Codec x264 Filesize 465.00 MiB Length 17:09

My name is Jo0f

An 'Wolfenstein: ET' fragmovie performed and made by Jo0f. Contains frags from 2008 out of both pracs and offis 3v3, 5v5 and 6v6. While playing with Friends in Force / 8Bits.

It's a little project made in 2 weeks starting from 0 movie-making experience. My goal was making a fast paced movie with good watchable quality.

Movie Information:[/u]
Length: 10:29
File Size: 465 Mb
VideoCodec: x264
AudioCodec: faac
Frame Rate: 30 FPS
Resolution: 1280x720
why would you upload it to megaupload and not own3d? o.0
It's being uploaded to own3d.. will be added in an our or two.
Quality is great, this AA@dreamblur looks insane. Great frags. Framerate at the beggining was weird. Besides its 9/10 for me :). Intro & Outro weren't that creative.

465 mb? C u in an hour..
waiting for stream link.
Give me real ftp
lekker sjaak:D
QuoteFreedune 10 10 10 10
Trixor 10 10 10 10

QuoteCreativity 9
Editing 9
Content 9
Quality 9
Overall 9

eh? o_O

echt lekkere movie :)
trailer by kb was good so this must be too
chaaaaampp :DDDDDDDDD
hahahaha :D
Worth the download or wait for own3d stream? Is there emo music?
good movie, nice frags, I didn't know you were that good
this movie gives some instant boner
i expect to see some 50% hs acc with sten on bremen
those will be provided in your movie onleh :<
I hope the movie has r_ shownormals 1
nope but he has norecoil hax on even in the move so np 4 joof
Downloading.! Happy newyear btw
Real mirrors plz
Kind of good
knetterhard hoor joof :D
Quote by Olav Molkneiterhard

dunno if it's spelled with ei or ij though :D
olav mol > * :)))
Nice movie.

Very good content. When are you going to reveal you're actually a robot?
Quality was decent. Could've used some blur and a bit too dark.
Editing could've been more/better.

Very nice for first movie
5/10 , not more :<
Proper mirror please.
Frags were good but the movie sucked..
One of the best et fragmovies, config should be brighter, though.
Good work Jo0f.
Really nice frags, decent quality and good music.
Awesome movie, was nice to watch :)

btw thnx for shoutout <3
and last but not least: HAXAN!
my name is joof i can see thru walls
Achtelijke bengel.
oh pleasee... 8)
you are a fucking machine...

this really is a movie that is just great because it shows some really great aim. there is nothing beside the frags, no fun, no creativity, nothing... just frags but they are really great and entertaining.

the music is not the worst but could be better, i d have liked it if you would ave sticked to the electronic stuff like you started with prodigy.
the mix of those different music kinds is not really good..,

the quality is not too bad. a little bit too dark but it was ok.

for ur first movie quite a decent work. keep on with it
meupload when will people learn ffs :S
I keep telling them mama, but they just won't listen !!?!!
need own3d link
great player, great frags, great fragmovie ;]] Gj Jo0f

My name is wallhacker
Reminds me of the movie "farmerboy" just frags not retarded cams and stuff
waiting for stream xP, downloading by like 100 kb/sec :((((
good movie ,tho i didnt see sync there

2bad the player is a complete whining retard
+1 for mos def even if it doesnt really fit into a fragmovie and nice movie :x
i dont like the music, but frags are awesome, real fragmovie
rofl, the allknowing one? smells like a cheater.
Nice frags, even tho it was a bit too dark :X
Great stuff fragwise. Music was nice too apart from the rap crap song starting around 7.30 or something, and for some reason in completely stopped at 8.20 and had no sounds at all after that, dunno if it's just me?

A big bonus for deciding to do your movie yourself and not crying for some "professional" moviemaker. It brings some more variety and it's always entertaining to watch this kind of more "simple" movies as long as the content is good.
quite enjoyable, but too dark...
impressive movie.
the best movie from 2009 so far:)
Was okay. There was stuff that could've been left out (opponents not shooting at you in some scenes) but whatever.
10.26 on goldrush looked a bit strange...
Indeed. There were a few shady scenes in the movie :l
10:26 is outro.. What have you been watching? ^^
oh shit.

that were some nice frags.
nice movie, but its a bit too dark
haha I dont believe this shit.


