Codec MP4 Filesize 77.00 MiB Length 145
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Joshua ET movie Trailer

edited by: United Kingdom haste

starring: Netherlands joshua
Joshua <333
my idol!
Really nice work m8!
Keep up the good work :)
GL with rest of movie :)
ur movie-student imPluX XD!
tbh one of the best trailers that i've seen.

good work
who gave you that song?

ruined it btw -,-
almost punched my wall at 0:31
Dude, you're not the best movie maker around here. So stop being so arrogant always.
you seem to know what you're talking about. i mean, i'm obviously arrogant if I don't rate every other mediocre movie with a 10 like a true fanboy.

also i never thought i was the best, i'm pretty humble really. i do think i understand movies a tad better than you ever would, though.
hahahhehehe D:D:D

oh the funnies rawr heeh :P ^v^
everyone other opinions:P so ofcourse there players that like and dislike the movie.
Since your a moviemaker do you see anything he can improve?
"you seem to know what you're talking about"

First of all thanks for the compliment.

Your comment really shows how arrogant you can be, I never criticised you as a moviemaker in fact iI just made it clear that you shouldn't think of yourself as the best moviemaker around here which I highly think most people would agree with me.

Your profile shows that your 16 which is really awesome if you look on what you've managed to do with just that young age. I mean you're an highly respected moviemaker but arrogance can really fuck you up sometimes.

Next time show some respect to the older ones and stop being that arrogant and negative.

But remember this is just my opinion so don't get fucking angry now and try to start a flamewar.
i've never once thought i was the best moviemaker in ET, you made that up yourself and then got angry at me for it -,-
dude stop deleting your comments
i replied to the wrong person, sorry?
To be honest I don't like fredds movie's. There always the same thing, with the music and all. But does show his skill in syncing ect...

Everyone has their own opinions. Like I liked the trailer and it was awesome, you don't see too many trailers like this nowadayz.
No point even trying to explain. People won't get it.
Quotei do think i understand movies a tad better than you ever would

don't know why but this made me giggle
liked it
killing guys that just revive each other just isnt cool. rest was nice :)
yea but it was vs T4Ce, its like the only time you have a chance of not dieing
indeed like your goldrush frag >:
I HAD 4HP!!1
nice trailer keep on working, gj :)

crossfire = place of whine remind that ;)
joshua is sick pwn3r
lol ja ne znal chto eto santje, dumal on propal, a eto kakoi-to random her golandskij :d
Cheap effects and still you managed to make it enjoyable. Looking forward to the full one.

Bonus point for killing atoon noobs such as sal & shitty.
aight josh
try to avoid that tv effect at the end it looks really cheap
i noticed some sync but u can spice it up a little more :)
gl with the full movie.
Hype pooned at 1:22 all I wanted to see
very nice
Thanks for the thanks....

Very minimalistic sync which totally ruined the song, unfortunately. Quite ok colors and great quality. Not really showing any content i'd expect a trailer to include.
Read the comments before i watched it and expected something mindblowing but in all honesty it wasn't special at all. That music gave you alot of subtle syncing opertunities but you didnt really do much with it.

Nothing new with the washed out colours either but i suppose the quality was alright. Good luck with your movie.
nice hoor
Please add hitsounds at least for the smg scenes in the movie.
coming in full movie, this was just a trailer
liked it
nicely done and stuff, but it's a cheap rip-off of fredd's movies?
sexy josh <3
I liked it :P Very nice job!
lekker hoor :p
joshua <3
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