Codec x264 Filesize 355.00 MiB Length 843
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The Czechtard.avi

Fragmovie containing frags I made under the Team Czech tag!

Most of them performed versus other nations and on ETTV.

You won't find any popups there and you can bitch about it as much as you wish. I don't want people to read popups instead of watching the frags, waiting for "you killed mAus" and rating the movie based on number of such messages.

<3 cpu <3 kysna <3 frozz <3
<3 cpu <3 kysna <3 frozz <3
<3 cpu <3 kysna <3 frozz <3
<3 cpu <3 kysna <3 frozz <3
<3 cpu <3 kysna <3 frozz <3
lol you r fuckin machine dude:D

great frags and decent music but...why the fuck u didnt use these popups ;x

8.5/10 8D
2st omg 8D
you could at least write vs what nation you play :x
I liked it, nice frags but it was too bright at some maps..
I really liked the colors but its a bit useless to do an add a artillery frag without pop-ups, ye seeing the binoculars pops up tells us how much you killed but it doesn't say who so that's a bit lame in my opinion..
is this movie some kind of a joke?
use popups next time
Really worthless reason u gave for not using popups. Frags get interesting when they are made against good teams or known players. There might be killingsprees against low+ teams, how should we know that? By believing you?

The quality etc are good and the frags arent that bad, but without the popups it's the most boring movie to watch. Upload it again with popups and I'll watch it longer than 10seconds.
Loved the headies.
closed after 30 secs
you know what, you achieved so much in ET, i fucking look up to you, and you went to LAN, that makes you such a great person, you cute lil' midget
you can come to the next lan and shake my hand and just for some further souvenirs
i will do that my ET god, i love you so much for raping everything in ET, but im just a simple pub player i dont deserve going to lan i didnt achieve anything my cute lil midget
usually the proletariat doesnt talk like this to the authority :\ may your sins will catch you up some day
im sry plz accept my deepest apologize
image: 1086snoopay1zr8.th
btw nice moustache <3
image: 12653_11-11-08_1204

too bad :\

and maybe u ll soon be in the age of growth of hair apart from your head.

i ll pray for you.
i need to shave it already ^^
you must be a good prayer
yep, what are you good at?
dunno, i didnt achieve anything as i already told you my cute lil midget. dont you listen?
same, no popups- no fun
i could stand a bit longer ;)
+ quality
+ sounds

- mod
- brightness
- enemies
popups? :E
hmm new mAus? :DDD

nice video really but the popups :S:S i prefer the normal^^
srsly what a gay reason for those popups
seriously? is your e-reputation so important to you that you actually took more time adding the "images" instead of the text. so what if u didn't kill mAus, the frag can be good nevertheless. Right now it's my word against yours that those frags aren't made on some public/war vs lowbies. i mean no disrespect but that's what i think. and i think the glow gave me eyecancer. otherwise nice movie.
make a 2nd version with popups pls
well the aiming was decent and the frags were good.
But i still am convinced that the fact, who you fraged is important for a good fragmovie.
not that i am somebody that rates the movie good when maus gets fragged...
it just belongs to it.

The quality was not good at all. that colors were neither original nor beautiful...
didnt like that the music was slightly noticable in the background, just ingame sound...
i prefer that kind of fragmovies, where the music underlines the frags, not just some frags'n'music clip, made in 2 days...

for my oppinion you had great footage but made a not really entertaining movie outof it
nice cybergames rage meight, couldnt do it better :XD
watchable :)
would have been a very nice movie if you had put pop ups atleast to those support fire / artillery frags
nice nice :>
It's a joke right?
+the whole together
could have been a really nice movie, but it feels empty whithout popups (for me). Sync is missing too.
But the frags are nice, and i liked the cfg. I'll keep it anyway
:) It was shit :)
No frag popups -> closed and deleted immediately. :(:(
!!!! Nice !!!!
eye cancer alert
closed after 30 seconds :p

didnt look to bad quality wise but not adding who you killed is pointless, you could of just been on a public.
pointless is only your whine..

to movie: fuckin PWNAGE especially last action on bremen was impressive :OOO Quality is very nice but I didn't like cfg its like coronas 999 :-/ But like it.
QuoteYou won't find any popups there and you can bitch about it as much as you wish. I don't want people to read popups instead of watching the frags, waiting for "you killed mAus" and rating the movie based on number of such messages.

the worst argument ever, if you watch popups while watching movies i feel sad for you.
but still popups tell a lot about the level of the player, 9999999 multikill vs low+ or at public will never make me spread cum like if i see a 6 or at least 4/5 men kill vs h2k for example, 2nd is MUCH harder to do :X
a shit movie with frags versus great teams will always be rated than uberduperquality vs randoms, no matter how you aim and I can'tsee ANYTHING wrong about it, could you tell me pls?



5/10 overall, mostly coz of popups as you can see
+ quality and colors looked good
+ most of the frags were nice

+/- music although requiem for a tower is overused
+/- too much glow at some parts

- No popups ruined it mostly for me. The argument is even more retarded.
- hardly any sync
- no cams
I remember making you the teente vs UA avi!