My name is jo0f and I hack.
quality is decent,frags good and nice music
finally a good movie
7/10 nice music some nice frags too
Fragstealer, nice movie pannekoek.
very good movie for a first try and over a short time period, good frags didnt really look suspicious at all.
is the sound sometimes fucked up?

good movie :)
yes it is, in some cases like 1.5 shots out of sync : |
ye indeed, I tought already is there something wrong with my computer :P was already quitting al my other programms but I still heard it way later P
Hmm I know some shots aren't 100% synced and maybe 2 frags are just really out of sync.. but you shouldn't notice it to much normally :x
I downloaded the movie twice and ended up watching it in stream cuz i thought it was my pc acting up :/
If the sound was out of sync in the real video and good in the stream then it is your pc... which can't keep up with the decoding.
haha, your so fucking clueless offline. couldn't find any lan demo's:D?
he didn't use any demo's from cc5 because we are making FiF cc5 movie, where you can see his LAN-performance :o)

and plz stfu, he never ever cheated...
Warning Level: 40 / 100
how do u know?
was fucking awesome
One of the most boring movies I've ever watched.

- Learn to sync hitsounds
- Don't include hitsounds in the entire movie when most of your frags are mainly bodyshots
- The colours are terrible and way too dark
- No syncing whatsoever
- Why did you use drawgun 0 for one frag?
- No creativity in intro or outro

Can't believe people think this movie is good...
Actually drawgun 0 is good for frags where the targets are below the player, so that the gun doesn't block the vision
is ur gun whole screen i usually aim guys not 10 ft above them so that i can't see them but head body and don't give a fuck about rest than the guy i'm aiming atm or u like the countryside, i think gun frame blocks that one! : )
don't take it as flame
i guess this comment is coming more from jealousy then out of real knowledge. ofcourse there were some things not good, but he shots a lot of headshots, the cg_drawgun 0 is ok if u look down.
further most of the hitsounds where synced very good.
He did what he wanted to make; a fast paced, enjoyable movie.
Rofl, what exactly do I have to be jealous of?

Most of the frags were mainly bodyshot frags, at least against the better teams.

Using cg_drawgun 0 for one frag is completely stupid, a movie should be consistent.

Most of the hitsounds were synced, but not all of them.

I know what he wanted to make and I didn't like it. I appreciate movies where people actually spend time on it rather than execing a cfg and recording frags with hitsounds on. Poor movie.
youre a retard you didnt do one movie and you judge like you know shit

go die incar fire, kthxbai
u don't have to make a movie to judge other ppl movies lol or maybe we shouldn't say that this or that movie released in hollywood is total crap though it actually is made by a novice and not experienced guy and it actually sux? whould we tell him well done waste more money/time on this shit?
nice one comparing homemade 10min clip with hollywood's $$$pictures$$$

i know you hate me, but pls if you wanna make me look like a fool just try harder
so i should say just that "it was good movie" though it sucked and be friends with him or what so ever, even if the quality sucked he never even tryed to sync anything, he just put the fucking avi clips to vegas or something, added something to the start and something to the end and finito, true good movie needs like 2 hours max to do all that in vegas if even that
go do yourself this kind of movie in 2 hrs max, retard :D

i never was saying this movie was OMGMAXHANNESNONIXNIZOU-LIKE movie, i just say this is a FRAGmovie with good frags, and all the hate of "lolol man no cams,etc <insert random movie terms here>" is unnecessary because i believe main idea of jo0f was to show the frags.
what dunz said
what dunz said
l0l, people hate you and they don't even know who you are!
show your movie cmon we are waiting
Nice movie beast! :)
finally some good avi for Killerboy
nice movie
Nice simple fragmovie
Nice movie :-)
It serves its purpose.
good movie
jo0f never hacked omg you guys, just understand ffs, he was just testing out cfg's all those prac wars, which was obviously necessary because he never found the right one on ETTV and wasnt playing so good, so he switched to for example perfo.cfg in pracs and owned, but strangely settings get fucked up at ETTV but that could happen to the best. The lack of cc5 frags is due to the FiF movie which is going to be full of skilled 3 man backrape kills by jo0f, with his great aim and gamesense. Oh did I already mention he never hacked, not even in that war he played vs me perfo and Aza about 2 weeks after he started playing. He's just 80% skill. 10% cfg, 10% headset talent played 2.55 for 2 years, played on high level in all other shooting games, conceived out of faps perfo had on Aza's display pictures on msn and was born on LAN so he's a natural. just skill :))))))
You seem to like me!
perfo fanboy
Fanboying a Tauren druid... not gonna happen.
stop mentioning his name then werever you can
Yes because that's what I always do. Oh wait I don't cancer mongol.
hey no hate please

