Codec WMV Filesize 100.00 MiB Length 315
Video available for download only


The CS Movie "My EVE' by fiter featuring various CS players.

Video review on The Movie Vault by Forceferen:
"I was incredibly impressed with the outcome of this movie. When I saw the title, I had a hunch that it was to be in the same league or even better than Style productions "EVE". MY EVE, or should I say, Fiter's EVE has some of the same qualities as Style Productions; Great sync, great shots, and an awesome soundtrack. Fiter's EVE differs from the older version, mainly by the substantial amount of editing/effects put into this mini movie. The soundtrack is also a higher adrenaline pumper, and is high up there with some of my most favorite cs movies."

Video Information
Producer: Fiter
Uploaded By: Jinxed
Length: 03:15
Size: 100.67MB
Resolution: 960x720
Codec: WMV
Track List:
Black Sun Empire - Dark Girl
Black Sun Empire - Dark Girl (Xen remix)
not as good as synced 2 but good!
Was nice idd
annoying effects didn't enjoy it at all.
i think the effects are one of the least annoying i've seen in CS movies, usually im annoyed by some.
awesome :)
good but not as good as CS - Eve
link? i remember stmh O:
pretty anoying, to much try to synch and overuse of effects, cant rly see or follow the frags, wich is pretty anoying, since its about the frags in a frag movie imo :[
my ass
not bad
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