Codec XviD Filesize 277.00 MiB
Video available for download only

Deadly Fruit

A movie about (slightly taken out of context) events that had taken place on the [[[Mad.4.wolF shrub server.

Be warned, this movie contains public frags, but if you can live with that, there's no reason not to watch this flick.
xD beach only!
<3 bully -^.^-
stream please

mmh must be good
Liked it:)
giving u a 7 just because it's RTCW! :D
nice movie, i like the music too, and somehow RTCW movies are just looking better than ET movies.
coming 500 kb/s down..STREAM OR GTFO
Thanks for the positive comments so far.
I originaly intended to make the movie longer (fragwise), but unfortunately the server which this movie is based on went inactive. After having it in it's current state on my pc for months in the hope that the mad 4 wolf server would get active again I decided to call it a day and just release it like this. What I don't get though is that quality is getting a low rating, any other option can possibly deserve a low rating (especcialy editing, there hardly was any), but quality? I don't think it looks ugly, please, if you can, point out what you don't like about so I can try to improve it for any further projects.

what res did you record it in? looks a bit grainy and weirdly dark sometimes, guess people want to see BIGMAC quality or something new. :-p
I captured it in 1280 x 960, than resized it down to 640 x 480. I have no explanation why it would look grainy, I didn't apply any grain, did you try useing a different player?
As for it being dark, beach is a night map, I allready tried to make it as bright as possible without it losing it's natural look, not much more I could do there without making it look like the sun was shining.
nice flick bully!
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