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Iron-storm the Movie

movie by Nizou, starring Iron

Turisas - Midnight Sunrise
The Gathering - Shot To Pieces
Pantokrator - The hidden treasure

Had some random interruptions during the making of this movie, but don't want to discuss or blame them any more. Glad I got this finished, God bless you all! <3 :)
naais :P
Saw this 2 weeks ago
omg omg omg

e: disappointed :<

some rly nice actions, but some others (like 1 man longshots) weren't movie worthy imo. And it's too bad to have such a bad quality in 2009 :-(. Still a great rifle though :]
Ok, maybe I should say this about the quality.. I bought Vegas (no more warez for me) and picked the cheapest version without realizing it doesn't support higher resolutions than 800x600. But I don't really mind since it's really not the most important issue in this world. :D
Good reason not to buy PC-products
u should get 30-60 day trial instead of buying, then delete registry keys and use it again:)
nice movie really :o

Another nizou movie!

kinda 2006

great frags
epic <3
frags are amazing
the only small things i didnt like were: shadowed font and some unsmoothness eventhough there's 40fps
Spirea 1 1 1 1

hater :<
don't like rifle movies, still this was enjoyable to watch :p
so cuz its a rifle movie it deserves 1's?
where do I give 1's?
figured slartos comment wasnt without reasoning.
apparently u figured wrong :)
or u removed the vote, we'll never know
pic or didn't happen !
image: b8584648d89bf7c158f1ac593369ac53

Decent movie, liked the frags but the music was absolutely shit
r_drawworld 0 + green screening :)
more excuses!
so what? I have a cgame.dll / own coded wallhack for moviemaking.. easier n stuff, eventhough i've never had to use it
So what what? :D Just told how it is done, no need to get angry over it. If you have some other way, then good for you. :D It's not like this whole moviemaking stuff is a some kind of competition like it seems to be for some people. :)
well, the "so what" sounded bad... i just mean that there is easy ways to do it :) by using some detected bot for moviemaking purposes for example.

Sorry if it didn't sound as i wanted it. No hard feelings.
Aight, np. :) <3

The way I did it isn't really that hard either. :D
its the problem of being hard or not... it's just waste of time since you can do it like i said... but well, what is done is done so :)
wait, you say you coded your own wallhack? not sure i believe that :<
Learning some c# + checking tutorials at netcoders isn't that hard. Hexedit the cgame.dll with olly isn't hard too :\ nothing special
so you just copy cat a tutorial. i was already like wtf. yesterday he did not even know what an array is and now he claims to code bots.

great rise
coding a detected wh and coding a bot is completely different lol... just got the offsets and voilá.. easy task...

and there is no c# tutorials for "how to code a bot...".. everything is coded at c++ or c.. or wtv...
Tbh you could code one in C# im pretty sure, just would seem somewhat less efficient.
i know i could :) i just mean, there isn't much tutorials around for c#.. and the key inputs have to be hooked etc....
but i couldn't care less, its not my objective.
eiksne menny oikeeseen osotteeseen ku oon sairastanu kahesti? :)
oot parantunu täydellisesti?!?!
really like these sort of movies. music was great too.
Good music, good frags and some good sync.. the scene with hitsounds really fit there

disappointing quality for a highskilled moviemaker :<
everything +1 except the part about music :p
Remember him from -TT- public server using iron-storm, maybe tried to get back to basics with that name as a fragmovie title? P:
nice frags

frags 10/10

movie itself 7/10
Nice rifling , music was totally shit though.
great rifler and enjoyed watching :)
A skynade might be lame, but how can it be boring :S:S
i think he means its boring to be in the server alone, finding them and putting effort in it to remember them, and to learn when to time.

basically all the aspects that come into play when using one.
Well, your not finding riflenades when just being alone in the server, you can do that but takes long. While playing wars you will find out skynades yourself. Example: While waiting for the dyna to explode at main on supply you want to make yourself usefull, SKYNADE. That's how I come up with new riflenades. I've shared almost all of my usefull riflenades about now :P

oh and it's not lame, it's making yourself usefull :)
+1, personally I see no difference between a 3-man skynade and a 3-man spawnkillnade, both as 'lame' to me. There is no 'code of honor' in fragging, and there never will be. Excluding cheating of course..

but I find it a bit desperate to bind crosshair-stuff for skynades, they are afterall quite easy even without them :p
Some of my skynades have no recognition point whatsoever, so it's needed for some.
I use commandmap for such skynades..
ah please, you seriously think ppl spent a lot of time on empty servers finding the nades? These days I'd bet that most skynaders have an old riflecam which they use on a nonpb-server to find the best tricknades..
riflecams don't show nades that fly out of the map (which are called skynades)
just can't bother. if I hit or miss, it still sucks. it's pretty much the same when I said that delivery is one of the worst and most boring maps ever and someone asked "how u can think that when u play rifle??". if it's shit, it's just shit.

you think playing mortar was/is _fun_ ?
playing mortar sure was fun for one of my old mates - at least the result was^^

btw: nice frags - as always:P
(to nizou: tbh, the resoloution DOES make a difference to me:'C but still very much enjoyed your work - already because of the music :D)

