Codec x264 Length 139
Video available for download only


Video by image: pt ag0n

image: de sNoOp
image: de butchji
image: de drago
image: pt ag0n
image: pl kot
image: pl wiaderko

Future World Music - Rise Of The Hero

[center]2nd place @ ET mini video contest[/center]

This is my video for ET mini video contest powered by dell and own3d.
Don't expect anything great or uber edit/sync. I hadn't much time. Did this video at the last 3 days.

Don't forget to leave some comments/feedback.

Primary = Stream / 33 fps version
Mirror2 = 33 fps version
Mirror3 = 50 fps version, read if you have problems playing

Quote by [email protected]omg i wanna go to battery this summer
nice quality
nice frags
nice panzer cam

rest sucks!
Wait for my next movie and you will piss your pants with the "following cams" :P
Found out how to track with 100% accuracy something (like a panzer, a bullet, a fdop bottle etc), and with new image.et dof + better slowmotion + possible to play with timescale scripts.. will be the ownage :D

Only used dof + track thing for this one. Waiting for new image release.
i dont think its 100%, but it looks good

it with the getpos script or something else?
b_demo_lookat :P
doesnt that only follow players?
no :))

b_demo_lookat "tracks/follows" entities such as lights, trucks, bullets, players etc.

0 - 63 is reserved for players

the entities u want can be viewed using a debug cvar, eventhough their entitie number only lasts for X seconds (ex: panzer 3s long = 3s entities).
had no idea. nice.
learn with zhe master!

Ok kidding. Im waiting for new image to make some nice webcam to show the "power" of that cvar. I gonna tell it then.
noted down for future reference!
really nice colours, gj
fucking über super mega nice colours

also liked the drago part alot :>
something doesnt fit in
You forgot to say thx to xeoxis for drago mp3 but I forgive you.
Thanks to xeoxis for the drago's shoutcast + vote! much luv
man upload qkr xDD
i will upload tomorrow then (need to convert at owned.tv then). But the movie is soo bad :<<<<<< really dunno why u want it xD
some nice stuff.. but still could have done more with the music u used :)
noizz qualitiez lolz
i fail to see how ag0n made it into that list :P
Doesn't take alot to impress the et community, they have been deprived.
No stream available

wth ? =(
click on mirror 1.. its a stream.. dunno why it doesnt play at cf.. :S
but i wanna cf stream =(
11/10 on quality for Battery, lol.
you had a good thing and then you fucked it up by putting your own noobfrags in it.
: [ had to get a fast frag to fill the hole :< still it isnt that bad (ofc not! they werent blocking n stuff! XD)
very nice
butchji 10/10
Somehow the site doesnt even load.
Any help?
nice music.
Best colors at battery, also great frags performed by butchji @ supply n evrthin else... But rest was boring for me. Anyway good job, but I think u disappointed urs fans.

sry for engrish...?
nice colours quality and frags
well done dude :)
faux (and i dont remember but i think he is flixx) got busted for multihack
bs flixx wont cheat..
is there anywhere where you can download it?
day 30 im allowed to share it as a .avi :\
ok well already waiting for that day then ;)
awesome quality, just these CSish popus are shit..
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