless, we got next EC Invite.

image: flawless
really nice editing and quality imo. Enjoyable frags aswell (mainly zerenders and lightnings parts)
really nice editing and quality imo. Enjoyable frags aswell (mainly zerenders and lightnings parts)
Hihihi... such a dull name for the movie.

Some nice frags, some not so nice. Could've been more and from more palyers. Were the ones in the intro staged or what was the reason for not using them later (with popups)? And the popups sucked indeed, like TAG ever played with their real nicks!?

The config looked good, just too dark and too much of that Max Chapter 3 feeling. Due to the darkness the popups were impossible to see at times. Also, why were they limited to 5, dropping out stuff on some clips?

Songs weren't anything special and the fades were executed quite poorly. Oh btw, I used Shut your mouth already with InFragmovieTes!

There was kind of an ugly effect at 3.35 which caught my eye. Some of the cams kinda ended before they were supposed to, resulting in the camera staying still for seconds. Don't know if it was intentional or not. The outro was cool, a great idea to abuse Feuerstum's (Feurstorm?) comics.

It was enjoyable to watch anyway. :p
TAG <3 only lvly
+ quality
+ music
+ frags
+- editing

rly enjoyed it and i simply love the quality
An ok movie.

The frags should've been placed better. Sometimes it felt too much demo+mp3.
Some fast paced frags should've placed for the trance songs for instance.

The cfg wasn't too good either :(

Nevertheless a solid movie with no bigger + nor -

+ some frags

- frags (expected better ones)
- cfg
- boring
- it was lacking something :<
--- intro


P.S. The intro of 400hz prod is ugly and tasteless. Try to make something better, please :d
zerender the movie
delete this or news post
They did a good movie work and it helps, but could really do with a LOT more professionalism. All the attention-whoring and spam just makes them almost as unpopular as the guys they fragged. And that in turn discredits their movie in the eyes of a large segment of the community (imo), making them less effective at what they're trying to do.

Just post a clean, professional dissection of why people should watch the movie and leave them with that - would be much better.
why the hell should a mixteam look more professional?
You didn't see the psuedo paradox? :-]
its killerboy, you never know lol
hi cc5 winner
pretty nice
nice movie

bon travail Yoyo
From what I saw of it (laggy on my computer for some reason :_D) it was nais.
Will try the stream later.
Always enjoy playing vs TAG, and with on the rare occasions <3
is R0SS in it?
he is and you are :)
uppload the third traaaack! :D
ask Lightning @#TAG.et :D
Some good shit, some bad shit.

Whats the original song called of the 2nd song btw?
lightning needs his own movie!

*edit* where do i know the outro song from?
Smokin Aces end of the movie
Yes, Totally True, It would contain crazy shit.

image: 0001
juuu den hope! :DD
pretty good. bad music, except the 2nd song
I've heard the second song before!
well, i hate these shitty intros, yes you read right I HATE THEM
its like you want to watch a porn and they only kiss or rub their ... yea whatever
but seriously i want to see HAAAAARDCORE 3hs monsterkills with superuberepic sync :)
go to hollywood and try there but this is SHIT
way too much effects -.-
imo AT LEAST 80% of the community want to see really nice frags and not your faggoty fag intro with some random effects where some bullshit mongols get killed

edit: come on nobody wants to see overdrive :_D
Nice movie Yoyo,
Frags are ok
Music is strange
Editing is ok
very nice 10 / 10 .
The config was fine. Although in b4 it was too dark to see the dead enemies' names (at least if they were in black). I enojyed the musics; some are used often but still I like the songs. Also the syncing was kinda fluent in most parts.
I was kinda missing the "you killed bobot" text because it disturbs the moment when u can't concentrate on the action but need to check the corner for that info. Some of the frags weren't that special, I like more the type of frags were opponent shoots back as well (no matter how many u can rape in the back). On the contrary all Hope's multifrags were kinda cool!
I also expected a bit more content against the top teams as well, but I was satisfied with this material anyway.
All in all a nice movie, 7/10
Nice quali
sick content (especially lightnings & zerender's performance)
nice fonts & loved the fadings on the edges

one of the best intros seen in a while
Solid, but not my taste.
rly nice movie, enjoyed it.
need soundtrack
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