leveln 30 already
Najs, want to boost me WC? I'll buy some gametime!
sure i'll boost you on the toilet LOL!

let's do this shit
ok brb Twnkzzy incoming
i'll get to the XROADS
leave britney alone really
Sorry but if you look all the movie, jo0f dont receive any kickback recoil when enemy are shooting him and I dont think opponent have 0 % accuracy.

Next time remove the hack.
You are a retard then :P He used this: . Its public since long time and its not a hack. Its a cgame.dll with no screenshake. You cant play with it , only for movies.
I test it for movies i have still the recoil.

Put on etmain / etpro
?!?!?! There is cgame.dll moded.. u have to use with ETPRO ONLY....
Yeah right !

But movie without recoil look bad ^^
Personally i like the movie like this :) Gives it a pro look :XD:D:D Some ppl disagree and i understand them.. recoil is something important. but well :)
It makes the movie visually nicer but it also makes every frag look so easy -_-
ye :\ thats the prob
jeffk is busted for cheating with privat bot so he must know
i know .. he is a etbot costumer..

Leaked etBot to teXou and now banned from nC.

and so its "was" not "is" and stop useless horible old jokes
i am joof, i make ppl shit bricks.
HAXAN nice one jeffrey!
nice movie but there are some parts where I am confussed on how u knew where people were.
because he _ _ _
so does butchji!
the most of movies like that are without any context. U just dont know what are his m8s saying at comms, and its all about it, speaking and listening (and also a bit about shooting :) )...
i am not saying he isnt cheating, but not saying he is. but u ppl are just sure he is cheating and looking for some (any) reason how to bust him...
with some gamesens and knowing where you would hide you can almost know everything. Only thing is some people track or really know to much :P he doesn't
nice frags, wasn't not really fond of the config though, a bit too dark imo. watched the stream+ the x264 720 p, gotta say I enjoyed the stream more than the 720 p version.
music was not really my taste, so I just put my own mp3's on it, and then it's all good.
really weird shit
well, serious frags, not THAT amazing i think, some of the "dingdingding" were pretty lucky and I'm pretty annoyed by a few frags especially on goldrush...

Dont say you wh, but still, weird !
nice frags
voted 1 to copensate for your own voting :-DDDDDDD
mooie movie jo0F! :D kheb er van genoten :)
wat een kut muziek :p
nice one jo0f
ej dope shit ouwe, lekka filmpiej hoewel de muziek ook niet super mijn ding was kon ik het wel aanhoren en checken,
thnx for shoutout btw boefje, pz
Wazaa slet, lauwe shit man. Hoessie?
naice movie
Boring as hell.
Nice movie Joof :)
self bust on aldernest 2min10sec nice lean rofl ahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhhaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhha
lean is useless ok !
But how about sound smirzzzz ? we hear him runin' on the movie !
Imo get new headset french retard
whats the first song?
prodigy invaders must die
S.M.G - Madness

hahaha D: <3
downloading it now

edit: not that much special effects but that's the way I like movies :) too bad the hitsound syncing wasn't 100% correctly done. nice movie!
B o r i n g
lekker joofje
lolz cant see almost nothing with my shitscreen :D bit dark..

e: watched it with my brothers comp and it was very nice
nice joof 1 van de betere fragmovies
hoe heb je die hitsounds gerecord
So good movie to advertise bot :D
great frags, nice editing
Frags are oke, rest was boring like most fragmovies these days...
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