[e] later
most stupid movie maker ever!
To put it bluntly
quality was nice, though it was way too dark sometimes..still, colours looked nice.
good frags and especially hitsounds all over the movie was a big plus, but too many of those grush spawnkilling frags :p

you shouldve used popups, its just better :p
and either you leave them out totally or you show them, but dont just show the weapon there :p
I stopped at the first minute.

I won't see a FRAGmovie which doesn't at least have "You killed x" popup like mAx Chapter 3. I can do a cool movie like you with nice music & cfg and public frags that will appear as skilled.
You only show with that .avi that ET is a nice game and that you have movie making skills. You can assure that you performed these frags against famous clan or something, but since there's no proof, I can't say that you made an amazing multikill since it can't also be done against low skilled teams. This movie is like a 6v6 without panzer, rifle, mines. The original content is being destroyed.

Some people who created fragmovies have put frags against low+ clans, but they were not hiding. They weren't ashamed, and a lot of persons still enjoyed watching their movie (xXx - blasted for example). Your choice was definately wrong for me.

i would say same
I liked it, you won't get any CZSK ET Awards 2008 - Best aimer
if you play @ cybergames very well so overal 8,5!

+1 cfg
Chill on the 10000% bloom factor and 50000% contrast enhancement if you want people to concentrate on the frags so much. LOL
teente <3
Looked awesome
what the fcuk is that? I expected smth much better, and i am not talking about popups since i knew there wont be any (i was hoping u would change ur mind but whatever). Music was ok, maybe Requiem for a dream isnt good song in the middle part, but whatever, ur choice. But there are some facts that made my eyes bleeding - no trace of any kind of sync, really shit contrast with huge coronas and glow. And if i wanted to know the number of kills, i had to pause the vid sometimes. Nevertheless, frags were good, but with popups would be much better, since u r one of the most talented players nowadays.
My rating 7/10 (for frags), rating of my eyes 1/10 = overall 4/10
Cybergames? u|k ? Some other random pub?
no popups no fun
i watched 33 seconds hehe
shame you didn't show the popup text... quite enjoyable content/quality though. 7.5
I liked the cfg, frags, music, short intro and outro(i really dont like movies, where you have to fly through whole goldrush). I missed the popups a bit, but your reason is understandable I also missed document run on adlernest or some action with cpu. 8/10 for me.
sucked so badley lol
this sucks ass soo hard :s
I get that you wanted it to be about the frags not the names, but the names directly effect the quality of the frags, eg frags vs UA isn't the same as a frags vs FIN. If names had been used I'd of probably rated it 9 or 10 for content, as it stands... I won't even bother rating.
well i expected to be flamed because of the popups and "frags from pub" but yet i proved the point that most people dont watch movies for frags but for names. Even if i had frags only vs idle or tlr i wouldnt include the popups.

I somewhat understand why you didnt like it but can i blame you for it? :)
This movie was done for me and people i played with and those guys know that i certainly dont need to put any frags vs low+ opponents to a movie.

If i get seriously bored i might add text popups to it, but then again, would anyone watch it again?

In summer ill make a fragmovie from my period in elite. This time i might make it the way you like it - itll be screenshots of console with all the kills ;) ...joke, i may consider adding popups :D
for me it doesnt matter wich names those popups shows. first it just looks nicer and 2nd its anoying if that popup doesnt appear when you kill somebody. and there r enough examples were ppl were able to make a decent movie without playing vs great names
nice creativity , didnt enjoy frags, but the worst in this fm is editing , and overbright - in some action i even didnt see models :D wasted demos to me :<
Nice headshots there dude =) especially in the end of the movie
not bad, but popups pls
last frag is vs ukraine in nc qualification imho
ukraine played vs canada
in each nc ukraine played vs canada? dont think so, man :]
thats gotta be ages ago then since we didnt play in this nc, last was crossfire without quallies and the cb one before was without ua team afaik :x
oh, you are right, my bad, it was group match in xfire nc :]
great frags!

music though well chosen had no syncho to movie nor it created any atmosphere.

Just upload used demos for those pop up hunters

cfg - nice stylization, I rly enjoyed radar. but supply and grush had white places, would deserve a bit of tweaking for those maps I guess
nice music nice vid :)
rotfl to be honest it was the worst movie I've seen for a long time.
The cfg almost made me an eye cancer, seriously wtf was that? For example in radar I almost haven't seen the oppos, what the fuck.
music was like completly wtf, it would be probably better without any music.
and no poppups hah, missed idea. I was bored after 1 min of watching it
2/10 (cause of aim)
more gr supports.
read the description!!
all frags against other nations so rly not bad players
A great movie. I liked it, musics were nice as it was mostly musics for ambiance. Colors and brightness were definitely something of new. Frags are of course really good. I would have liked to see some syncs and also maybe the name of your opponent like in one of the mAx chapter movie. Good job.
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