PS: delivery IS the pain in the ass to attack...and pretty boring to defend...you really have no way to turn as allied:S
gg kaz ... on the other hand, awesome frags :-d
-1 for the religious propaganda!
sick frags (apart from random 1 man luger kill ^^ )


quality could be better!
nothing personal against nizou but i can't see why people seem to think he's a "highskilled moviemaker"

all the movies i've seen have been mediocre, including this one
he has done good movies, he has the skills to make good movies and he actually finishes his productions. thats what makes him a good moviemaker. he intentionally made this movie the way it was (besides the low reso)
it doesn't matter if it's intentional or not
oh, please elaborate on that
my point is that even when his movies are intentionally mediocre (why would anyone do that?) people seem to like them only because they see the name nizou

if this was made by some random moviemaker it'd get way worse ratings and people would be going on about "nice ruining the frags", not "nice frags"
even with the hint of truth, one word, jealousy.
I disagree that any jealousy is involved.
not jealousy towards movie making skills obviously.
Then what kind of jealousy are you accusing him of? :s
the comment feedback.
do you really think i would be doing the kind of movies i'm doing if i was aiming for comment feedback?
I dont know what you mean by 'kind of movies', but I think you care about the feedback regardless.
i really don't care what the average crossfire user has to say, no one in the right mind would
I never said u did. anyway, doesnt really matter afterall.
he is better than the majority :P
I have to say that I, personally, prefer nizou's movies to your productions
well, the movie from senti was rly good.
this one is bad indeed.
maybe because its purely about an opinion D:::
stop being the wnb me (copyrighted by the truthfully comment supplier)
Watch Random spam and Coolvibes, they are both a lot better than any of your movies.

If he has already had succes with his previous movies which are done with a different style, why should he stick to that and make another movie which fits with the trend? By the current trend I mean great sync + popular music and some overuse of cams. Were you expecting something like that? :/

This movie is good, better than average.
How old are you?
At least he finishes full movies!
oh man....

oh fuck..

oh fuck
he has its own style.. i liked seNtis fragmovie way more than anything you did. It is normal to you if i say, i can't get why people seem to think that fredd is such a "highskilled moviemaker"?
(definitely nothing personal either and not meant just for you, we should be able to reply to everyone at once :D)

Looking at all this arguing makes me feel a bit sorry I even released this since it really wasn't my intention to get people fight each other. I don't mind at all if I'm "mediocre", if at least some people like this. Moviemaking and gaming in general should be about fun and enjoyment, not a fierce battle over who's the best. :(

"Love your neighbor as yourself."
i'm not bothered about it. :)
would expect a bit more from movie of such great player as Iron is.
I dont care much about view, 800*600 is fine, just config could have been little better.
Also, there was so many "flying cameras" which I dont like much, confusing and nothing really seen there.
Some frags wasnt movie worthy, I dont mean these singlekills, these were fine, but these rifles, which every NOOB can do, these which every rifler do (e.g @ supply rifle shoot nade over that small hill and kills 3 men).
On the other hand, most frags were nice or great, music was +- nice :)
rifler = noob
oh cmon! :D
fact you dont like rifle doesnt mean, its noobish.. yes, its overpowerred, we all know this. but its not as easy as it might look like..
Decent movie, though I dislike rnade movies in general because its such an overpowered weapon; the only rnade movie i truely enjoyed watching was anomalous solution. Also the lack of gamesounds is just not for me. Still enjoyable.
very nice frags, i'm glad our team was the official supplier of your movie xD

on a sidenote, is this music or some locked up gorilla screaming to get out?
good to see your movie again
The frags seemed good numbers wise, but didnt seem that exciting, I put this down to the music being probably the worst music ive ever heard in a fragmovie :P probably popular in finland but spare the rest of us!
that has to be the worst music ive ever heard in my life, could only watch half of it.
music was rly bad, otherwise nice movie 7/10

Best riflefrags I have ever seen in movie, so to say it beats Raveneye&#039;s, Tiigeri&#039;s and Xylos&#039;
Music was bad ye and never listening it but still it actually fitted better in rifle movie than any other so didn&#039;t bother that much.

But yeah, best frags and gg ]aE[ Iron-Storm :D
actually watchable, expected some better frags from iron tho, not every 4man you were able to find

decent tho, gj both
4man nades?
he is just jealous, ignore him
not 4man nades, i mean that i`d rather see the movie 8 min long with all the good sprees instead of every 4man kill you could find :<

dunno wtf that pebzej means tho @ up
me likes =)
Nice frags, specially loved long rifle kills!
You could still have made higher quality, since most of the people nowadays have decent connections to dl even a bit bigger file.
sick frags music is for fins only :p
Don't blame the whole country if someone has a personal taste.
very nice frags but quality sucks :<
was boring somehow :[
<3 flok
nice frags but this movie is too oldschool. I expected more from you Nizou, since pulp fixion was awesome. But for that movie you didn't worked a lot, I'm kinda disappointed. Next time just take your time, or make RTCW movies !
random spam (juncie pf movie) > pulp fixion!
Nice frags rest is pretty simple
its fucking fragmovie... there shoudnt be any whine about resolution etc... some wanker from shaolin prod. can make ybercool looking full hd avis without any real frags.. there u have like 10 mins of great rifle frags and decent cfg.. wtf more u need from fuckinfg ->FRAG<-movie..

This beats those overedited+shit frags euromovies 100-0
liked it
Disapointed tbh. Quality was off, music was amongst the worst i have ever heard in a fragmovie. Having said that i did turn it off after about 2 minutes, so maybe i missed summin
Im surprised you managed to get enough kills for a fragmovie,I thought your specialty lies in teamkilling. :(
fragging u is my nr1 speciality ! tk-movie next?
i liked the frags! specially the one on frost where u knock down the obj guy, music sucked, i never rly care about the quality so, enjoyed :>
epic frags!
wow i just love nizous movies. they are simple, and always contain the most awesome frags. bestest!!!
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