Codec x264 Filesize 40.00 MiB Length 116
Video available for download only

mySTEEL - The Trailer

mySTEEL - The Trailer

Edit: meNtal
Frags: mySTEEL gaming
Name editing: Ti+es
Contact: #diverse.et
Resolution: 1280x720 30fps
site: www.my-steel.eu
Starring: meNtal , Ti+es, BloOdy, Kevji, ph4zor, stRay, warlord
Hope you'll enjoy it!

Full movie coming soon!
mweh ;/
File size: 40 MB
too dark, make it lighter, use some colors, default colors is like watching a demo with music.. try to do cams insted of just spectating and zooming in/out at vegas, resolution was small and croppy, use higher res and please change font or atleast use small popups :( other than that I liked the outro tho its from video co-pilot ^.^
1280 x 720

what res u used to capture the frags cause it looks damn tiny ;d
haha thx :)
do not want
Yey another trailer from a movie which isn't gonna come out at all. FFS can you just quit moviemaking if you're not gonna finish anything.
i gonna finish them all ofc, if i get the demos
fail popups, otherwise kinda nice
music was nice, but in general boring like hell (for trailer with that music), doesnt even look promising, i hope full movie will be much better
sick and tired of those epic songs...
fail frags in the end!
your best clip so far
gl at beeing "high"^^ :D
fucking sync somethin lmfao its not hard tbh.
y is every1 just giving 1's, it was decent and doesnt deserve such a low rating
Sync???? Popups should be placed higher. The rest is quite solid.
trailers are so not needed.
QuotemeNtal_ 10 10 10 10

i did it, because all gave me 1 point i guess it was not fair
umm... the frags were horrible, although i liked the 4men arty. music was too epic, overused, boring, too much high tone nonsense screaming shit & it gave me headache. hopefully the full movie will be a lot better.
I guess you used image.exe so it's nice to watch, fluid
Popups sucks, too big and annoying in that place
Gifs of engi,medic are too much big..

work on it ;)
what the fuck was that?
mysteel the trailer, hope you can read (:
it sucks :<
Thank's for the Info mate!
well, i actually didnt want to express it so harsh. ;(

tbh, it got a lot of unused potential, the basic things were pretty good.

a little bit of work improving some factors and the full movie will be cool :)
i guess its not hard to make a trailer because cant find a good music :<
your sentence doesnt have any logic :S
lol i mean its hard xDD
Awesome frags l0L!
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