Codec Youtube Length 341

CC5 Trailer

The Trailer for the Crossfire Challenge 5, featuring highlights from QuadV's broadcast of RTCW, WSW, CoD2, CoD4 and ET. Aswell as footage of your favourite stars! The quality is not amazing, and there was a lack of footage (surprisingly) so its not the most amazing.
nice clips ;)
where/when next cc will take the place ?
2nd ?

edit: haha nice
Why bother posting a trailer of an event which has already been played and has already been posted several times before on the site?
was posted in news, now posted as a movie. CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER
there truly is nothing you wont whine about is there
To have it, where it has to be. ;)
i wish i could go :(
own3d > youtube
Errrm. No. Youtube is faster, doesn´t lag and has now that hq-option.
own3d has better quality and unless you're on a 56k connection it loads instantly
I get lag on those owned-vids, even if it has loaded itselfs. No idea why, me not likey.
Probably because of your machine.
x264 videos do need more than 2mbit of connection and a strong cpu

Thomm, nobody wants you to use our website, it's just an offer to the community, nothing more. Use youtube if you wish to :)

thanks twister :)
I am not mocking it on any way, the old one was awesome. Especially the download-thingie, haven´t seen it in new one.

I got good connection, but my cpu is crap and doesn´t run x264, but shouldn´t the stream turn into flash or something?
No, its not a flash stream, its an x264 stream. Only low quality is a flash stream you know from youtube, sk-gaming or other websites. But you can use the low quality version, its better than other esport streams like above named websites :)

Whenever we have a sponsor or somekind of an investor, we can reanimate the download section. As long as masta and me have to pay for our service to you, we can only offer the x264 (HQ) stream.
Would be pretty cool to have the download feature, indeed.

Been missing it :( Even though, your stream service's been awesome so far :-)
you can dl the hq stream :D
same, but i think its because my pc is shit lol
actually those new ?fmt=22 youtube streams have much better quality than own3d
Thats why i love the community :) Allway unhappy about what people gives you with their own money .. if we would have that money as youtube has, iam pretty confident to also offer you 720 p videos. But as it is now, masta and me cannot offer you more than we can pay, but as it is now, i dont really see a comparation to our website if you take a look on other esports-video platforms without youtubes "high end" movies (btw, i dont really think that even youtube can offer that quality to everyone)

To join the whine...will it be possible to link and watch the older movies again?
No sorry, we only included all those movies, who got high quality at the old page which were 103 videos. All other have been removed. You have to upload it again .. sorre
im absolutely not putting you down or whining, its just a fact i mentioned. I know nobody else than youtube can probably offer 720p and I appreciate what you're doing for the community.
Youre welcome :)
the guy at 1:51 is intense
raveneye, mystic? wtf
'The trailer for the Crossfire Challenge 5..'
cc5 trailer and I see myself playing in the first few shots :D
bandungboy1 (1 week ago)
Reply | Spam
I was planning to go 2.. but I got banned and now I want to take out the fat nerds on the CC5! FUcking PC nerds. But thye problem is, theres a big party in Holland 12th december, with Vato gonzalez and DJ Hardwell.. im not going 2 watch some fat suckers play ET while I can fuck pretty girls and shit! BYEBYE FUCKING TARDNOOBS
image: nerd
have fun with ur girls
Wah haven't heard this tosspost's shoutcast, it's just amazing! Especially with reload :D
hehe tos
song name?
D12 - Fight Music
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